a Pagan organised religion./ideology results, hello ? ChrIslam over the next few (3) years becomes a unipolar power hence the predicted 3 days/(years) of darkness
Chrislam is "a thing"? Seriously??
Totally new idea for me, I'm not being a troll.
I always figured we'd go the "Serenity" route speaking broken Chinese/English.
(GMT 584283 - Does not End on Solstice, still the Most Accurate)
(As Opposed to 584285)
Baktun 0 - 8/11/3113mo B.C. to 11/12/2719we B.C. 144,002 Days (394.5 yrs)
Baktun 1 - 11/13/2719th B.C. to 2/15/2324sa B.C. 144,004 Days (394.5 yrs)
Baktun 2 - 2/16/2324su B.C. to 5/20/1930tu B.C. 144,002 Days (394.5 yrs)
Baktun 3 - 5/21/1930we B.C. to 8/22/1536fr B.C. 144,003 Days (394.5 yrs)
Baktun 4 - 8/23/1536sa B.C. to 11/25/1142mo B.C. 144,003 Days (394.5 yrs)
Baktun 5 - 11/26/1142tu B.C. to 2/27/747th B.C. 144,003 Days (394.5 yrs)
Baktun 6 - 2/28/747fr B.C. to 6/2/353su B.C. 144,004 Days (394.5 yrs)
Baktun 7 - 6/3/353mo B.C. to 9/4/41we A.D. 143637 Days (393.5 yrs)
Baktun 8 - 9/5/41th A.D. to 12/8/435sa A.D. 144,003 Days (394.5 yrs)
Baktun 9 - 12/9/435su A.D. to 3/12/830tu A.D. 144,003 Days (394.5 yrs)
Baktun 10 - 3/13/830we A.D. to 6/14/1224fr A.D. 144,003 Days (394.5 yrs)
Baktun 11 - 6/15/1224sa A.D. to 9/17/1618mo A.D. 143993 Days (394.5 yrs)
Baktun 12 - 9/18/1618tu A.D. to 12/20/2012th A.D. 144,000 Days (394.5 yrs)
1. Baktun 10 ... 1224 A.D.
2. Baktun 11 ... 1618 A.D.
3. Baktun 12 ... 2012 A.D.
1. Great Conjunction ... 1226 A.D.
2. Great Conjunction ... 1623 A.D.
3. Great Conjunction ... 2020 A.D.
1.....2 Year Deviation
2.....5 Year Deviation
3.....8 Year Deviation
Transit of Venus**Galactic Center**Great Conjunction of Jupiter
(Transit of Venus 2004***2 years from Declassification of Planet Pluto the Clock) (identical deviation set)
Transit of Venus 2004***4 years from Jupiter in 2000
Transit of Venus 2004***5 years from Norway Spiral
Transit of Venus 2004***8years from Galactic Center
****************** (584285 was invalid coefficient, also those deviations)
(we have a deviation observance)
Baktun 7 - 6/3/353mo B.C. to 9/4/41we A.D. 143637 Days (393.5 yrs)
Baktun 7 - 6/3/353mo B.C. to 9/4/41we A.D. 143637 Days (393.5 yrs)
Baktun 7 - 6/3/353mo B.C. to 9/4/41we A.D. 143637 Days (393.5 yrs)
MATTHEW 1:17 So all the generations from Abraham to David [are] fourteen generations; and from David until the carrying away into Babylon [are]
fourteen generations; and from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ [are] fourteen generations.
41 A.D. and 14 Years to 52 Year Solar Cycle (from astronomical year "0", or, Astrological Age Pisces)
2012 A.D. and 14 Years to 2026 A.D. (14 Years = "Astrological Year "0" Marker ....... or Aquarius)
1226 A.D. Great Conjunction of Planet @@@@@@ Jupiter ===== 800 Years to 2026 A.D.
The Legal Statement (biblical or other).............is...............14 Years observation of End of Jesus Baktun @ 41 A.D..................14 Years
also from 2012...............(and from the beginning of the mayan calendar it would follow those three natural divisions, the great deluge flood
reported relative to or @@@@@ 3114 B.C. is in ERROR if 3113 B.C. is coefficient that does not end the calendar length on a solstice)
(mayan thing had happen..............the Solstice of 12/21/2020 equals..........Great Conjunction of 12/21/2020..............and paralleling that, the
Solar Cycle of 52 Years relative to our Earth's Sun and Jupiter's Great Conjunctions has EQUALED the same 14 Year Observation for the third time in
the Mayan Calendar's Beginning, Middle, End) (2026 A.D.)
