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Something Weird I noticed about Covid Prevention

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posted on Jan, 3 2021 @ 12:52 PM
Have 1 at wach door of the preschool I work at. They are alwas becoming cloigged and a big pain in the butt to clean.

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 02:46 AM
@ one time I was a Janitor....washing your hands is not as simple as many people think......heres the real story.....

Guy with dirty hands grabs Bathroom door handle or knob infecting it....then he does his business.....infects anything he touches flushing....then he walks over to the sink and punches a few drops of soap out of a dispenser to wash his hands with infecting that .... then he reaches down with his empty hand to turn on the water Taps and infects both of those....then he dutifully washes his ands for a Happy Bithday to Me amount of time......then he reaches down with both of his clean hands and shuts off the Taps....REINFECTING THEM BOTH....then he walks over to the Paper Towel Dispenser so he can dry his "clean" hands off and as he pushes or pulls the button or lever he infects that.....then he dries his hands....and pushes the garbage can lid in so he can deposit the used Paper Towel and he not only infects that but gets a nw Bonus bug from the Garbage Can lid to take home with him.....then he whistles as he reaches for the Bathroom Door Handle so he can open it to leave......infecting that.....and he is now off to the Races infecting as many things as he can touch before he gets another chance to "wash" is lol lol ROFLMAO.

This is precisely how it goes for the masses.

Think about that.

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: one4all

Not sure where you live but here most of the paper towel/soaps/faucets are automated - no touching.
Most germaphobes know get a piece of paper towel to open the doors.

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 12:57 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: one4all

Not sure where you live but here most of the paper towel/soaps/faucets are automated - no touching.
Most germaphobes know get a piece of paper towel to open the doors.

Most People do exactly as I just outlined...I was a Janitor and am a witness to this fact....the MAJORITY of people do what I just outlined to some degrees.

I know some Washrooms have touchless appliances and fixtures ect ect but that is not even worth discussing because so few places have them in the Global picture....same with Automatic Doors...sure they exist but Billions of doors are not like that.

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 01:48 PM

originally posted by: one4all

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: one4all

Not sure where you live but here most of the paper towel/soaps/faucets are automated - no touching.
Most germaphobes know get a piece of paper towel to open the doors.

Most People do exactly as I just outlined...I was a Janitor and am a witness to this fact....the MAJORITY of people do what I just outlined to some degrees.

I know some Washrooms have touchless appliances and fixtures ect ect but that is not even worth discussing because so few places have them in the Global picture....same with Automatic Doors...sure they exist but Billions of doors are not like that.

Excellent points.

Real world experience, trumps feelz any day.

edit on 1/4/2021 by MykeNukem because: eh?

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 02:03 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Happy New Year, pllus Happy everything for Oncoming years ahead to One and All;

Having said that, Hygiene is indeed Everyone's Best friend. Also consider our day by Dady Hospital Surgeons / Nuses. Surgeons Have, Are, Forever, shall Have to Wash and indeed Scrub their Hands prior to each and every Operation............. So far the Argument makes sense, But JAGStorm does sometimes forward a thought of such a such a question as 'WHY'. Why have Global Government's now started to emphasise such words as @Consistent Hand Wash'. Hygiene is Fully Supported.........Yet the so called 'Q' did at one point state, WATCH THE WATER. .............. That is what Many are Thinking aqbout. Does anyone have a sufficient home device, far short of Boiling, that gives the average citizen a chance to Test their WATER supply each day ????

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 04:14 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

California has become the poster child, demonstrating how lockdowns and mitigation measures against covid-19 do not work.

Fool the people once, shame on you. Fool the people twice, shame on us.

posted on Jan, 5 2021 @ 06:19 PM
a reply to: ReadLeader

Thank you, ReadLeader. That link gave me a good place to dive into it.

this imho, deserves a thread of its own, really cannabis kills the Kanswer!

I'd enjoy reading a thread on it.

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