Greetings fellow ATSers.
I intend this short OP to be an encouragement to any of you who are feeling low, perhaps Christmas time after such a devastating & confusing year has
kindled feelings of loneliness, isolation, purposelessness & despair. These are terrible feelings to be experiencing, and I sincerely hope that you
will take heart from what I have to say.
Many people go through life with sideways & forward-facing blinkers, blindly charging forwards, scrabbling in the dirt, digging up whatever they can,
serving their own needs & wants, having very little to do with the needs & desires of others - especially those whom they consider to be inferior
through class, race, or religion (etc). Those who instead, feel (or have in the past wrestled with) a sense that life posits huge questions of
responsibility, merit, charity & historical significance, may often find themselves despairing when measuring their own lives against the lives of
others who seem to be more successful & capable than themselves, despite deep desires to have a positive influence on the world around them.
For myself, I have long wrestled with my desire to be productive, to generate some sort of body of work which can ultimately amount to a legacy based
on a sense of charitable, altruistic drive deep generated from within my self-refective thought processes. I wasn't a naturally 'good' person - in my
adolescence I was a total wastrel who squandered what should have been an exceptional educational start to my professional life, at a private school
in the North of England which was financed by my parents & grandparents. Rather than using this as an excellent foundation for a productive & happy
life, I fell into drugs & kicked around with a crew of total wastrels like myself, none of whom valued education, none of whom fostered plans for a
positive & productive future. I would steal from my parents, from my friends, and my brother - my whole focus was the next way to get high, or drunk,
and this went on for seven years. Ultimately the natural progression of such a lifestyle caught up with me. I was kicked out, nobody wanted to put
me up with accommodation, I had no work & thus had to rely on government welfare. I travelled the country, homeless & lost, gradually sinking into
mental health problems which were deep, dark & twisted. I despaired, knowing that it was entirely my fault, and I uttered a simple 'prayer' which
consisted of a cry of help to the God whom I wasn't sure existed (while totally wasted on stolen booze), having rejected Christianity at an early age
due to the impossibility of the Genesis tale of Adam & Eve, being a literate & scientifically curious child from a very early age.
Incredibly, the very next day, as I was sat in a shop doorway, drinking again, a lady who had just walked past me without even seeming to notice me
suddenly turned, looked directly at me & said: "You've been praying.. God answers prayer - come with me". I was astounded, and couldn't refuse this
mysterious proposal. I went with her & she introduced me to the pastor of a local church. We spoke for a long time & he ultimately shared the gospel
message with me, and I accepted it with a flood of relief & amazement. Between them they shared different scriptures which God had placed on their
hearts, as they explained, which were to be taken as a promise & assurance from the God who loved me, despite my utterly disgraceful slide into
lawlessness, who wanted to rebuild me as a new person, a rebirth & re-education, to give me a future & a hope. They arranged accommodation for me, I
rested in the peace which had seemed to spark a fire in my heart, to follow this mysterious adventure which was now mapped out before me. I soon
moved to London & joined a community church where my spiritual & practical, social & professional education continued apace.
I was hooked on the amazing, beautiful, deeply spiritual atmosphere of the church community & the novel, lively services which I could never have
imagined, based on my traditional Anglican contact with a rather cold & dusty, traditional English Protestant church, which had held zero appeal as I
was growing up - it had seemed lifeless & boring in the extreme. But now, I really was a new person, and within a fairly short period of time I had
met & got engaged to a beautiful Christian girl who shared my passion for my newfound faith. We married, and began a life together in London, and
then later in the Northern English town where I had grown up. My mental health issues receded into nothingness - I barely realised it had happened
until quite a while after I had stopped experiencing the troubling symptoms which had dominated my life only a couple of years prior. Life wasn't
perfect, but we were travelling together - we loved & forgave each other when arguments arose, and we slowly developed our relationship based on the
values we had experienced in the outset of our mutual faith journeys. We ended up having two sons, who are now 16 & 12 years respectively.
Unfortunately, a short time after marrying, I was injured at work, and this led into years & years of a slide into a complex neurological disability,
which persists to this day & is presently incurable. Constant, severe neuropathic, arthralgic & fibromyalgic pain consumes my entire body, and I
spend 90% of my time stuck in bed, as even to sit in a normal chair causes unbearable breakthrough pain which can only be addressed by a complex
interplay of opiate, tricyclic & anti-epileptic medications, at the highest permissible doses.
Despite this horrible & debilitating condition, and the burden of care laid upon my wife, despite sometimes great difficulties of various types, we
have remained strong & our sons have grown to be wonderful young men. We haven't forced our faith on them, but they take some comfort in simple
understandings of the faith, and incredibly they have never suffered a single nightmare between them, which has been an amazing evidence of God's
grace & blessing. I'm not going to go into complex theological explanations of good & evil, God's hand in the universal creation, my understandings
based on an a scientifically sound education & belief system - I see no contradictions between a correct understanding of the faith & evolutionary
biology, for example, just to give you an idea of where I stand.
Continued below...
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