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Mosquitoes Engineered Into Flying Vaccinators or Flying Syringes

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posted on Feb, 3 2021 @ 08:33 PM

originally posted by: Doxanoxa
a reply to: Encia22

Good thinking on you psrt, well done.

Given the idea was being worked on, and is in the public domain, how long do you think the 'ethical issues' well block delivery of a suitable vaccine/virus/poison?

Theoretically, I think the ethical hurdle will never be passed unless mankind risks extinction and it becomes the only way to survive. Otherwise, a Big Brother scenario could render ethics and morality a mute point. Who knows?

posted on Feb, 3 2021 @ 08:51 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: Encia22

If the virus doesn't survive transmission via mosquito, wouldn't an mRNA vaccine for it have identical issues of degradation?

I didn't look into it further than reading that insects don't carry the virus. Perhaps airborne viruses are not contagious via insect bites, even if they were carriers somehow. Though, on the contrary, a vaccine is typically injected and works through our bloodstream. If the vaccine can survive in the mosquito, without degrading as you said, then perhaps it could work. If not for coronaviruses, maybe for other pandemics. This is all supposition on my part as it's not something I'm heavily into.

However promising the studies, I see so much that can go wrong and get out of control; how could they reverse the process. Also, I sense the randomness of a mosquito biting us all equally isn't very scientific. For instance, I believe mosquitoes prefer biting women, so equality is already a non-starter right there.

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