On Mon, Dec 28, 2020, 6:30 PM Charles T wrote:
Mr. Westerman,
I wrote you last week concerning this past presidential election and
precisely what is at stake on January 6th of next year.
In reply, I received your standard form letter pertaining, where you
stated absolutely nothing.
I refuse to accept that cop out letter as being sufficient to satisfy my
concerns over this situation.
This nation was founded on Christian morality and commitment to all
things good and right in the eyes of our creator and humanity.
If you are complicit in allowing this national travesty, sir, you are no
friend of mine and our Lord will pass judgement on you all, as will I.
Sir, I want, I demand to know what your intent is for the upcoming joint
session of Congress on that date. Are you going to rise to the level of
statesmanship and patriotism to defeat this communist insurgency or are
you going to cower in the face of our enemies?
I demand to know. Yes, you will honor your oath to this nation or no,
You will quietly bite your tongue and let this great nation be consumed
by our enemies?
Simple and short. Yes, or No.
Charles T
The first letter.
The first letter
edit on 28-12-2020 by CharlesT because: (no reason given)