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The effect of wearing the veil by Saudi ladies on the occurrence of respiratory diseases

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posted on Jan, 2 2021 @ 05:51 PM


It is customary in clinical practice and elsewhere to put on a mask for protection against infection, dust, and so forth. The veil, which is traditionally worn by women in many Muslim countries, especially in Saudi Arabia, may have a similar effect. The study was carried out during 1998-1999 in the eastern province of Saudi Arabia. Adult women were asked to answer a structured questionnaire related to the occurrence of respiratory tract problems and about veil wearing. Veil wearing was practiced by 58% of the sample. Respiratory infections and asthma were significantly more common in veils users (p < 0.00001 and p < 0.0003, respectively). This unexpected finding was probably secondary to infection. More and bigger studies are recommended.

posted on Jan, 2 2021 @ 06:06 PM
Hmmm. Now the women who wore veils were more prone to respiratory problems. But what caused the problems is what is not addressed. It could be they are trapping the ketone laden perfumes in the veil and breathing more in, which can have negative effects. It could be the women were more prone to allergies to begin with so tried using the veils to help curtail the allergies while those who could breath well didn't need to block the dusts and pollens or whatever.

There could be multiple causations for these diseases, I could not link to a full research to find out how and why the test was done. There was a rise in numbers, but not really that much, maybe one in ten thousand to three in a thousand, that would mean thirty in ten thousand vs three in ten thousand. Like I mentioned, this is not a causual test, it is just association.

posted on Jan, 2 2021 @ 06:17 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
Hmmm. Now the women who wore veils were more prone to respiratory problems. But what caused the problems is what is not addressed. It could be they are trapping the ketone laden perfumes in the veil and breathing more in, which can have negative effects. It could be the women were more prone to allergies to begin with so tried using the veils to help curtail the allergies while those who could breath well didn't need to block the dusts and pollens or whatever.

There could be multiple causations for these diseases, I could not link to a full research to find out how and why the test was done. There was a rise in numbers, but not really that much, maybe one in ten thousand to three in a thousand, that would mean thirty in ten thousand vs three in ten thousand. Like I mentioned, this is not a causual test, it is just association.

I can tell you after wearing a mask for 5 hours straight....I have irritation in my throat....or more burning sensation at times. And more gunk in my nose. And I sneeze, where as otherwise I would never sneeze. Yes, clean mask. ml

I'll post more soon I think re: just how useful they are historically...

posted on Jan, 2 2021 @ 08:38 PM
masks are an intelligence test.

posted on Jan, 2 2021 @ 08:44 PM
a reply to: dontneedaname

It is clearly a proven fact that wearing a couple layers of cloth over your face is equivalent to wearing an invincible disease fighting forcefield. If only people had known this over the thousands.of years disease had ravaged humanity likely billions of deaths could have been averted. Such a simple thing, proven throughout this year to be the most effective measure humanity has to stop disease.

Just think, if only we'd known this 20,50,100,500,1000 years ago, # we'd have stopped the plague, Ebola, smallpox, the flu, the cold, man if only we could invent time travel, travel back in time and scream at everyone going out in public to cover their faces with some cloth, we'd have likely snuffed out all human ailment by now.
edit on 2/1/2021 by dug88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2021 @ 10:04 PM
a reply to: dontneedaname

I wear a mask when I go into the store, but I cannot wear it too long. When I was in my twenties I worked at Kohler on the Osborn in the foundry, wore a mask for eight to ten hours a day there. I got used to it then but I doubt if I could handle a mask for that long anymore. The thing about there is that you worked in a small area with the masks, you were not walking around all over the place. I would put engine blocks or cast iron sinks onto the hangers, and knock the sand out of the sinks and blocks with a hammer when they came down the shakeout. It was hard hot work, but it did not bring up my breathing, it was heavy work, not intensive work,

They are keeping the natural remedies from the people, there is lots of research out there of multiple food and spice chemistries that can help with dampening the effect of this virus, but all they talk about is masks and sanatizer and social distancing.....and of course vaccines.

posted on Jan, 2 2021 @ 10:37 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

YES ! Fear, along w/the Nocebo effect. The real medicine is in the plant
(imho, that is

posted on Jan, 3 2021 @ 06:51 AM

originally posted by: rickymouse
Hmmm. Now the women who wore veils were more prone to respiratory problems. But what caused the problems is what is not addressed. It could be they are trapping the ketone laden perfumes in the veil and breathing more in, which can have negative effects. It could be the women were more prone to allergies to begin with so tried using the veils to help curtail the allergies while those who could breath well didn't need to block the dusts and pollens or whatever.

