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real possibility coins in your hands the ear wax in your ears MIM's Street Talk lets find out

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posted on Jan, 3 2021 @ 10:21 PM
Any virus can survive on a coin. This has always been. But bacteria dies on most pennies made before the composition switched to mostly zinc. Copper is a natural anti bacterial. It's why many or even most door handles and plumbing fixtures were made of some kind of brass composition until greed decided cheaper plastic and iron/aluminum mass produced was more profitable.

posted on Jan, 3 2021 @ 10:48 PM

originally posted by: new_here
a reply to: one4all

I've seen you mention pleomorphic bacteria before.
Can you say a little bit about your basis for this conclusion, or where you learned about this?

All Roads lead to Rome.

I learned from the liars who are trying to suppress our cumulative evolving reality so they may control us all using small orchestrated "lagtimes" in communication and learning.

The scientific data cannot be totally ignored because they are using it to misdirect us cannot throw the Baby out with the bathwater so to speak.

Clearly there is some kind of block that is preventing the masses from realizing the truths about this wimpy little bug that can only hurt us if we dont know about it.

We now have a technology coming out that will eliminate this dynamic totally and completely by eliminating those "lagtimes".

Its really quite simple....there is NO SUCH THING as a VIRUS.

There are "viral sized' contaminates that can exist in our bodies.....but no such entity as a virus. what are you going to do?....are you going to throw out the scientific and medical research data on viruses because there is no such thing and you were lied to?.....or are you going to get pissed off you were lied to and dig deeper yourself to learn the truths?

I say throw out the word virus and simply replace it with Pleomorphic Bacteria then see what happens.Just do it dont overthink it things will fit naturally or they will not.

They used valid research on true causality to fraudulently invent the "virus" so they could apply the TRUE data discovered related to the pleomorphic bacteria.

They took the research data from the bacteria and devised a childlike method of suppressing the truths.

I hope you can find your way from what little I could provide... I myself have put this issue behind me in that its not my challenge to overcome....I honestly believe there is a pattern recognition ability some people just happen to have cultivated during their lives for whatever reasons and it helps them solve problems....a Formal Education poisons you and takes away your opportunity to ever learn freely at your optimal ability.

The world is simply so big and convoluted that if you do not use social media to push issues no one hears of them ever.... and I am very aware of this so I choose to not participate in social media and I choose not to be a crusader for truth .... I am simply another grain of sand on the beach.

Hundreds of people have cured cancer , and bad gut bacteria is covid is cancer.....full stop.

If hundreds of millions have cancer and if hundreds of THOUSANDS have worked to cure cancer and if HUNDREDS of People have cured cancer.....what the hell is the point of beating a dead horse?.....I refuse to even address that skewed screwed up dynamic.

I dont have some new never before seen method of discovering things others cannot....I literally cannot believe people cant see the truth for themselves.

So obviously the gap between my thought processes and the mass thought processes is massive.

I just cant believe people believe the bull# they are taught....especially when there are books and data that they can freely access to prove this to themselves.


Clearly these have been crimes against Humanity....hundreds of millions have died as a direct result of organized fiscally driven suppression and misdirection.

Believe me thousands and thousands of powerful impactful influential People both good and bad know this truth....they can fight it out......they control social media so they control disclosure....people like us are participating in and on a fictional Entertainment value website.....we will simply never be a weighted influence unless we decide to go full blown mainstream social media and of course because those conduits are owned by the People running the show so thats a no go unless one is on some kind of mission.

Have fun chasing the truth...I did.

edit on 4-1-2021 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 06:51 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

4.) Okay this sounds ridiculous. First, I wear a hearing aid and like most other wearers, I think me ears are cleaner than the average ones. No one else touches the insert and the remote for vol+/- other than me. Daily cleaning is mandatory to keep it functioning. I don't engage in exchanging earwax with others either.

It's know that the main transmission method is through air. It can be stable on objects but they need to get airborne again. The only way you could get it from surfaces is, if you touch them and then touch a place on or in your body where the receptors sit.

Like picking the nose after handling a shopping cart. Even then chances are small. Breath, don't panic.

posted on Jan, 5 2021 @ 08:15 AM

originally posted by: ThatDamnDuckAgain
a reply to: musicismagic

4.) Okay this sounds ridiculous. First, I wear a hearing aid and like most other wearers, I think me ears are cleaner than the average ones. No one else touches the insert and the remote for vol+/- other than me. Daily cleaning is mandatory to keep it functioning. I don't engage in exchanging earwax with others either.

It's know that the main transmission method is through air. It can be stable on objects but they need to get airborne again. The only way you could get it from surfaces is, if you touch them and then touch a place on or in your body where the receptors sit.

Like picking the nose after handling a shopping cart. Even then chances are small. Breath, don't panic.

Remember what happened to Hamlets Father?

posted on Jan, 5 2021 @ 01:03 PM
a reply to: one4all
I get it... Smart reference!

Doesn't support the OP's claim but nice try. Honestly. *acknowledge-ing nod's*

posted on Jan, 5 2021 @ 06:34 PM

originally posted by: ThatDamnDuckAgain
a reply to: one4all
I get it... Smart reference!

Doesn't support the OP's claim but nice try. Honestly. *acknowledge-ing nod's*

I have a Friend who took a Hearing Aide Practicioners course....I was a Study-Buddy.....there is actually a whole lot more to add but this issue is convoluted enough already.....LMAO.....ears are really quite interesting but are also gross.

One might assume that having hearing inserted would keep one safer than others.

I believe the gist of the issue is that the viral sized pleomorphic bacteria we are passing around has a lipid fat coating encapsulating it that allows it to live outside of the fluidic conduits it uses to exit an infected persons body....a 1/2 life if you there is a possibility that you could have the living bug land in one of your ears and remain there as a viable threat to you if you happen to itch your ear then transfer it to your inner body....its technically true.

This bug can exit its fluidic conduit anywhere anytime and it can end up anywhere lays around like a living viral sized bacterial dust that is active and dangerous until its lipid fat capsule is compromised and it dies.

edit on 5-1-2021 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 04:07 AM
a reply to: one4all

I'm just speculating now with this question, maybe you have an answer. Maybe you know that if you have something fatty or oily, you can use more of it to help clean it off.

Because it binds together, wouldn't the earwax that also contains oil and fat bind to the lipid fat shell and dissolve it? Exposing the viral core but still protected in fat. As it (however) escapes the fat conglomerate, it would not have that lipid shell anymore and quickly disintegrate in the environment.

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 12:37 PM

originally posted by: ThatDamnDuckAgain
a reply to: one4all

I'm just speculating now with this question, maybe you have an answer. Maybe you know that if you have something fatty or oily, you can use more of it to help clean it off.

Because it binds together, wouldn't the earwax that also contains oil and fat bind to the lipid fat shell and dissolve it? Exposing the viral core but still protected in fat. As it (however) escapes the fat conglomerate, it would not have that lipid shell anymore and quickly disintegrate in the environment.

Good observation.

Yes fat attracts fat.

The principal of the Liposomal Carrier delivery dynamic is similar.

You can hack your way into a cell using fat.

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 06:18 AM
a reply to: one4all

You can hack your way into a cell using fat.

Offtopic but this is how I treat UV-light burned or discolored dashboards. I use an petrol-oil mix to bring back the color to the surfaces, let it sit a few minutes and clean it off. Plastic and similar parts made from oil look brand new afterwards, you just have to know what type of material it is. This doesn't work on every dashboard, materials such as TPE (soft dashes), it will come right off / dissolve.

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