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Did you ever have a dream which was more real than reality?

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posted on Jan, 22 2021 @ 06:57 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

I’ve had some amazing dreams that seem just as real as reality, almost like I’ve traveled to another country or something. Then I’ve had dreams which are a reflection of some reality or place I’ve actually experienced only warped and surreal in some way.

The most amazing dream I had was where I was communicating with a higher intelligence, it was explaining things to me that I couldn’t possibly know, I remember waking up with a profound understanding but this knowledge not being mine couldn’t be processed and was entirely forgotten..

I believe there are different levels of dreams, just like there are different stages of sleep. Some are processing every day life, others tuning into the collective unconscious or even other realities perhaps.

posted on Jan, 22 2021 @ 02:58 PM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
a reply to: Lumenari

And then I have recurring dreams sometimes. The one which sticks in my mind the most is a dream where I'm in a foreign country (not a friendly one either) and I lose my passport somehow. I usually lose it right before I'm due to leave to go home or to another country. The rest of the dream is just pure anxiety about how the hell I'm going to get out of the country I'm in without going to some gulag somewhere. I've done so much traveling in my career this was always something you paid close attention to anyway, and losing your passport was really bad ju-ju no matter where it happened. This is probably why I dream about it periodically. Plus, working in aviation, you can imagine some of the possibilities dreams might include. One time in one of these dreams I even figured out how to stow away on an international flight, but I couldn't figure out how to get back into the USA (in reality it would probably be not too difficult, but in my dream it was a huge deal).

I have only has 2 dreams where i was injured and it reflected In the real(matrix ref) The first was the one where i lived 20 years and woke up with bruises from head to toe as if i was shot multiple times. And the other was involving Unit 2 from evangelion. End of evangelion to be precise. Its weird to be the opposite gender in a dream. I was Asuka...and i got to experience the being eaten alive part...that was terrifying. i woke up screaming bloody murder.. i imagine thats where some of my bruises(deep bruises,not light bruises) came from. i had also bitten my tongue so my mouth was full of blood and the bedsheet was covered in it.

Doctor prescribed me some medicine and i stopped having such vivid dreams after a while. Its funny that in reality your brain can make your body reflect damage it gets in a dream if you are so deep in it you cant tell reality from dream.

You guys are lucky yall have not experienced a dream like that. Dream time is subjective,but the first one i had, i wouldnt trade that for the world even with the bruises. Still love that woman to this day. When I get to heaven,i dont want no mansion of gold...i want to go back to her.

posted on Jan, 22 2021 @ 07:31 PM

originally posted by: operation mindcrime

originally posted by: Lumenari

I can look up something on my cellphone dreaming. (browser).

I can use the calculator.

I can find something on Google maps.

But I can't make a call on my cellphone and have never received one.

Except in my reality, where I logged an average of 72 phone calls a day when I was working.

So you would think if I did it all the time, it should reflect in my dreams.

I can answer a phone (which is a landline) in my dreams.

But I can't call out.

It just doesn't ring.

I'm no psychologist but it would seem this dream would indicate that you have some underlying frustration about not being heard.

In your "goodbye ATS" thread you told about being on discussion forums a lot and I could understand that you would build up a healthy amount of frustration about people ignoring or not acknowledging you.


It was about 60 or so people that all had not only the same experience, but the same history of the "no phone in our dreams" experience.

As for me, I honestly have never had an issue with being not heard or not acknowledged... LOL

In my post I was referring to no longer being thick-skinned enough to deal with things like the Mud Pit here because of my recent loss.

It is a VERY rare occasion where online discussion hurts my feelings, for instance... but it happened once a week or so after she died so I wanted to be cautious.

Hope that helped.

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 01:50 AM
a reply to: Lumenari

LOL. I don't think I'm sexually repressed, but kudos for bringing that interesting perspective on what to me are just awesome dreams of flying! Who wouldn't want to fly? People who are sexually fulfilled? I can't make out the connection, but hey ho.

