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Dominion employee comes forward about how the USB stick is the key to fraud

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posted on Dec, 7 2020 @ 10:24 PM

originally posted by: KansasGirl

originally posted by: olaru12
I signed an affidavit, that I saw a monkey illegally riding a disabled unicorn. My GF saw it too...collaboration.

Prove me wrong. See how that works!

Totally idiotic.

Thank you, here's more for you to enjoy. Everyone likes drunk girls!

posted on Dec, 8 2020 @ 02:45 AM

originally posted by: Murgatroid
a reply to: MerkabaMeditation

If you were in his shoes, would you want to give out your name publicly? My guess is that perpetraitors will not hesitate to do whatever it takes to stay out of prison.

NO way would I give out my name there. But I would be notifying Federal Marshalls and get in a witness protection program. I have reason to suspect the FBI has been shilling for the D's and Cabal but they will have to come in eventually. Give the Marshalls a chance to review the information before the Cabal.

posted on Dec, 8 2020 @ 02:53 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: LSU2018
a reply to: Phage
Trump didn't nominate every judge out there.

Not to mention, he probably didn't know any of them. He had/has to rely on what he can find out about them from others on his staff who are recommending them, what he can find out online, and what he can learn from them when (if) he speaks to them.

I honestly doubt he spoke to most of the lower court nominees, although I could be wrong.

Anyone who tries to claim that just because he nominated them that makes them 'his' is just being stupid.

Good point. This part is Trump's weak suit and he has to try to trust someone when he wasn't political enough to know these people like the Clinton's or John Fraud Kerry.

Many backstabbers are outed. Sessions may not be one in the end, but it seems like he lied to Trump about his future duties. The SCOTUS picks are his. He vetted them the most.

posted on Dec, 8 2020 @ 03:06 AM

originally posted by: StingrayCrazy
a reply to: olaru12

Im not a judge to prove you wrong I have an opinion.

Stating again, people have been sentenced to death by only one person identifying them for a crime. Not here to argue facts...

Collaboration from many witnesses has weight in "My Opinion"

Yes it does in a very big way. One person is not enough for the larps for tyranny. What is that number I ask the shills for the tyranny? It isn't two. I doubt some of you Marxist leaning types would be happy with less than a hundred and there seems to be thousands. These people that were coming out in the Trump or Cavanaugh fake news network cases, where paltry. Their stories died one by one as the 'offended party' is busted lying. Let us see how many of these coming forward in the thousands are liars and give them their full chance to be heard like the liars were allowed. A bit of work to undo personal testimony. Even for the Marxists.

posted on Dec, 8 2020 @ 03:13 AM

originally posted by: olaru12
I signed an affidavit, that I saw a monkey illegally riding a disabled unicorn. My GF saw it too...collaboration.

Prove me wrong. See how that works!

The difference is nobody cares about what you say you saw because you are only one. If you had the same description from thousand of different locations would you think something happened and a Unicorn was there after all? Most people would naturally think: 'Well, hell, will wonders ever cease?.

How many would it take for you to say, ok maybe there is something there? In any mystery such as your question attempts, I would draw the line at dozens or so for my taste before I might think something is there and I need to look closer.

There is a big difference.

posted on Dec, 8 2020 @ 05:44 AM
Americans will not let the cheat work.

They KNOW that the cheaters have been caught RED-HANDED.

Americans know when the Jig is up.

When you are caught fair and square you must face the music.

Cheating is a part of Human life and is accepted but has consequences.....America has historiclly frowned upon CAUGHT CHEATERS...... get it? can play the game if you choose but when you get caught its time for the olde school christians to take layers off of your hide its a pound for a pound when you get busted swing from the Gallows....oh yes the rewards are great but the remediations are permanent and this is worked into the American mind....cheating is always fun but its dangerous and carries great consequnces in a Culture such as America.

Gawd nobody likes a whiner.....when you have been caught you have been caught....just shut up and take your medicine and stop trying to burn down the whole Village to hide your wrongdoing.

Its not going that things are out in the open the PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN BUSTED HAVE TO GO AWAY.

Y'all had your fair shot at cheating and screwed it you have to face the music.....and you SHALL TO A MAN AND WOMAN FACE THE will now face your American will now face Justice sprouting from the very ground you tried to will now face pissed off Americans who now clearly have the RIGHT HAND ON THEIR SIDE.....YOU MY LITTLE EVIL FREAKS ARE NOW SCREWED.


Its the American Way.

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