posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 02:29 PM
What would be the main reason for doing so? was it for the intention of war? for peace? power(elect)?
• did they give us some guidelines to work by?
• any warning about it?
• any formula's for cures, for any accidents we might have when handling it?
i just cant see a superior race just handing this over without any rules or some kind of structure. It just seems like a careless thing the U.S. or
any other Country might do for the right price.
Unless it was some kind of test (or science project for them) to see what we would ultimately do with it. my guess if it was some kind of test we
failed miserably big time. Who knows if we ended up using it for more constructive use, maybe they would have gave us a second look and have made
contact with us already. But by this point they may just be waiting for us to die and they'll try again in a millennium or two.