originally posted by: KansasGirl
a reply to: ElGoobero
Wait- I thought there was TOO much population. The earth can’t sustain the number of people on this planet, they tell us.
Which is it?
Short as I can make it and keep it making sense.
After the French revolution were were calls to cull the excess population in many nations for fear of further French Revolution style uprising's, the
ELITE of the day felt the guillotine at there neck's, in the UK this Excess population was dealt with by exporting them to other parts of the world
and France also did this despite being the very nation were Liberty, Fraternity and Equality had been the founding principles of there republic thus
showing the new elite that then ruled to be utter hypocrites.
This was the period most close that laid the ground for what we face today.
By the 1900's population was growing, despite the industrial revolution having caused vast swathes of the populations of rural areas to move into
urban areas in order to take advantage of the jobs in mining, textiles and other factory's of the industrial period the family unit was large enough
that despite incredible levels of infant mortality across the entire populace that villages and rural areas survived and this despite the often short
life span of the working class.
With the outset of WW1 some saw it as an excellent opportunity to send vast numbers of excess workers to fight and die so as to reduce there numbers
and this vile and utterly evil attitude of a small but very elite group was only exacerbated by Bolshevik revolution which returned to this later
generation the spectre of the Guillotine and once again struck fear of the people into there hearts so they prolonged the war as long as they could
and it only ended when the Germans almost collapsed unable to sustain there armies any longer.
Though a huge number of men had died the calls for social reform grew especially during the 1920's recession when Communists even grew to huge
numbers within the United States resulting in several massacres of poor and unemployed men calling for right's, jobs and government help in episodes
washed over and ignored by most modern Americans especially following the concerted and extremely successful effort to brainwash the US public into
believing that anything socialist is evil, even to the point were some of them find it uncomfortable to face certain Christian passages from the new
testament which are of course the probably TRUE origins of social ideology and justice for the poor.
By the 1950's after the second world war (When they had been forced in most of the victorious allies nations to build housing for war veterans and
help them get there lives back on track culminating in the UK in the establishment of a very British welfare system many experts started to prattle on
about the dangers of increasing global population.
By the 1970's they were even making propaganda film's showing a projected spill over from the third world and mass migration they accurately
predicted would inundate the first world though they were off by there claims since they at the time claimed it would occur in the late 1970's and the
In the hands of certain EXPERT's and under the rule of certain less than ethical governments additives were surreptitiously added to the reservoirs
of much of Europe while under the guise of inoculation jabs birth control compound's were administered, this was backed up with cultural
The result falling birth rate in the first world, diminishing classroom sizes in places such as the UK that even resulted huge numbers of our
pre-school's, primary school's and secondary school's closing down due to lack of pupils, further to this falling birth rate also affected the entire
In nations such as Spain and France rural areas were affected by young people no longer wanting to work the land so they moved to the town's and with
such low birth rates no children existed to fill the gap they left behind.
All across the former first world there are empty community's, rural areas given over to factory farming practices and small holding's vanished,
villages in many nations completely abandoned.
Meanwhile some city's have seen population growth of unprecedented levels BUT that is not down to the native population in places such as the UK but
rather down to migration, London for example now has an ethnic majority of NON British origin inhabitants and it is far from alone in Europe.
On the one hand most people don't want the migrants, more people push wages down, rent's up and also alter the culture, religion and traditions of a
But on the other hand Company's want these people and Company's OWN the governments more or less so the governments allow them in, even with open
arms in some cases in order to provide the expertise there own tradition of national mismanagement has conspired to rob the nation's of while not
doing much of anything, if anything at all to fix our own falling birth rates and lack of education for our children though they make big speeches in
order to get themselves re-elected and stay on there gravy train's.
Make no mistake our falling population was partially deliberate, clandestine sterilization often without the patients consent, additives in water and
food and even the environment we live in that is no longer conducive but instead hostile to children unless you are upper middle class were if
anything you have a 2.5 child family at most have all conspired to rob us of our people.
The motives, fear of social revolt, greed and a pure pseudo scientific stupidity.
And in China they had there own motives but it will in the end conspire to destroy there communist system as there failing birth rate will lead to
less control by there government not more, meanwhile India is not having this particular problem so expect china in about a hundred years to have an
Indian accent and plenty of curry shop's, be funny watching those borders collapse and the new mega state of the east probably being ruled over by
India but sadly we most likely won't live long enough to watch the made people of this world make another crazy age.
(And Gates and a few others have TRIED to sterilize the Indian and African Population's, China may even be now trying to sterilize the Africans as
they currently have grand ambition's to be the next colonial power to rule over Africa, but with that falling birth rate and population of there's and
the fact there current numbers have a severe shelf life problem they will not succeed).
And as always no one asks what is God's plan for all of this?.
Well it's not in favour of that Elite, the MEEK shall inherit the world.
edit on 28-1-2021 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)