posted on Dec, 18 2020 @ 07:09 AM
a reply to:
I've watched a bunch of that guy's videos before! In fact, I think I've watched about most of them on his whole channel.
Funny you would mention him because I actually discovered him while searching for methods to get rid of these damn rats!!
I was so intrigued by his channel I actually contemplated getting a mink just for that purpose. Then I saw what was involved in raising and training
them and had second thoughts. Training the minks to go after rats is the easy part, but getting them to give up the rats and/or not attack the dogs
is quite the ordeal. I didn't realize minks were so ferocious. They're one mean ass little animal, arguably pound for pound one of the meanest
critters on the planet! Even trained ones have to be handled with thick leather gloves.
ETA - He had one video where he was picking out a new one, so he was in the shed where he keeps them. Every single one of those critters was
viciously attacking the cage as he'd walk by. The camera guy even had to step back when he reached in one pen to grab one. I had no idea they were
that vicious!
edit on 12/18/2020 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)