(Statement - About Prophecy - and No Error.........so I don't really know anything at the moment)
Interstellar Object "Borisov" 12/8/2019 + 2300 Days of Daniel = 3/26/2026 (or 636 of Revelation)
where as: Interstellar Object "Oumuamua" @@@@@ = Missing Flight 370 and 1290 + 1335 Days to 12/21/2020 @ 153 Days before 5/21/2021 (MIDST/MIDDLE of
Daniel's Week Marker, versus the Final Week (of 2300 days)
God two independent measurements, both "2300" and "1290 and 1335" ........ and God gave us two signs to help us understand the
implication...............nothing i've said in the past has been either incorrect or in error, as best as I could understand it..........I would still
not be correct today regardless, god has specifically not acted, but the material is valid.
Nostradamus 1999 Question Resolved
Nostradamus 1999 ++++++++++ Nostradamus "27 Year Antichrist" ======== 2026 A.D.........that is approximately 2300 days from "Borisov" Interstellar
Object in 2019............(the figure of 1999 is about 666 days difference from 9/11/2001........666 days relative difference also between
"oumuamua" and "borisov"......also the spacing from jupiter, the more important argument, is that 2300 Day spacing.........a perfect answer from
(moses was killed too many times to say one death in 1999 was more important then any other death, by many different people and frequently) (we know
only that it was apart of god's will to give moses a loving women, a soulmate, and a family, so many thousands of years ago, and today that is also
god's will................issac newton said humanity would die in 2060 A.D. or Halley's Comet 2061...........and many people made that claim, that is
not the day when the lord revisits the events of revelation, but it will happen we are in the last days, and there is a conclusion very soon)
(this conclusion is a few more years away unfortunately, but that is the law, god makes the choice and we can only witness until god takes the
edit on 22-12-2020 by oiamaou because: (no reason given)
Edward Leedskalnin replied: when asked about prophecy, he only legitimized the figure of 27 Nostradamus deployed
(Edward Leedskalnin built the coral castle for a family, for a special women. But viewing her lifetime, he said, that kind treatment exceeds the
gospel's law, and this is not about me or my satisfaction.............there was only Edward Leedskalnin, and from time to time, many deaths, and that
is man's natural state...........but ofcourse this account follows history, and from the time of this coming to his passage, humanity only records
grievous death and its pleasure in suffering, and the same is true today)
The 77 Generations of Luke, is the Law................ADD..............7 Years to 12/21/2012 to obtain the "MIDST/MIDDLE" of 1290 and 1335, as
prophecy records either jupiter's alignment in 2017 or interstellar object Oumuamua
The 41 Generations of Matthew, is the Law................ADD.................14 Years to 12/21/2020 to obtain the end of "2300 Days" of Seven Year
Final Week, and that is approximately marked by the Interstellar object Borisov.
Speaking of "Borisov", when the "Bjork Stalker" observed that humanity would not pleasure itself in its natural state of suic***, if his death was
natural or other, then he choose an approach, that has contributed to the current state of affairs of the pandemic, and God blessed that. And that is
apart of the law as to what is necessary and for many years from now.
Soon, the entire internet will be changed, there will be a mass shutdown of questionable material, wikipedia will also be shut down, and there will be
an unfortunate and, what is necessary, explosion in the pandemic.
edit on 22-12-2020 by oiamaou because: (no reason given)
well, if you want a bible prophesy about a new age I would suggest the "day of Jezreel" prophecy in Hosea.
Put simply it predicts that Israel and Judah were to face a long term top level Leviticus 26 curse. But then the curse was supposed to be followed by
the day of Jezreel where Israel and Judah were then to see a period of blessed existence.
And this prophesy has a timeline. 3 days in the presence of the Lord. But also elsewhere in the bible those days are defined as 1000 year periods
of time on the Earth.
A 2000 year period of cursed time followed by a 1000 year period of blessed time. So put this prophecy along with the Matthew 24 fig tree parables I
come up with the day of Jezreel starting approximately in 2028.
If there is supposed to be the biblical Apocalypse of Revelation happening it looks like it's gonna happen about now.
Watch for it.
originally posted by: ntech
well, if you want a bible prophesy about a new age I would suggest the "day of Jezreel" prophecy in Hosea.
Put simply it predicts that Israel and Judah were to face a long term top level Leviticus 26 curse. But then the curse was supposed to be followed by
the day of Jezreel where Israel and Judah were then to see a period of blessed existence.
