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Dual or even multiple screen names...........

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posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 05:23 AM
Personally I think that those who have multiple screen names for the sake of being at an advantage over those that don't are up to no good.

It has come to my attention that more then one person has done just that for the sake of their own good. I completely frown upon this behavior and I encourage everyone that has a dual or multiple screen name to fess up right now. Otherwise if suspected of this activity I will cease to talk to you or your alter ego(s).

Thank you very much.

Your Friend(As always)
Abraham Virtue

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 05:25 AM
What happened this time Abe? were u attacked? I have only 1 name drunk

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 05:26 AM
erm, what are multiple screen names?

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 05:27 AM

Originally posted by drunk
What happened this time Abe? were u attacked? I have only 1 name drunk

I am just fed up with liars and decietful people that is all. I can't trust anyone these days. Those that I do trust are far and few. I remember when ATS used to be a family. Now it seems more like a intel agency. All this conspiracy is really getting on my nerves.


posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 05:30 AM

Originally posted by TheSwordMaster
erm, what are multiple screen names?

Say your screen name is "TheSwordMaster", which it is.

Well if you had dual(Meaning two) screen names then you would be not only "TheSwordMaster", but say for instance, "TheFishKiller". So if one were to have multiple, meaning many, than one would have not just those two names but another or another and so on and so on.

You See???

Your Friend,

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 05:31 AM
I agree, with you on this matter. I don't have people harrassing me though. Would you like to report any and all suspected anoyances to me or another Mod you may trust. that way these people can be better monitored.

Thank you.

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 05:32 AM
oki, i just thought it was some mega-ass-computer- hacking trick or something

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 05:33 AM
link to enlighten us what this 'Conspiracy' is??

As for other names, well, heres those I have used here before:

Alien1...when my Mod account was hacked a while ago.

MeAgain...when the funny hacker also hijacked the Alien1 account.

ShadowMan...set up as part of the April Fools prank...

Other than those 3, which by the way I don't use (can't use the 1st too as their passwords were changed by the Hacker soon after I set them up to contact other Mods via. The last one I think I posted from once, during the prank.) I'm just plain ol' Alien.


posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 05:42 AM
Hi Abe

Nice to meet you!

I only have one name . I too dont see the point to have two names intentionally. In aliens case I can understand. Sorry if your having trouble.

Take it easy man.

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 06:36 AM
Abraham is in no position to impose any demands on the users/members of Above Top Secret.

There are several valid reasons for two or more screen names, and it remails a viable alternative for our members who feel they need more than one.

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 06:56 AM
I have only one as well. I have enough trouble keeping up with my posts from day to day the way it is.

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 07:07 AM
I thought there was anyway
Anyway, Av..if you believe people here are that much out to get you and would hide under another name to do it-that's alot of trouble ya know-you could always change your name and start fresh, as to be unknown (though I think your writing style would give you away as do most here)
OR you could just be yourself and say "who cares?" "I have nothing to hide" and move on..

Do you believe you have something to hide that you can't say to all members here? I'm trying to figure you out AV, and each day your mood changes back to thinking somebody here is hiding some conspiracy..I really don't think they are and *IF* they are, then I'm sure it's their own personal conspiracy that you perhaps are perceiving as something to do with you..

Who cares if some have one or two names? Who cares if they have more then 3? That's their right..isn't it?

Btw...I have 2, as I' stated in the other thread much like this one

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 07:15 AM
Sometimes people have to create a new user because they are having difficulty logging in as their existing one. Lovebug had this trouble and is now called Magic.

I hope we're not going to have another week of moaning about anything we can think of.

That became very monotonous last week!!!

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 04:40 PM
William that kid in your avatar is freaking me out.

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 07:39 PM
I do have another alter ego, IronDragon (gee, couldnt figure that one out could ya?), that I set up at work as I didnt have my password to DragonRider with me.

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 07:45 PM
I have one name. On my last board, which I was an admister of, I also had one name. On the board before that I had 6 or 7 names, but everybody knew I was Freddie, except when I posted as Edina... And I only posted as her for yucks. She was a beatch from London who recently moved to Hong Kong. It was a take-off of Edina Monsoon from the BBC's Absolutely Fabulous. Some of the replies to her bitchiness were priceless.

posted on Jul, 20 2003 @ 10:20 PM
Dear god, he's really nuts!

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