posted on Dec, 4 2020 @ 09:54 AM
Honestly, for me, it's not a question of where I get MY news....what worries the hell out of me is where everyone else is getting THEIR news.
This society, maybe humanity as a whole, is a much more gullible and easily influenced group than I once would have thought possible. And the bad
guys(looking at you, Mr. Chomsky) have figured that out.
The pen is indeed mightier than the sword, and what people believe and are influenced by is what determines, well, everything---- and reality be
The era of 'manufactured consent' and narrative driven social actions is upon us, and damned if I can figure out a way to counter that. Granted, it's
easy to see through the BS on small, personal levels....but try to convince the OTHER guy, the mass/mob of that .
The entire 'humanity-can-be-easily-manipulated' paradigm needs over turned. But damned if I know how. Once I would have thought the internet would
help, but hell, it's made it worse.
Srry for meandering there, lol.
My personal sources are several that I read, consider, and then try to determine exactly where the truth lies. I take in sources from all sides if
possible then go from there. I know that's not the answer you were looking for, but it's how I do it.