And this prophesy has a timeline. 3 days in the presence of the Lord. But also elsewhere in the bible those days are defined as 1000 year periods
of time on the Earth.
A 2000 year period of cursed time followed by a 1000 year period of blessed time. So put this prophecy along with the Matthew 24 fig tree parables I
come up with the day of Jezreel starting approximately in 2028.
If there is supposed to be the biblical Apocalypse of Revelation happening it looks like it's gonna happen about now.
Watch for it.
You have a Question............... "Great Conjunction of Jupiter in 2000"....Nearest....12/21/2012....12 Years Difference (for 12000 of revelation, a
day for 1000 years).
........................................"Jupiter 2000"....Nearest.....Comet Apophis 2029 for "1290" of Daniel to 2035/2036, for
"1335" of Daniel. (God is expending energy in euthanasia, that is their war against moses, from terrorism to pandemic, etc.) (God gives two measurements, daniel's
years and daniel's days............those day measurements, not year measurements, the above conclusion isn't applicable) (daniel's day measurements
"1290 and 1335"....and "2300", occur at the every end of humanity before it dies) (we can do pain for pain until humanity is dead, God comes to Moses for An Answer, and humanity dies dumb and blind, prophecy is in
itself, subject to vanity.............however God has given us clear signs and clear answers..............) (dead or alive)
The "Two Interstellar" Objects..."Oumuamua" and "Borisov"...is not something you see everyday, they should resolve the controversy in Daniel's Two
Seven Year Period Counts.
Issac Newton's 2060 Prophecy ---- 41 Years for Matthew's Genealogy = 2019 Interstellar Object Borisov...........this begins the 2300 Days
of Daniel Count down.........this is a complete Measurement (Completed in 2026 A.D.)
(Issac Newton's Prophecy is tied to the Great Conjunction of Jupiter in 2060...........not necessarily an accurate measurement)
********************* Great Conjunction of Jupiter 1980 and 41 Years of Matthew's Genealogy ========== (Flight 370 and 1290+1335 Days) 2021
A.D.(5/21/2021) (MIDST/MIDDLE of Daniel, those day figures = Oumuamua or Jupiter alignment 2017) Great Conjunction of Jupiter 2060 and 41 Years of Matthew's Genealogy ============ 2019 and Borisov (2300 Day Marker)
The Significance of 1980 and 2060............Those are Great Conjunctions of Jupiter, surrounding the Galactic Center Crossing of our Earth's Sun
which is, relative to 72 Years or 1 Precessional Degree..............
...................... God Provided the Answer and there is no Controversy.............God gave Moses whoever he is, the mercy if seeing humanity suffer and die
in pain for pain in their suicid* pleasure with his body and testimony, this can be done, dead or alive, God will do nothing until it is time for his
"propensity of Reaction" ............. all other questions were and are answered, thinking.
In relation to the mayan calendar, and you must understand it is the less correct answer, but this is without any error: (in simple
1. Beginning of Mayan Calendar =@ Figure of "14 Observed in Creation Date"
2. Middle of Mayan Calendar =@ Figure of "41/14 Observed in First A.D. Date Marker
3. End of Mayan Calendar =@ Figure of "14" is added to end of Measurement Length (to 2026 A.D.) (Figure of 41 ties to Jupiter and its Propensity to Unified Field or is as @related..........Figure of 14 ties to Earth's Sun and its
Propensity to Unified Field or is as@related) (in simple terms) (we stated conclusions that are without error, but the total argument wasn't not
presented, previously)
(Love and Family Question..........to imply that I'm the one asking, and is also interested........biblically speaking)
(Gilgamesh is probably not a real person, Akhenaten the Alien Pharoah is also probably not a real person...........anyway "Marduk Slay
Tiamat".........the son of man gets the family god has afforded in the pyramid builder covenant...........you need to understand, a college or a
university, is clearly not teaching anything, not only that, the closer we come to god's action the more sickly society becomes and in deaf ears,
society is no longer learning on the subjects of prophecy, and for a few years now)
(in Simple Terms) (God is not finished with the measurement as of this moment)
Daniel's Day Prophecies (not year prophecies, day measurements) 1290 and 1335 tied to Jupiter for the Son of Man and his Soulmate, his family, one or more wives.........Humanity is not tied to a
unified argument that is nullified in its "dead flesh accusation", that suppresses the earth and related field (s)............this is done separately
this is a new testament division. (Missing Flight 370 in 2014, and 1290+1335 Days to 5/21/2021 is not finished...............I made the logical
association of 666 Days Past 1980 Great Conjunction to my birth day approximately in 1982 otherwise know as the "Jupiter Effect"..............and my
death, or union with my soulmate........153 Days after 12/21/2020 Great Conjunction of Jupiter (I assumed this was on 12/21/2020)
(we have to wait about 5 months until we can be a family at most, this is a legal and sound conclusion, no errors)
2300 is tied generally to Planet Earth if you want to be more correct..........
