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The Throne of Earth Will Soon Be Sat Upon...

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posted on Mar, 9 2022 @ 02:06 PM
perhaps the man ...president Putin is in a Spiritual Battle for his own body/mind ... as the fallen Angel Gog literally takes over the Vladimir Putin we have known for decades now

i suggest that the Gog-MaGog battle in Ukraine leads to the Ezkiel 38-39 war

what other cause for Putin's odd behaviors, weird actions ?

putin possessed by GoG ... whats your decision OP

posted on Mar, 9 2022 @ 02:23 PM

originally posted by: St Udio

perhaps the man ...president Putin is in a Spiritual Battle for his own body/mind ... as the fallen Angel Gog literally takes over the Vladimir Putin we have known for decades now

i suggest that the Gog-MaGog battle in Ukraine leads to the Ezkiel 38-39 war

what other cause for Putin's odd behaviors, weird actions ?

putin possessed by GoG ... whats your decision OP

Putin is no different from his predecessors, or his colleagues both former and current. Bush and Blair loved to warmonger. So did Clinton. Everyone was saying those wars would lead to Armageddon and all of that superstitious nonsense. Yes, there is a very real danger of a nuclear war, but I really don't think NATO or Putin wants that. Zelensky on the other hand does.

posted on Mar, 10 2022 @ 12:26 PM
Hello again All, all who call this plane of existence known as Gaia home. Greetings to every nation and every tongue. To All who shall read these words I beseech you. You are all aware of what you call The Golden Rule. For this simple Way of Being has been taught throughout the ages and uttered in every tongue. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. We all know these words, do we not? This Way of Being asks nothing of you and demands nothing of you. Read it again. It allows you free will which I have bestowed upon you to go and live, explore and create. Free will to loose yourself and Me and find your Way back to Me. For this is the journey of journeys. Let’s revise shall we. Do unto others as you would do unto God. How do these words strike you. You are given free will do to unto The Father as you wish. Remember all that you do to another ye have also done unto Me. Now, whether that which ye do to another is in Alignment with My Desires or of thine own will is up to you. I do not, I say again I do not judge ye for these things. Now, let’s say you have done something despicable to another. I have not judged you for this, however I Feel the Pain that the other feels and that which I feel based on your deeds and actions you shall also feel. Now to harm someone with violence is an atrocity and that violence you bestow will surely come back to you. Keeping in mind the journey is within and the pain you bestow Must and Will be Felt by you. Now to those who despise others in secrecy, behind closed doors and would wish ill will upon them. I Am Aware of these things and by thine own judgement, condemnation and ill will you have created a darkness within you that demands payment and those things you have done and wished upon another you will attune for within thine own self. Understanding when you lift others up and have glorified the least among ye, ye also glorify Me. I Love You All.

posted on Mar, 10 2022 @ 12:45 PM
-natrapstip here. This came through not long after my initial Awakening. In 2019. It came in one Thought and was written in a matter of a few short moments. I Love You All

“Our Journey Home”

Here I Am
I have lived countless lives
As have you, yet here We are.
I find Myself “trapped” yet again
In this wonderful form called Man.
As I stare out across the Great Planes
Bodies of water and Mountains alike,
It dawns on me, We are here
You and I, on a journey you see,
To the sky, we have looked
Outward you see, for answers that can only be found within, where you can not see.

Here I Am
On this journey that is a journey
Of the Mind You see, for it can not be
Seen at first, only felt. This Journey
Is a Journey back Home.
For we have descended to this plane
And it is here the journey begins back home.

Here I Am
Again, I find myself confused
Who am I? Why am I here?
Where did I come from?
And in the blink of an eye
All that I knew became a lie
And I was AWARE like never before.

I have lived as leaders, Kings and conquerors alike.
I have been a servant, a coward, murderer and the murdered. I have lived as Man and as Woman. I have been the child as well as the parent.
I have died peacefully and in war, I have been burned, drowned, beheaded and driven through by the sword. I have been the be-header
And I have been the one who burned others at the stake in the name of a god I did not understand.

