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Possible allergic reactions to Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 shot

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posted on Dec, 9 2020 @ 12:56 PM

originally posted by: slatesteam

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: slatesteam

Food poisoning isn't an immune reaction. It's from bacterial contamination. Someone fed you bad food. It was either going bad or got contaminated with bacteria in production.

Gotcha. Thank you. Interestingly enough allergic food reactions continue to rise across the world....

There are theories on that too.

Some think it's because the part of our immune system that creates allergic reactions is designed to fight parasites and very few of us encounter serious parasitic infections anymore in the modern world. In the less developed world, food allergies are relatively low.

Another is that we should start exposing children to so-called problem foods earlier to challenge the immune system instead of keeping them away from them. It's though the immune system doesn't freak out as bad when exposed early and we've been ourselves a disservice to keep babies and toddlers away from trigger foods.

A third is that we're just too clean and our immune systems over react because they just don't get challenged like they would if we lived a more grimy and gross existence.

Or a combo or none of the above.

posted on Dec, 9 2020 @ 12:58 PM
a reply to: musicismagic

I have some advice about trying to avoid allergic (and other) reactions with this vaccine.

I have considered this heavily, as a healthcare provider who will be given this vaccine without a choice (other than I could quit the healthcare profession - not an option!). So, to keep working, I will be 'coerced' to take this vaccine.

My issue is that I have already been exposed when my wife got COVID-19, and I did not get tested (I didn't want a false positive result, and further I was heavily exposed, but remained asymptomatic, as were / did both our children).

I do have allergies also, for which I take medicine, but I don't have a history of anaphylaxis.

However, noting the above, and that I am not in a high risk health status group or age group, I have decided to try to limit my own immune response when I am given this vaccine. I don't really care if I get the antibodies from the vaccine, because I already likely have (difficult to test) cellular immunity, regardless of humoral antibody status.

I plan to dose myself with aspirin, ibuprofen, and tylenol starting the day before vaccination, and continuing a few days after ... for each of the 2 doses I will be given. If I do suffer a reaction, I will add NAC (N-acetylcysteine).

My objective: avoid 'reactions' including potential over stimulation of my immune system, and autoantibody development. That last one is what I really don't want - even though it is low risk - to develop some kind of life long autoimmune situation because of this (barely) tested vaccine. That would be much worse in my demographic than getting COVID-19 again....

I am not recommending that anyone else should emulate my high risk behavior, but it is an option, and you didn't officially hear of it from me! *wink*

And PS: It seems the Russians are telling their people to avoid alcohol after the vaccine. For that reason, I may take up heavier drinking after too hahaha ... but NOT with the tylenol (combining alcohol and tylenol can really damage your liver!), so I will wait until after the tylenol is out of my system before adding the ethanol.

Don't get me wrong with all of this - I am not an 'anti-vaxxer', but I don't want to just trust this vaccine, because IMHO they are rushing it awfully fast, and the mechanism is not so well tested yet.

edit on 9-12-2020 by Fowlerstoad because: .

posted on Dec, 9 2020 @ 01:59 PM

originally posted by: bastion

originally posted by: butcherguy

originally posted by: alldaylong
a reply to: [post=25617443]butcherguy

Suddenly, this safe and tested, but rushed through vaccine shows signs of being dangerous


Some people have always had an alergic reaction to vacines. Any vacine.

If it is a known fact, then why didn't they post the warning before they launched the mass inoculation drive?
Instead, they waited until after they got adverse reactions. We don't even know if those people that had the adverse reactions had a history of allergic reactions.

They published the risk of allergic reactions on 2nd December in the MRHA advice to doctors and patients over the vaccine.

link to vaccine info

General recommendations
As with all injectable vaccines, appropriate medical treatment and supervision should always be

readily available in case of a rare anaphylactic event following the administration of the vaccine.

It's a known tiny risk, same as any medication, doctors were informed of the rare risk of anaphylactic shock and told to keep an eye on it and have epi pens etc if it happened.

We have a 'yellow card' system where all info on adverse reactions is published and investigated - it's a very tight regulation schedule with the vaccine only having temporary approval and if Pfizer fail to comply with any of them they immediately get barred from using the vaccine in the UK.

Link to vaccine yellow card system - not well known in the UK but vital info

A tiny known risk like dying from COVID?!? Is it even half a percent chance of karking it from the China virus? Streuth.
edit on 9-12-2020 by Dalamax because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2020 @ 02:24 PM
Spit-balling here....

What happens when the chance of dying from the vaccine is greater than the disease?

Hypothetically of course.

In other words, when the data reflects this, is anyone gonna be in the woods to hear it?

Someone with math skills find out how many actually gotta die to match the 99.997% rate of death from the virus.

Hint: it ain’t much eh

Or does this get swept under the rug?
edit on 9-12-2020 by slatesteam because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-12-2020 by slatesteam because: (no reason given)

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