This is the Bible verse to have in view for the Son of Man and his Family if there are any ties...............there is only about 5 months
more for us, to wait and see, humanity in its war with moses, rather with god has a much longer wait to 2026 A.D..............
HAGGAI 2:16 Since those [days] were, when [one] came to an heap of twenty [measures], there were [but] ten: when [one] came to the pressfat for to
draw out fifty [vessels] out of the press, there were [but] twenty.
HAGGAI 2:17 I smote you with blasting and with mildew and with hail in all the labours of your hands; yet ye [turned] not to me, saith the LORD.
HAGGAI 2:18 Consider now from this day and upward, from the four and twentieth day of the ninth [month, even] from the day that the foundation of the
LORD'S temple was laid, consider [it].
The Great Jupiter Alignment in 2017, or etc..........to 5/21/2021..........is the midst/middle of daniel's one week confirmation........of 1290 and
1335...........the word "pressfat" should be translated to "women"/"wive"/"soulmate"/or "lover".............this will be resolved in a few months from
Happy Holidays, until God reacts...for love and family
edit on 23-12-2020 by oiamaou because: (no reason given)
Not only a conjunction but where it occurs in sky. When Jesus was born. The Virgin (aka constellation virgo) gave birth to the moon. Which was latter
misconstrued as virgin birth by the gospel writers.
(153 Days Roughly from the Great Conjunction of Jupiter 12/31/1999 to 5/28/2000)
(153 Days Roughly from the Great Conjunction of Jupiter 12/21/2020 to 5/21/2021)
153 Days Yearly Cycle of Halley's Comet, from Jupiter is Denoted**************
Before and After 12/21/2012******************(May 21 Halley's Yearly Cycle*******************
******************* (Measurement Accuracy Lost - Mayan Calendar)
(Wrong Theory?) (13000 years...to Missing Flight 370 in 2014) (1290 and 1335 of Daniel to 5/21/2021)
(20 Years for "Saturn and Jupiter Great Conjunction")
From Missing Flight 370.........the Solstice of Earth Equals the Great Conjunction of Jupiter
******************* 12/21/2012 - 13 years to 1999 of Nostradamus ............@@@@@@@@@......"A day for a 1000 Years" 13000 Years to 13 Years.
1999 of Nostradamus + 27 Years of Nostradamus = 2026 A.D. (@@@ 2300 Days of Daniel Past Interstellar Object Borisov)
@ 2026 A.D. Earth Measurement to 2060 Issac Newton's Prophecy = 34 Years (Carl Calleman - Earth Observation) (Top Block in his
@@@ The Mayan Calendar is (Ancient History)
1. Halley's Comet 2061 to 12/21/2012 = 49 Year Jubilee (Earth's Sun Reference)
2. Issac Newton Prophecy (Jupiter Conjunction) 2060 to 2019 (2300 Day Daniel Marker, "BORISOV") = 41 Years of Matthew's Genealogy (Jupiter Sun
........... (Statement "Nine Mayan Gods of the Night") New Testament Transition (Jupiter) = Measurement "Days of Daniel's Prophecy" 2019 + 2300 Days of Daniel for Earth to 2026 A.D. OR 14 Years past 12/21/2012(measured against jupiter in 2060 Conjunction 41 year) 2014 (flight 370) + 1290 and 1335 Days of Daniel to 5/21/2021 OR 9 Years Past 12/21/2012
@? Reply Second Statement (Thinking - Failure to Produce a Total Sum Argument)
@? Reply Fake History!
