posted on Jan, 18 2021 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to:
While I concur with the assessment you present I would also like to delve into my thoughts on your last sentence, '' Because he isn’t one of them
and wanted to blow up the sh!t they have all been up to for decades.''
Simply put, though he was not one of them, he wanted to be. His rightful place was to be among the top flight wealthy. He utilized the business rules
he had learned and expected manipulations of those rules to carry him to the very top. They did not. He was not bright enough.
He hobnobbed with them, went to some of their parties and even threw his own to which some of them came. But advancing into that top echelon of wealth
and easy power eluded him. With ''I"m Donald Trump'' his ego pushed him to try numerous avenues to greater wealth and power. This product, that
product, it didn't matter, he would buy and sell until he happened upon the right equation to reach the heights he was destined for.
With his branding schemes failing to get him to the top, he jumped at the offer by NBC to host their comedy program. Where business acumen had failed
him he made a stab at entertainment celebrity to increase that brand. It worked, but not enough. Enter 2016
Increase his brand with a presidential run. Then maybe either buy out a media concern or start his own. But he won. Even better for the Trump brand.
Utilizing media as no other POTUS had before him, he mobilized his worker base. While all capitalists and corporations seek to control the cost of
labor, Trump seized on an even grander scheme for his labor. Sucker in millions and millions of volunteers to work for him for free by telling them he
was their champion, that he was the only one who could Save America, and Make America Great Again.
And did the rest of corporate America try to dislodge him from his perch? You bet your life they did. Because they could see more clearly than half of
the American citizens that he was a failure at business and if implemented, his planning and myopic vision could destroy not only him but the entire
structure of the game they all had been playing so much better than him..
He had bought and sold but never ever developed a sustainable capitalist plan other than buying out other failed concerns, slapping his brand on them
thinking that that would do the trick. The last four years proves this out. He slapped his brand on the Republican Party and tried to stick it on the
entire country. Trump's USA.