There could be multiple causations for these diseases, I could not link to a full research to find out how and why the test was done. There was a rise in numbers, but not really that much, maybe one in ten thousand to three in a thousand, that would mean thirty in ten thousand vs three in ten thousand. Like I mentioned, this is not a causual test, it is just association.

A better explanation would be that they're cooking with dirty fuels and using harsh cleaning products all day.

It's not the veil that's effecting them, it's their household routine.

Plus being stuck at home for most of the day they're not going to be particularly physically fit.

posted on Jan, 3 2021 @ 06:55 AM

originally posted by: dontneedaname

originally posted by: rickymouse
Hmmm. Now the women who wore veils were more prone to respiratory problems. But what caused the problems is what is not addressed. It could be they are trapping the ketone laden perfumes in the veil and breathing more in, which can have negative effects. It could be the women were more prone to allergies to begin with so tried using the veils to help curtail the allergies while those who could breath well didn't need to block the dusts and pollens or whatever.

There could be multiple causations for these diseases, I could not link to a full research to find out how and why the test was done. There was a rise in numbers, but not really that much, maybe one in ten thousand to three in a thousand, that would mean thirty in ten thousand vs three in ten thousand. Like I mentioned, this is not a causual test, it is just association.

I can tell you after wearing a mask for 5 hours straight....I have irritation in my throat....or more burning sensation at times. And more gunk in my nose. And I sneeze, where as otherwise I would never sneeze. Yes, clean mask. ml

I'll post more soon I think re: just how useful they are historically...

Have you considered the possibility that you simply brought a cheap Chinese mask, and that you were being
irritated by chemicals on it?

For example, insecticides or fungicides used on them that aren't up to US code. It's not uncommon for products to be sprayed with something to kill bugs (Bed Bugs, for example) before transit or during storage.

Where I used to live there was a big scandal after a chemical sprayed on furniture to kill insects andor mold caused people skin burns.

posted on Jan, 3 2021 @ 01:14 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: dontneedaname

originally posted by: rickymouse
Hmmm. Now the women who wore veils were more prone to respiratory problems. But what caused the problems is what is not addressed. It could be they are trapping the ketone laden perfumes in the veil and breathing more in, which can have negative effects. It could be the women were more prone to allergies to begin with so tried using the veils to help curtail the allergies while those who could breath well didn't need to block the dusts and pollens or whatever.

There could be multiple causations for these diseases, I could not link to a full research to find out how and why the test was done. There was a rise in numbers, but not really that much, maybe one in ten thousand to three in a thousand, that would mean thirty in ten thousand vs three in ten thousand. Like I mentioned, this is not a causual test, it is just association.

I can tell you after wearing a mask for 5 hours straight....I have irritation in my throat....or more burning sensation at times. And more gunk in my nose. And I sneeze, where as otherwise I would never sneeze. Yes, clean mask. ml

I'll post more soon I think re: just how useful they are historically...

Have you considered the possibility that you simply brought a cheap Chinese mask, and that you were being
irritated by chemicals on it?

For example, insecticides or fungicides used on them that aren't up to US code. It's not uncommon for products to be sprayed with something to kill bugs (Bed Bugs, for example) before transit or during storage.

Where I used to live there was a big scandal after a chemical sprayed on furniture to kill insects andor mold caused people skin burns.

Good points...

Used organic canvas masks, surgical masks, cotton masks, bandana, N95, etc...I'm an expert.

now I use "more breathable" cotton masks...very. thank you Etsy. Depending on where I'm at, some are more breathable than others. Grades of cheesecloth.

Some food dye / coloring on current masks could affect me. BUt the alternative is headaches / lethargy, etc... with canvas/surgical, etc...

