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China is Desperate to Control the Narrative of Covid-19's Origin - Whatever the Cost

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posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 09:32 AM
I have often wondered as to whether China was "salting" their Covid-19 numbers as China is a great place to visit and spend your money. As having been to China twice in my life. Once for school and the other to work. Its a really secure and cool country; politics aside. Getting back to their Covid-19 numbers, they are actually shooting themselves in the foot. I mean when I look at their total population versus to and compared with the rest of the world the numbers just don't add up. They are way too low. Being a USA deplorable, who sees a conspiracy almost everywhere, I first surmise that they had something either escape or leak from one of their Bio labs.

Or, it was a Bio weapon. You see, they just don't get the Ying and Yang gist of it as they approach the entire world from there eyes only as in I , me and my. As a good old fashioned Communists goes, their strategy is 1950's style propaganda. So in essence, they squatted over the edge of their boat in Hong Kong harbor on a Saturday morning after a night of binge drinking and launched some real bull sheep as I have personally witnessed. Now its circling back to haunt them.

Just like the movie Jaws.

In my opinion if they were transparent from the get go I would have a soft spot in my heart and give them a break from my rants about the crap they manufacture and sell here. Or, give them a pass on the Hong Kong or that Muslim roundup thing.

But nooooooo. They have to go little brother Kim Jong Un on the world. Jeeesh.

China is desperate to control the narrative of Covid-19's origin - whatever the cost

International experts from the World Health Organization trying to investigate the origins of the coronavirus in China, a year after it first emerged in the central city of Wuhan, continue to run into roadblocks. The delay for the WHO mission – already plagued by politics and posturing – adds to persistent worries that China will whitewash and frustrate the investigation. Indeed, a two-person WHO team on a three-week mission last August, aimed at laying out plans for further study, sat through a 14-day quarantine upon arrival and never visited Wuhan. This comes as Beijing engages in a relentless propaganda campaign to distract from its cover-up and rewrite the narrative – all aimed at claiming the coronavirus originated outside China. Officials have seeded a number of conspiracy theories, including blaming the US military for infecting China. The most recent theory flouted is to label imported frozen seafood as the culprit.

They need to toss The Mao Zedong playbook and get back to Confucius. I doubt they will.
edit on 7-1-2021 by Waterglass because: added

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 11:46 AM
I thought the WHO was in on it like the NIH and military. I won't trust any study results pawned off by the WHO.

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 12:03 PM
a reply to: Waterglass

I think it's hilarious that people don't believe China would release
a virus on the world. The CCP would kill everyone else on the planet.
If they were left to rule.

edit on 7-1-2021 by carsforkids because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 12:15 PM
a reply to: Waterglass

The world is controlling the narrative.. Facebook and youtube in full support of the WHO line. DOcters getting sacked for questioning the narrative. The EU has hired sock puppets to spread the good word of the virus on the internet.

Of not is that there is no scientific evidence to suggest this started in China. Infact it looks like its been around in different parts of the world before it was found in China.

So you should be asking why is msm (aka fakenews) peddling a story that it came from China when they have no evidence. What are they trying to achieve.

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