July of 1994........Comet Shoemaker
@ 12/21/1994 December Solstice
7/22/1994 Comet Shoe Maker
153 Days Against Earth's Solstice to @n @ction on Planet Jupiter
12/21/2020 December Solstice
5/21/2021 (Flight 370 @ 1290 and 1335 Days)
153 Days Against Earth's Solstice to @n Action on Planet Jupiter
(The Prophecies of Daniel's Years, are Accurate to the Earth)
(The Prophecies of Daniel's Days, accurate to Jupiter in Relation to Earth)
(The Prophecies of Daniel's Days, are Unfulfilled, and Revelation is Unfulfilled)
(Thinking) (Thinking)
(the symbol is a heart for love and family)
Nostradamus Focus is only on the Planet Jupiter
1994 + 27 = 2021 End of Flight 370 from Daniel's Length
Nostradamus Declares also 1999 and thus 2026 A.D. is also in View (this controversy will be resolved)
The Pandemic whatever it is, is the result of a charge that is building, that charge reaches a peak and claims those lives, at the same time when the
life of the son of man is resolved................none the less God gave two Interstellar Markers, both 2017 and 2019, and these are controversies
that will be resolved soon, one will be resolved in May of 2021.
Happy Holidays(The Alignments Come together............the Earth's December Solstice and the very close Jupiter Conjunction, approximate
same date is very significant, everything will be resolved soon) (so many days before Nguyen Van Lem's death, the Nasa Tower and Shard Event Took
Place, today, so many days from one of the interstellar objects.............because of accuracy an the spread of information, its not easy to modify
information to mislead persons)
(in 5 months, the vaccines in the usa should equal more then 100 million, that is unfortunate)
edit on 24-12-2020 by oiamaou because: (no
reason given)
Mayan Calendar 13 Baktuns (Baktun 0 to 12) @ 144,000 Days Each
144,000 Day Baktun / 13 = 11,000 Days or 29/30 Years "Saturn/Jupiter Cycle"
........... Jupiter Collision@1994 By Comet Shoe Maker + 30 Years = 2024 A.D. (A Period of about 11,000 Days)
........... REVELATION 14:20 And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of
a thousand [and] six hundred furlongs.
The Measurement is 1600 Days or 4 Years from the Great Conjunction of Jupiter 12/21/2020.........Roughly Equal to "2300 Days of Daniel"
past Interstellar Object Oumuamua (both dates terminating at Double Solar Eclipse USA)
(Short Answer)
A Day for 1000 Years of 2Peter3:8............Transit of Venus "16" Years from 2004 to 2020 Great Conjunction of Jupiter + "1600 Days" = Great Solar
Eclipse USA or End of 2300 Days of Daniel.
The Mayan Calendar is a "Centering Date", that means "12/21/2012" is "8 year equal distant spacing"..............
edit on 25-1-2021 by onhonnen because: (no reason given)
(This is A much simpler answer................in Parenthesis....................)
(God Decides based on a "Sign" when to begin an Observance)
(Consider this)
(From 2021 when God resolves the Testimony of Moses + "1260 Days" of revelation roughly, brings us to "2024 Great Solar Eclipse of USA")
(Therefore After we Count "1290 + 1335 Days" from Flight 370 to Resolve the Son of Man's Testimony according to daniel............"1260 Days" is a
separate observance that also terminates 2300 Days of Daniel, approximately around the Solar Eclipse Cross of the USA in 2024)
(God Provided More detail..............the More correct answer is the various figures cascade and are specifically tied to various events or
**********Venus Planetary Cycle 8 Years.......2004, 2012, 2020 (multiple transits of venus)
**********Saturn/Jupiter Cycle of 29/30 Years..........1994 Jupiter Strike to 2024 **********..........."1260 Days of Revelation, Parallels God's Language of the "Rainbow Dead Flesh Controversy", culminating with God's
stance on that either making the issue more permanent or backing off from that based on a number of factors principally the dead flesh that remains on
earth living
Love and a Family (the Vesica of Pisces Symbol for the Son of Man)
Three Division to that Behavior.........."1290..1335..1260 Days"............Viewing only the Son of Man (3885 Days)
The Gate Way is Opened, Flight 370 Begins the Measurement..........Jupiter's Great Alignment 9/23/2017..........Finally the Son of man Goes to Planet
Jupiter for his soulmate and family (of many wives of his choosing).............the final measurement is 1260 Days. That also ends 2300 Days. when
1260 Days ends.
During this 1260 Day Length, when God begins by resolving the Son of Man's Testimony, Planet Earth is touched by god, ending with a revelation about a
unified field/dead flesh controversy on earth.
Everything will be Resolved Soon..............Love and a Family.............is a secret love, without necessarily knowing each other,
until the testimony is resolved. The Son of Man will have all the provision god affords for putting his family together
edit on 25-1-2021 by onhonnen because: (no reason given)