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Are people being told who they should 'Want' to date?

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posted on Feb, 8 2021 @ 05:38 AM

originally posted by: Morbidlynx
I think most people don't want somebody who's overly bossy, contolling, vitriolic, or manipulative. Unfortunately this seems to be harder and harder to find these days. My personal approach is to generally live and let live. You and I will never agree on on particular subjects. The concept of agree to disagree has been completely lost on recent generations. I personally think it's pretty sad.

The trouble these days is that kids expect prince charming to drop into their lap, and if their SO asks them to put a pot of coffee on they react as if they've just been told to pick cotton in the fields with the rest of the slaves.

We're talking extremely unrealistic expectations plus some kind of warped idea regarding slavery and liberation.

posted on Feb, 8 2021 @ 06:59 AM
Woke woman dates non-woke man and expects to "save" him or "fix" him. It never changes. This is the way it was when I was back in school only now conservative boys are the new "bad" boys to date.

I have to wonder if this is anything like transwomen getting mad that straight men won't date them ... or lesbian women for that matter.

posted on Feb, 8 2021 @ 08:58 AM
That is how a lot of folks try to make it work now. When my daughter was a teenager around 5 years ago she was told that she was racist for not being attracted to a certain group of people. She wasn't called racist by the guys that were interested. Nope. She was called racist by a girl sitting across from her when it happened on the bus. So she was offended on behalf of the guys who were not offended when my daughter was honest with them when they asked.

There are a lot of young people who seem to enjoy being offended on behalf of others who aren't really offended at all. It seems to be spreading rather quickly to the older generations as well.

Every single person has a preference or preferences. Things that they find attractive and not attractive and I am not sure why that should offend anybody.

I'm small chested. Plenty of men prefer a woman with a bigger chest. In all of my 44 years it has never occured to me to be offended by that. I'm not for every body and neither is anyone else.

posted on Feb, 8 2021 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: Morbidlynx

"The concept of agree to disagree has been completely lost on recent generations. I personally think it's pretty sad."

I think this is completely spot on. I've thought the same thing many times over the last few years. I also find it incredibly frustrating that most people that I know personally and online always seem to have this need to always be "right". Does not matter what the subject is, if you have an opinion somehow theirs is superior. I just limit my actions with them now, like you said live and let live, that's my mindset too.

posted on Feb, 8 2021 @ 01:26 PM
Sounds like another issue of the loudest fringe voice makes the headlines. (Not the youtuber but the blogger she references)

Alot of people aren't political or focused on "woke" issues when it comes to dating. Sure there is women who will say "swipe left if you like Trump" but ultimately,
If you're attractive and have a nice job you will get alot of interest.

Just like in any other century before dating apps.

And it's probably just angry woman who got dumped after rambeling about social warrior stuff.

And know what's funny? The people, like this youtuber, who rattles against the social warriors make alot of money doing so.

and at the end of the day, most of this stuff affects very little people.

posted on Feb, 8 2021 @ 06:05 PM
a reply to: Kangaruex4Ewe

I'm small chested.

There are two general types (with everything else in between.)

Big Titties liked by around 50% of men.

Firm Titties liked by the other 50%

You have firm ones.

I like firm over large any day.


posted on Feb, 8 2021 @ 06:20 PM
a reply to: CryHavoc

I didn't watch the video and I should not be posting, but I can't resist.

I spent the first twenty years of my life being told what I could and could not do. From age 16 to age 20, I was not told who I should be dating, but who I could date.

I have three very dear friends that had arranged marriages, and had never laid eyes on their husbands prior to the match. All three have very good and happy marriages. One is Jewish, the other two are from India. All of us are in our sixties. All of them have been married over thirty years.

For me it didn't work out. I didn't listen. No surprise there, and likely why I never married. But three out of four ain't bad.

posted on Feb, 12 2021 @ 10:26 PM

originally posted by: blueman12
If you're attractive and have a nice job you will get alot of interest.

Some people don't even need to be attractive, if they have the right nice job, but that's another Thread.

posted on Feb, 14 2021 @ 01:44 AM
We agree. In my experience it's no longer an expectation that both people be their own person but that if you disagree you're attacking them. And trying to negotiate a middle ground is nearly impossible. It's often their way or the highway. You can offer constructive criticism and be crucified but alternatively if you dont bow down to the other party's demands you can expect to be mentally and emotionally abused.

originally posted by: Katatonik
a reply to: Morbidlynx

"The concept of agree to disagree has been completely lost on recent generations. I personally think it's pretty sad."

I think this is completely spot on. I've thought the same thing many times over the last few years. I also find it incredibly frustrating that most people that I know personally and online always seem to have this need to always be "right". Does not matter what the subject is, if you have an opinion somehow theirs is superior. I just limit my actions with them now, like you said live and let live, that's my mindset too.

posted on Feb, 14 2021 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: Morbidlynx

That exactly has been my experience as well. Especially the trying to find the middle ground and getting crucified by offering constructive criticism. Also known a few people who expected the bowing down and then started being mentally and emotionally abusive, definitely cut them out pretty quickly. There are a few who I still talk too (family) but I just only interact on a as need basis.

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