When I dream I can hear clearly, I can see in colour, I can't think of a time where the sense of smell was perceived (other than the unfortunate moment in which my dog was farting all night while sleeping next to me on my bed). The terrible smell manifested as part of the dream narrative, though I've forgotten how, I think I was keen to forget that one! I don't recall tasting anything specifically, though my penchant for smoking manifested as having ashes & grit suddenly apparent in my mouth.. I'm able to wake myself up in most situations, though I have had 'false awakening' nightmares occasionally, sometimes spontaneous, sometimes I'm deliberately targeted by demonic beings who manipulate the dreams as a show of power (this happened in a remarkable & terrifying way after I had joked with a Christian friend that demons were stupid beasts with no real intellect. The twisting complexity of the persecution & false awakening scenarios that night in my dreams - SEVEN false awakenings from one dream throughout the time of approximately 3 or 4 minutes until finally waking up properly.. Absolutely terrifying, and quickly dispatched with my nascent theory that demons were stupid. As the expression truthfully states, pride comes before a fall..) I'm able to read in a dream, and I've tested the theory that dreams cannot consistently display numbers or letters - I got about halfway through disproving that, though I never finished the experiment as something else took my attention. Generally I found that numbers wouldn't remain consistent if you looked away then looked back, but I did find that complicated written statements can remain consistent until you've read through the material once.

One thing that I've found remarkable was that I was able to experience real, actual pain in a dream which was entirely internal, there was no fire next to my arm or whatever - I was in a militarry base, as some sort of senior figure. The base was destroyed by a bombardment from above; in the moment the bombs landed, I felt my entire body enveloped in sudden, severe burning pain.. It lasted for a fraction of a second, before my astral body was rapidly pulled upwards & away from the place in which my body had just been destroyed. I took the deep reality of this event as a possible indication of my death in a past life - it was an incredible experience, very comforting in a way, knowing that we are taken away from that hellish event in a way that is controlled & compassionate, we don't experience the magnitude of suffering that we otherwise might.

I've never tried to do maths, but I have rarely been able to direct the events of a dream, though this is extremely rare for me, my lucid experiences seem to be at random & don't tend to last long or to operate repeatably.

To add some clarity to my own enquiry in this thread, I realised that the presence of God is more intense in dreams that occur in the layers of reality above where I seem to spend most of my dreamtime, which is the sub-lunary plane. When I dream of one of the realms of Heaven, the presence of God is stronger, more fully diffused throughout the environment, vivifying the entirety of the dream landscape, and all the feelings & emotions which come with that. I look back & remember several dreams of this nature with incredible fondness. They make the remainder of my challenging dream experiences more bearable, in the knowledge that one day only the positive experiences will remain, when I step through the door from this life to the next...

edit on JanuarySunday2101CST02America/Chicago-060006 by FlyInTheOintment because: spelling

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 02:01 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Bullets where hitting everything right around me from multiple shooters, and I was out in the open with no hope of escape, running as fast as I could (shoulder in a sling, like it is now) with no hope of survival. That's when I got so crazy mad I woke up.

WOAH! I swear I'm not making this up for dramatic effect, but I had an incredibly similar 'bullets flying, out in the open, no hope for survival' dream a week ago, in which my long-held ambition of becoming a serving military officer (which I used to really want to do, but couldn't because of a health condition) had come true, and I was participating in a patrol in a dangerous area (location not really specified) with my team, all seemed great. Suddenly it kicked off, bullets were flashing past & hitting the doors, window frames, all the equipment knocking about, and I was caught in the middle of it with no cover - I was hit (grazed) on the neck, and because I had no weapon in my hands at the time the attack started, I was reduced to crouching low, absolutely terrified, even begging the assailants to stop when I finally snapped. I woke up at that point feeling weak, ashamed, devastated that even though it was a dream that was totally unrealistic & designed to generate this capitulation, I didn't give a good account of myself, so to speak, devastated. It's truly bizarre to hear that you had a similar dream on the night I'd posted this thread. Perhaps there's a pattern, or synchronicity here, which warrants further thought certainly.

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 03:35 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

hate those kinds of dreams. the no win scenario. I think i have died hundreds of ways in my dreams.

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Dreams, little slices of rest. Looking over the first couple that comes to me, it's a little scary.

