originally posted by: zosimov
This right here killed me dead, Teh Cutes is too much! We adopted two brothers back in February, they went from this:
To...damn, I need to get new pics for NightStar, I got baby kitteh shots and not much else. They're both big guys and not even a year old year, bigger
guy, the one on the right in the pic, is about 18-20 lbs already. His brother's not too far behind, 16 lbs or so.
Assuming you have a helllraiser like either of mine, Kitten Witching Hour may likely be in the middle of the night. And you may not get much sleep for
a while if they're really attached -- you might have a furry alarm clock that doesn't like you not being awake, lol.
Also, I can't say harness-training mine was a bad idea, they handle it very well and heel about as good as trained dogs do. If it's something you
think you guys might like doing, I'd say harness-train while he's dinky, they adapt to them easily at that age. Harnesses only, though, not just a
collar, they can slip out of a collar too easily, use a harness for toy or small dogs/puppies.
Toys are kind of up in the air, but they generally will gravitate toward whatever they liked at the shelter (better hints if the shelter gave you
their toys) Mine tend to like crinkley/noisy toys, like those cellophane cat toy things.
Don't skimp on the food, they're still growing. That's not to say set up the conveyor belt and cry as they snort every crumb (and man can they pack
food away when little!) but opt for better quality stuff. Mine are part Siamese and VERY insanely high energy, so we found that in addition to wet
food, they do very nicely with the higher protein varieties from Taste of The Wild, or Fussie Cat.