I was sitting in the living room watching tv and all of a sudden i thought the heat kicked on but the furnace wasn't on.
As I sat there the whole felt like it was at a strong vibrate and BANG it just stopped never have I felt something like this and was wondering if
anyone had a similar experience
I have no idea why or what caused it but it was real enough to make my feet uncomfortable if I put them on the floor and even the couch i was on was
vibrating from the floor
Not sure where you are or how long back you’re talking about . I’m terrible with remembering time but a little while back I had two separate
experiences very similar to what you are describing. My daughter was present gor at least one of them. I’m in North Carolina and I did check for
earthquake action online but it only showed the slightest bit weeks before. It was definitely strange to say the least. There was not any loud bang or
noise at all that accompanied it.reply to: penroc3
Sorry it may have been me!
if you live in birmingham UK.
I some time do sound experiments.
I use a big amp and subwoofer speakers.
with the right low frequency I can make the door floor and more vibrate.
it is like a earth quake!
if not cheak for earth quakes near you.
download a program, Equake 3d. its very good. and safe! download.cnet.com...