I just bought one of those 3D mask bubble things. I'll experiment with that when it gets here.

posted on Jan, 3 2021 @ 02:25 PM

originally posted by: dontneedaname


It is customary in clinical practice and elsewhere to put on a mask for protection against infection, dust, and so forth. The veil, which is traditionally worn by women in many Muslim countries, especially in Saudi Arabia, may have a similar effect. The study was carried out during 1998-1999 in the eastern province of Saudi Arabia. Adult women were asked to answer a structured questionnaire related to the occurrence of respiratory tract problems and about veil wearing. Veil wearing was practiced by 58% of the sample. Respiratory infections and asthma were significantly more common in veils users (p < 0.00001 and p < 0.0003, respectively). This unexpected finding was probably secondary to infection. More and bigger studies are recommended.

how about a proper study? this seems to have only included women.not something that can be used for actual analysis

what about the men? what are the rates of men, especially in the same households? how can you possibly draw any relevant conclusions missing one half of the people?

what is the respondent's home situation? for instance what do they use to cook? many poorer people in the world outside of places like Canada and the US, and i assume most of western Europe, do all their cooking on open wood and coal fires, also all their heating, and possibly their lighting as well. and guess what, such people for some strange reason have problems with asthma and other lung and breathing problems, i can't understand why that could be. also air pollution can cause the same issues, so where is the data about that?

also just what type of veil are they even wearing? such veils range from heavy cloth, to large open weave that are more open than not.

posted on Jan, 3 2021 @ 03:52 PM
I remember reading some books by women trapped in veil wearing societies. They talked about the nasty veils full of snot and gunk. Washing the veils was rare enough because water is so expensive that they weren't washed often. That means collecting bacteria etc.

Just a thought.

We are told to wash our masks to prevent the collection of bacteria caused by sneezing, runny nose etc. I always get a runny nose when I wear one for very long and I made mine with 100% cotton and wash it regularly.

posted on Jan, 3 2021 @ 09:10 PM
a reply to: dug88

I get that it's sarcasm, but it's pretty well understood that sneezing & coughing disease-riddled droplets helps to spread many different viruses.

Anyone who has spent much time among the general public knows that a good portion of people don't wash their hands after pooping, nor do they put much, if any, effort into containing their coughs/sneezes.

The effectiveness of masks vs WuhanFlu / @Davos Disease, from what I've seen, doesn't impress me all that much - at least not in closed indoor airspace with too many breathers for the given volume of air.

However, you have to be an idiot to not understand ghe basic physics behind it being helpful. And I say this as someone who HATES wearing a mask. I just hope it's over by summer. It makes hot humid days even more miserable than they already are.

posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 06:47 PM

originally posted by: dogstar23
a reply to: dug88

I get that it's sarcasm, but it's pretty well understood that sneezing & coughing disease-riddled droplets helps to spread many different viruses.

Anyone who has spent much time among the general public knows that a good portion of people don't wash their hands after pooping, nor do they put much, if any, effort into containing their coughs/sneezes.

The effectiveness of masks vs WuhanFlu / @Davos Disease, from what I've seen, doesn't impress me all that much - at least not in closed indoor airspace with too many breathers for the given volume of air.

However, you have to be an idiot to not understand ghe basic physics behind it being helpful. And I say this as someone who HATES wearing a mask. I just hope it's over by summer. It makes hot humid days even more miserable than they already are.

South Carolina has no mask mandate, while North Carolina has mandated them inside for 6 months. Naturally, that didn’t stop a huge increase in cases, so on 11/23 the Governor panicked and mandated them outside too

Annnd their numbers have been the exact same. Shocking!

Masks irrelevant, harmful.

Many more on that channel comparing see seasonality and regionality.

posted on Jan, 9 2021 @ 11:51 PM

originally posted by: dogstar23
a reply to: dug88
The effectiveness of masks vs WuhanFlu / @Davos Disease, from what I've seen, doesn't impress me all that much - at least not in closed indoor airspace with too many breathers for the given volume of air.

However, you have to be an idiot to not understand ghe basic physics behind it being helpful. And I say this as someone who HATES wearing a mask. I just hope it's over by summer. It makes hot humid days even more miserable than they already are.

No, don't call people idiots about this because like many issues in science, your common sense intuition in this case is wrong and it's the mistake all the pro-mask people make. You are looking at how the results tend to show mask effectiveness is in the grey area of uncertainty as to whether they help at all or not and making an error of assuming that they probably do help because it has to do something because you fail to understand why it doesn't statistically help because you literally have not looked closely enough.

As in what you fail to understand, what it comes down to, is how the scale of things involved in this issue works and explains why sneezing with a mask on is essentially no different from sneezing without a mask on as far as rate of spread etc and your risks and the risks to others is concerned.

