posted on Feb, 9 2021 @ 10:18 AM
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O.k, well lets be somewhat realistic. However its going to happen, the Global and National elites are going to control people, control the masses.
There's nothing anyone can do about that. The main reason is because they "can" and the development of the Internet, Alexa, Cameras everywhere,
tracking devices and soon tracing devices has facilitated that. And all those devices and systems are operated and controlled by Big Tech which makes
Billions off their development, deployment and maintenance. Its just going to happen.
I think it does matter however how its managed. Its quite obvious to me that the US Elites have decided to adopt the Chicom Fascist system while
maintaining some elements of Free Enterprise. And there's no stopping that and the recent election is a perfect example. Going forward, elections
and particularly Federal Elections are going to more resemble a SXSW experience than a real election. The "results" will be managed as never before.
They will be micromanaged by Big Tech enterprise software. What does that mean going forward? It means that for all practical intents and purposes,
Elections will simply be exercizes to maintain the illusion of choice all the while producing the Elites desired outcomes.
However, all that having been said, thank God they've chosen the Chicom model which will afford the peasants with the opportunity to participate in
some form of Free Market Capitalism.......a far better outcome than the Starvin' Marvin in the Dark Communist model.