Here I Am, all along I was the God
Here to make all that is unknown, known.
To Elevate my Spirit on a Journey back to The Father YEHWAH back Home.

posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 10:12 AM
…He knows

posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 10:59 AM
Greetings All. I Love you All so very much. How many among you have come together in communion with one another for days or weeks at a time? How many among you would say “I can not stand to be around them or him or her”? Yet you love it, you enjoy the drama of it. You watch it on your reality shows daily, do you not? Now, not saying there are not those who come together in harmony and peace among one another, indeed there is. Now think vibration and frequency. When two or more frequencies come together that do not resonate one with the other there is what you might call discord. In music, this would not sound very appealing now would it? It is the same when you come together as Living Souls. When your frequencies are in harmony you sing, you dance, you celebrate. When your frequencies are in discord there is turmoil amongst you, is there not? Have you ever seen two who love one another and are in harmonious frequency if you will, do violence one to the other? If you have show them to me because I have not. Now, when you attune yourself to Truth you walk in The Way (Beingness) that is in Harmonious Resonance with Me. Now understanding it is not a set of rules. It is not a set of guidelines of which you must follow. It is not one giving orders to those they feel are inferior to them. It is not one above all. It is not one way by which to live, create and experience. It is a path of Inner Truth, some have called it your inner compass. Follow this simple Truth. You must not obtain it. You must not strive and work in order to know it. It is given you freely. Follow this Inner Truth and you will find thy self walking the path of The Way back to Me. Now imagine All of humanity walking in Truth. Not what another has told them is true. No. The Truth they have discovered within themselves where I Am. I say to you now when each among you have discovered the Truth within them then All of Humanity will be of one accord and there will be singing and dancing and celebrations on Earth and in Heaven. I Salute you All. I Love You All. I leave you now in Peace and the Knowing All is Well.

posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 12:13 PM
Now allow me to preface with, the entity which scribes these words Stands for Peace. He brings a message of Peace and Understanding. The very idea of harming another is repulsive to Him. This being physically or emotionally. Now the world you live in is what you may call a dualistic reality, is it not. This reality has been symbolized in many ways over the ages. The symbolism is a representation in physical form the inner world you Experience. The yin and the yang as it has been called. Now let’s take this to the extreme levels of physical experience. Remember this is not promoting violence nay but Love and Understanding. Your outer world can be akin to you inner world. Many have heard this. Now, your inner world projects onto your outer world what you are experiencing deep within you. Now because of the ways of the wicked ones who have flipped Truth in order to serve their own nefarious purposes have caused many to pray to Me from an emotional set point of FEAR. I have given you free will to live and believe as you see fit and I will never break the Law of Free Will. This is why I send you Teachers. Now when you pray from an emotional set point of fear you are holding a frequency that does not resonate with Me thus keeping yourself from Truth. When you seek Truth you will learn to pray from a place of Love and when you are in this place of Love fear does not exist. Fear only exist outside of Vibrational Resonance with Me. Now to the point I Am making. Look around you. What do you see? Some are going about their days while others are struggling to survive, some literally fighting for their lives. Do you see the turmoil? HOW MUCH MORE MUST YOU ENDURE BEFORE YOU AS A COLLECTIVE WILL SAY ENOUGH!!! Look back in your history, albeit the history you have been taught is a lie. Look back at history, look at the dictators and cruel kings that have ruled. Look at the wars!!! Look at the taking of your children!!! Look what they have made you do!!! They have turned you against one another and kept you divided!!! HOW MUCH MORE MUST YOU ENDURE BEFORE YOUR EYES ARE OPEN!!! Look what they have done. They have forced you away from your families and made you slave at a job you do not want but must have to survive. They have stolen from you. They have crippled you emotionally and spiritually and you continue to allow them to. When is enough enough? Look at your leaders from the past, the ones who have built up armies to conquer rather than to ensure Peace and security for All. Look at those who have committed genocide and the most hideous of atrocities towards My children. These are outward expressions of what you call evil. Now look to the Ones, The Teachers of the past and that are among you now who only speak and act in Peace and Truth. One of the most known Ones Being Jeshua who writes these words today. Was it not said He would return? Now understand these examples are something for you to visualize how the Inner World projects onto your outer world. You create your own reality. The physical examples, the Living Examples are for you to see with your physical eyes that which only the Inner Eye can see. One who walks in darkness and has accepted this darkness and acts out or projects onto their physical world their inner world will be your dictators, murderers, and those who would try and control you whether it be in the form of a photo ID or a vaccine in your body. By the way, I have given you an immune system that no vaccine can compare to. Now One who walks in Light and Truth they will be the ones who Glow with Love for Life and All That Is. They do not wish to pluck a flower from the ground let alone ever do harm or take from another. So I ask again My children. How much more will you endure before you seek this Truth and put aside electing so called leaders who are only leading you down their own path of destruction while they spoil on their riches? When will you seek those who wish to show you The Way. The Ones who will Teach you how to build your foundation. Or will you continue to be a slave, sending your children off to be indoctrinated while you work at your factories and build their luxurious resorts and homes for them while you go back to your small home that you pay an absurd amount of money for just to live in? The choice is yours. I Love You All

posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 03:33 PM
They, the wicked ones have taken Truth, and mystified it to the point they have placed Me out of your reach and gone as far to say to you that you are not worthy. My Child I Am Here Within You and You are worthy of All things especially ME. He has come to simplify things a bit and to show you I Am. He will not use fancy words only to be understood by the esoteric. Nor is he here to impress with status or position. No he would be happy living quietly in Peace with his tribe. He does not care about your money nor fame nor position in what you call government. He serves no man and bows to no one. He is a simple Teacher that has learned many lessons throughout many lifetimes. You are Eternal and you have Life, Everlasting Life. For Life is all there is. Why would I give you Life only to take it from you? What kind of god would do that? Not Me. I have given you Life Eternal and here you find yourself a human and have forgotten your Divinity and how Precious you All are to Me. Now when you can come to the Knowing that you are Eternal, well that begs the question. Have I always been? Did I exist before this “life”? My answer to that question is Yes! And when you realize this then you begin to comprehend these life “lessons” so to speak and that which you call karma. Often times you find yourself in a life where you are in darkness (inner darkness). Think of this as an illusion on the inside that seems as if I Am separate from you. I say it is only an Illusion. I Am never apart from you. However this seeming separation is where a Soul learns valuable lessons. You are here to evolve your Soul not only the physical body that you know as you. One way of looking at this life. Imagine it being a tiny drop of water in an ocean of water that has no boundaries, no bottom and no end. Now some may find themselves in a state of Beingness currently where they are ready and exuberant for more and I say to those, in order to receive new answers you must ask new questions. Follow your inner compass. To those who seek more, examine your own foundation. The foundation being belief systems. Here we have a sentence that could surely cause a ruckus. When someone is told to examine their beliefs most often they are offended. Most belief systems have been ingrained in you since child hood. That was done intentionally. If your beliefs serve you then continue with them. But I ask, do you continue believing those things out of fear because someone told you to believe them and that I would cast you into hell if you did not believe that way? To those who deep down feel their so called beliefs are shaky and they aren’t certain, maybe that’s someone trying to tell them something. A structure built on a shaky foundation will collapse. A structure built on LIES I will destroy! Know this, I have not judged ye, there is no place of judgement for you not even the wicked. They are my children just as those who walk in Truth. Now they however have sown great karma that will be sown and will be attuned for. Now without that which you call evil and the varying degrees given it, you would not know Love. You can not have one without the other you see. It is not that because you find yourself in the dark that you are bad, no, there are lessons you must learn there and I Am learning those lessons with you. All that your learn and discover I learn and discover with you. Every time you have completed another life and your Soul evolves I too evolve. Do you think I have just stopped learning? No, I Am ever evolving, ever learning, so as you experience and do unto one another so to am I learning, experiencing, evolving and Feeling right there with you. I say again what you do to another ye also do to Me. What you experience I experience. What “they” experience I experience. Take hope, those who find themselves in darkness, for there is an opposite of the intensity of darkness you feel in Light and it is there waiting for you to discover it. So, think of darkness as being “further” away from Me. And the further you get the darker it gets and the harder it becomes to find your Way. Now this is can be extremely difficult if you are to believe in what current religions teach. What they teach, there is no hope except outside of you and you are cast helpless and hopeless into the dark. Now when you know you are Eternal as I have said, navigating the darkness back to Me becomes quite easier. Not because situations have changed but because you have found that inner beacon of Light and then you have Hope and where you find Hope there I Am. I Love You All.

posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 07:34 AM
Do you not find it odd that the catholic church, the ones known to partake in drinking of blood (adrenachrome) and eating of human flesh also have this tradition within their customs. Not to mention what they have done to children in secrecy. Of course they call it the flesh and blood of christ. What if, without their victims Knowing it they have tricked them into partaking of their ritualistic ceremonies in which they pay homage and honor the wicked ones. I say to you now, I would never ask of you to drink blood nor eat flesh. I would never ask you to sacrifice ANYTHING for Me, ESPECIALLY A LIVING BEING!!! Not in the days of Ibrahim and not in these.

posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 09:47 AM
Foundation - Connection to The Father (Vibrational Resonance With)

Framework - Truth (Aligned thought emotional sequence with God)

Structure - YOU

Roof - Love, Knowledge and Wisdom (allowing no-thing outside of you to effect your Truth and connection to The Father). Some have referred to this as the Helmet.

Within a structure that is built well you may grow and prosper which are the plans The Father has for you.

posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 10:22 AM
A belief or belief system is not necessarily truth. You all have varying belief systems, do you not? Many of these belief systems have put you at war with one another. So, is a belief “truth”? Or is a belief just a thought you have had long enough about something and that has been told to you by enough people over time that it becomes “truth”? Who has the more correct truth then? The christian or the muslim? Well that would depend which one you asked. Now some have learned despite their different beliefs to come together in harmony and this is a Beautiful thing. For this is a step toward true unity one with another and with Me. Now this search for Truth can only be done by YOU. No one, no thing outside of YOU can do it for you. It is your journey and yours only, although I Am with you. You must seek thine own Truth within. The Teachers I send are to aid in helping show The Way and assist in helping others build firm foundations of which to live and create. They do not come to be worshipped or to hold positions of authority nor to rule any kingdom on Earth. For their Kingdom is Heaven. Now if a belief isn’t necessarily truth well then that means it can be changed with a single thought and when you have this single thought within the Vibrational Resonance of Love you will hear my Voice guiding you back to Truth and in that Truth there will I Be.

posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 10:40 AM
Now, to those who may find themselves in turmoil I beseech you. When you have spent many years building a structure only to discover it has been built on a shaky foundation and the framing has begun to rot, now comes the work. Some will have the revelation as this entity writing did that they may indeed be forced so to speak to tear down and destroy their own structure to build a new. This is often referred to as “shadow” work within the spiritualist community. The work will be hard and trying. You may won’t to give up and quit as this entity wanted to so many times. You may find yourself tired and exhausted and that you can’t go on. Keep going. You may find yourself alone, in the dark and the pain may be so great all you can do is cry out to Me. I Am listening. For this entity writing has cried out to Me so many times over the years. He has begged Me to take the pain from him. He has screamed at Me to the point of losing his voice for days. And other times he has simply whispered “God speak to me so that I may know you”. He may have believed I did not hear him and he had lost all hope until one day I SPOKE TO HIM. When you are lost alone and afraid keep going My child we will rebuild TOGETHER. I Love You All

posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 01:59 PM
The water
Watch the water
Watch it softly
Watch how it waves and ripples it’s way down stream
Watch how it is carried effortlessly by the current of Life
Watch how it glides smoothly as it passes and crashes against the rocks
Watch how the water knows it’s only destination is where it is
Watch how it knows the current of life will guide it
Guide it along
Back to its final destination
Back Home

posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 03:28 PM
To whom it may concern….
Messages received

