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Microsoft Conspiracy

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posted on Mar, 25 2005 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by nmuxfpaxn
About the virus issue:

The reason that many people don't get viruses on their macs is simply from lack of interest. If all of the script kiddies that are writing these viruses (if that's the correct plural of the word) on windows machines, they'll be testing them on windows machines and, more than that, they'll probably be exploiting windows security holes with them because that's all that they know. So once people start trying to taylor viruses for the mac, you're gonna be up the creek like the rest of us
The reason that I don't own a mac is because of the lack of software. There really just isn't much offered compared to PC's and even linux.

Your right, except people HAVENT been tayloring virus for macs because it's a waste of time. If your going to create a virus, the intention is to inflict as much damage as possible, so why would someone create a virus that would affect oh say... 1% of the computer poopulation. It's just not worth it. I have NEVER had a mac virus in the 17 years I have benn using them and unless apple starts selling millions of them, I dont expect much trouble in the future either, so perhaps I will never be up the creek as you say.

BTW- mac virus DO exist, but they are far and few inbetween.

What software do you use that Apple doesnt support? Of coarse there is bunch of lower-end software that mac doesnt waste its time with, but all the MAJOR/popular/and industry standard software exists. I have also found through conversations such as this, that people who claim what you claim arent really familar with what is available for macs (not saying this is the case with you) but i have noticed this trend.

Either way I say get one of both!


posted on Mar, 25 2005 @ 10:23 AM
well first of all to continue on the simpson episode, i have to say that i like it too. very true. the big company worried that a small business having big success on the internet could harm them, they just go and "buy" the homer simpson comp. just imagine what homer was doing to have so much succces!!
to come back to MS and apple/linux, well there is some truth in all what is said. i read some very intersting points but it doesn't change my mind. MS is here and has the monopole of the market. MS deals with governments for anti trust law in the US and even in the EU where they have a deal for opening the source and so on. now thinking about that, makes me realize that there is a lot going on and all the governments in the world are still very happy that MS rules the computer world. so they don't have to deal with more than one person when there is something to do to monitor computer activities.
now to fight against that; i have found the apple solution very interesting and for many reasons. first the security. we have read here that apple is for the moment not worried about viruses and other security issues such as spyware and so on. that's a big thing. now for the software, well everything si done now for mac so why bother. we are not at the old time anymore where you had to be a big computer dork to understand and install things on apple. and the last, the designs are cool.
and what about linux? well a bit too complicated and i have no time to spend in front of my computer too much (i already spend so much time here on ATS.

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