I have had dreams come true, and ones that seem to be happening in real-time.

I feel like our higher self is often helping to work through issues from our waking life. A chance to make the most of the silence our busy lives often lack. It's a shift of perspective.

Here's one of the more sublime dreams I remember:

I was walking home after a long hard day's work.

Unusually there was nobody around once I left work, and got closer to my house. It was a hot summer day, and dusk set in as evening approached. As I was walking, looking downward, I saw a strange sight. There was a huge tarantula on the sidewalk in front of my house. It was the size of a dinner platter!

The spider seemed different than any other spider I had ever seen. It was still, and I knew somebody would probably try to kill it. It was the biggest spider I had ever seen. I knew it was alive, but its stillness made me wonder how the hell this thing got there.

I picked it up and brought it into my house. I set it down beside the entrance and the whole time, it had just been kind of limp, and this wasn't very scary. I went to the living room, after taking off my work boots, and dropped off my backpack.

I went back to where I put it but didn't see it. I looked around a little trying to figure out where it had gone. I turned around and it had been walking directly behind me the whole time. I looked at it and got a strange feeling. The way it looked at me reminded me of a dog.

I was hungry, so I went into the kitchen to make a sandwich. The spider followed me into the kitchen, walking in behind me. As I got the ingredients ready, it just watched me. I turned to the counter to start making the sandwich and had the urge to put this tarantula on the counter. I wanted it to see what I was doing.

I put the tarantula on the side of the counter, nearest the sink. I was making the sandwich when I caught something moving out of the corner of my eye. A large wolf spider appeared and was striking the tarantula. The tarantula turned and faced it, but the wolf spider's strikes did nothing to this behemoth. After a few more short attempts the wolf spider climbed on top of the tarantula and sat calmly on its back.

The tarantula turned back to watch me. I started looking around my house immediately, for an aquarium where I could place them together, knowing my mom and sister would be terrified.

I had that dream some years ago. Basically, I had been feeling down about my problems in my life. I knew I wanted to address them but didn't know how to handle it. The big spider represents the big problems at that time that I wanted to address. The little spider represented the more obvious problems in my life before. The message I got at the time, was that by facing my big problems the little ones would fall into place.
edit on 24-1-2021 by dffrntkndfnml because: grammar

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 10:32 PM
a reply to: Lumenari

Dang it, Lumenari!!

Last night I had a dream about phones. I know talking about the phones here is what caused it. It wasn't any kind of an ordinary phone, it was some kind of a phone in a box attached to some major phone trunk lines. In my dream I knew what the phones were for, but I was not able to articulate their purpose to someone else (in my dream). I kept thinking to myself...'if I could just wake up, I could sort this all out and explain everything to these people!' When I finally did wake up, I sat there for a minute thinking about it, and I have no flipping idea what those phones were for!

So, question for you...when you have a dream, can you fall back asleep again and resume that same dream where it left off? If I wake up, but don't get up, I can resume a dream even though in my awake state I know it was a dream. I find this a very cool option which came with my standard issue brain CPU. There have been times when I woke up and was quite unsatisfied with the outcome of a dream, and I went back into that dream to straighten some s##t out!

I'm like... "No, no, NO!...that will just simply NOT do!! I'm goin' back in there and gonna' go start breakin' some s##t and denting some melons!!

Got my butt kicked a couple times, and had to make a couple goes at it, but eventually prevailed!


posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 10:37 PM
I had a dream where I was outside of hell, and if I didn't change a few things I could be sent to the inside.
My passed on mom was there and told me that they told her I had lost my happiness, (which was why I was doing things I shouldn't)
I told her I was sorry and woke up immediately after that in tears. That dream changed my fate.

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 10:41 PM
"When the LORD brought back the captives to Zion, we were like men who dreamed." Psalm 126:1

This one really hit me because I have had many times in dreams where it seems like I am getting a glimpse of higher dimensional consciousness. Levitating or moving objects with thoughts is probably one of the most pervading themes. It feels very real and I can feel my self in the dream purposefully concentrating my thoughts to move the object. If no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what the potential of God is, then I suppose anything is possible.

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