Here's how the scale works:

First, bacteria and many types of cells are comparable in size. The smallest bacteria are about .4 microns while the smallest viruses are about .02 microns, about 20x smaller. So if the smallest bacteria were a human 6ft aka 72 inches tall, that .02 micron virus is 3.6 inches tall, which for comparison is just a little smaller than a softball which has a standard diameter of 3.82in.

However the typical bacteria are more like 5 microns and typical cells are like 20 microns. The largest viruses are .25 microns. For the typical 5 micron bacteria and the .25 micron largest virus, that's the same 20x size comparison as above. The 5 micron bacteria is also 12.5 bigger than the .4 micron bacteria. If the .4 micron bacteria is 6 feet tall, the 5 micron bacteria is 75 feet tall. If the 5 micron bacteria is 6 feet tall, the .4 micron bacteria is 5.76 inches tall, and the .02 micron smallest virus is then only 0.288 inches tall, which is only about 7.3 milimeters.

Now you're ready for the part that blows away the idea that you can safely assume the masks are doing something, because you will have to agree that it shows the simple cloth masks will do nothing just like the science and statistics mostly say they do.

So how big are bacteria and viruses compared to people and the entire earth?

First we'll compare a typical bacteria to the size of a typical person and the earth and this guy here has already done it:

Now that’s more like it. We’re bacilli. How big are they? “An average bacillus is 0.5-1.0 µm wide by 1.0-4.0 µm long. ” according to Sizes, Shapes, and Arrangements of Bacteria. Looking back at our own proportions, shoulder width is about 1/4 of our height. That enables us to scale humans to bacilli heights from 2 to 4 µm (and corresponding widths of 0.5 to 1 µm). Now that’s a 100% range, so let’s put 2 µm to be equivalent of 1.20 m (and 4 µm to be 2.40 m). That puts our average 1.70 m human at 2.83 µm, so we pick the ratio to be 2.83 µm : 1.70 m ~ 1 : 600,000. Radius of Earth is about 6,000 km, so making it 600,000 times smaller puts it at 10 m. That’s just a bit more than the radius of central circle on a football pitch

So for those values, you have a 2.83 micron bacteria and a 1.7m human which is only just almost 5'7" in real life, and you get the entire earth as being a sphere with a 10m or 32.8 ft diameter sphere.

The Covid 19 virus is about .125 microns. That is 22.64 times smaller than the 2.83 micron bacteria and tiny human as above. So if the tiny human is then .125 microns in size, the 10m earth is 22.64 times smaller as well, which is .44169 meters, which is 44.169 cm aka 1.449 feet.

So if a 5 foot 7inch tall person were the size of Covid 19, the entire Earth is only 44.169cm or 1.449 feet wide. That 1.449 feet is about 17inches which is something like the size of a spherical foil balloon you might get at the super market. We have 7ish billion people on the surface of the Earth with tons of open space remaining even just on land, and that's an open sphere the size of the earth.

That should make it clear that when science says cloth masks probably do nothing, the intelligent and educated assumption is actually the one that goes against your intuition, as they most likely do nothing of significance. A cloth mask blocks a low percentage of a breath and a sneeze. Every time you breathe and sneeze, if you are infected, when you breathe or sneeze you are sending out something like the equivalent of the entire human population of the earth in virus particles into a small space in front of you and thus a cloth mask which was even 20 percent effective still leaves huge huge numbers which are every bit as effective as had they not been stopped at all because they still are gigantic in number and well over what is required to infect.

So to be clear, if you sneeze on someone but are wearing a mask, it was no different then if you weren't wearing a mask. They are no less likely to be infected because you were wearing a cloth mask. Way more than enough virus to infect them still got through. The virus that you sent them was not a astronaut or a space shuttle or the starship Enterprise, or even all the ships that brought European settlers to North America, it was more like the entire population of Earth or even several times that and it only takes a small fraction of them to succeed at setting up a colony by being the ones to beat the host immune system.

And you should also see why hand washing is so effective. When you wash your hands, you are removing the equivalent of entire heavily populated continents worth of virus people off of your hands, and once removed, they are not there anymore and so won't infect you the next time you touch your mouth or eyes etc.

I wear masks because other people are crazy but I try to remind myself to wash my hands because it works pretty good.

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