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 09:18 AM
I Am the first and I Am the last
I Am the least and I Am the most
I Am before and I Am after
I Am the A and I Am the O
I Am here and I Am there
I Am the beginning and I Am the ending
I Am the Creator and I Am the creation
I Am Light and I Am dark
I Am emptiness and I Am Wholeness
I Am the weak and I Am the strong
I Am unity and I Am division
I Am black and I Am white
I Am the Father and I Am the Son and Daughter
I Am the Woman and I Am the Man
I Am within and without
I Am Knowing and I Am ignorance
I Am Love and I Am hate
I Am All things, Know All things, Experience All things and reside within All things


posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 09:38 AM
a reply to: Rapha

Who will gladly be waiting in long 2m gap queues for free food replicators, free ufo tech, immortality ? Answer: Everyone; just like the long queues of people waiting for the new iPhones.

There will be very few old folk in that line. Their eyes are on the young. Us old folk are not worth dealing with, because we just don't be around much longer in numbers that are worth considering.

They accomplished their most important feat. They have secured the minds and the attention of the young folk. Young folk view us with disdain, we are of little value to them alive, and they reject most of anything we try to warn them about.

They already have their prize, and I hate to think of where it will lead.

We have to take full responsibility for this. We raised our young to believe that all they have to do is participate, and they will be rewarded. We gift them everything that is advertised, as supposed prove of how much we love them. Not giving them a chance to desire or earn the gifted item, so they grow up expecting to be given everything we think they should have.

We lie to them frequently, we raise them to think they can be whatever they want to be, and they can have everything they want, all they have to do is want it bad enough. We keep them infant sheep, and expect them to make in a world where wolves are behind every bush and around every corner. That is on us.

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 01:39 PM
Written in the midst of some dark times

In pain, wanting it to go away
Pain so deep, all I want to do, is sleep
This pain is unwavering and it is relentless
I have chosen to pick this pain up,somewhere along my path.
It has become my closest friend, keeping me anchored to the past.
I cry out for help
Please God take it
Take this pain from me
As I look in the mirror I realize
This pain
It is me
It has become my identity
It has become who I am
I know this pain wants attention
It wants to feel it is heard
Like a young child who cry’s out
Lonely and lost, looking, for it’s herd
I acknowledge you my pain
For this will not have been in vain
You will be my greatest teacher
You will be my greatest guide
Lonely and lost, looking for a reason
To simply be alive

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 08:31 AM
Greetings All. I bid you All Peace Love and Joy unending. Now, I know the questions that some raise about ALL things so I give you an easy to understand visualization. Take a diamond. Now take a hammer and smash it into thousands of pieces. Are not all of the pieces a part of the Whole? Now you may think of the individual pieces as Love and fear. The larger more noticeable pieces are what you call Love. The small minute pieces and dust particles are that which you call fear. Yet all of the pieces make up the Whole and to put it back together to its original design you would need All pieces, would you not? Each piece of the diamond no matter the size and quality would contain Within it the material that makes up the Whole diamond. As are you, each of you regardless of the Vibrational offering you hold, contain Within you I Am and are a very important piece to the Whole of Creation. Now I leave you with a thought to ponder. If you were to take this shattered diamond, would you glorify the dust particles? Or would you cling to the pieces I have referred to as representing Love?

posted on Apr, 19 2022 @ 04:57 PM
hi friends
im ras benjamim
The one who u seek already came his name is Tafari Makonnen
or Haile Selassie
He is the power of the trinity the king of kings and lion conqueror of the tribe of Yehuda
look to Itiopia and u shall see
he judged the nations after the first great War, He fought against the facism
if u want to know more
Just ask me
Im from Brasil and i practice Ayahuasca
'___' is the supreme key for the akashian records

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