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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 32 -

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posted on Dec, 11 2020 @ 07:23 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Pretty sure it's over Bro

posted on Dec, 11 2020 @ 07:23 PM

originally posted by: scraedtosleep
a reply to: Creep Thumper

I think we need to behead various agencies.

Agreed. In his head he could be rushing to do some good things while he can.
I would say the cia limits are from my perspective a good thing.

So are Firing Squads and Gas Chambers.

posted on Dec, 11 2020 @ 07:23 PM

originally posted by: watchitburn
a reply to: Creep Thumper

I have 6 months until retirement. Would be a great way to hang it up.

I'm in, standing by for orders from my Commander in Chief.

Believe me, if asked, I will serve.

posted on Dec, 11 2020 @ 07:23 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

saw that plus info on ;

That somehow explains the growing fear - as mentioned on what i added above. The NWO decided to show Q and it's Global number of followers where the real power is. Could ramble on for ages, but Dig the multiple number of outside sources and the argument ended about 2 years back - an argument that kicked off in 1903.

posted on Dec, 11 2020 @ 07:24 PM
Terrific Evening My Fellow Patriots!

Do not worry about the shadows for they are meant to obscure.
Do not worry about the propaganda spewing from traitors.

Continue to Pray!

Stay Vigilant
Be Ready

For those of you who are my brothers and sisters in arms:

Remember your Oath

Psalm 91

Semper Fidelis

posted on Dec, 11 2020 @ 07:25 PM
a reply to: carewemust

To me, you're all winners here ... And I think it's over after the president has called out his defeat IMHO?
But I still have that feeling something big is waiting to happen?

posted on Dec, 11 2020 @ 07:26 PM

originally posted by: 0311Warrior
Terrific Evening My Fellow Patriots!

Do not worry about the shadows for they are meant to obscure.
Do not worry about the propaganda spewing from traitors.

Continue to Pray!

Stay Vigilant
Be Ready

For those of you who are my brothers and sisters in arms:

Remember your Oath

Psalm 91

Semper Fidelis

Holy moley! Warrior, welcome, man!

posted on Dec, 11 2020 @ 07:27 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: pheonix358

For some reason I don't feel defeated. Maybe it's the resilience and faith Q has instilled. The ball is now in President Trump's court. If he concedes, I'll then admit defeat and hand over Senate/House to Kamala.

MY MAN, cwm!!! Patience is a virtue not an affectation.

For a man who is "leaving" office for a demented pedophile, he sure has been busy. For the holder of the office of president elect, he sure is nowhere.

posted on Dec, 11 2020 @ 07:29 PM
What ever happened to DECLASSIFICATION?
Is that still on the table? Pretty late in the game if so.

posted on Dec, 11 2020 @ 07:33 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: RsaWarhawk

This is the point in the Movie when I'm gagging for a drink but don't want to miss a second of the film!

This feels more like an M. Night Shyamalan script and those movies never have a satisfying end

posted on Dec, 11 2020 @ 07:35 PM

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
a reply to: Caled
I mean...'it's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine'

Well, we are living in End Times...End Days...Dawn of a new Age...Dec 21, 2020!

Who knows, time will tell I guess.

posted on Dec, 11 2020 @ 07:36 PM
Agree and add that twenty years ago i tracked a enneagram, Sufi connected book, called simply enneagram, which of many facets, had within a planetary enneagram outlining the why's and what's of conflict with harmony due to the explosion of planet X or Maldek etc ( asteroid belt ), due to this solar system happening, dissharmony/conflict/breaks etc happen between the fourth and fifth points/planets which are located at bottom ( opening ) of enneagram, giving that all processes from growing a tomato plant to a business or life ?, will go through this corupt/dissturbed/fuzzy etc point/s, our solar system template as such imo holds this, becomes expected once watched noticed and factored, imo this is being transmuted currently along with much else, i feel 33 has to happen here on ATS but noted dashanon and Salads youtube. I wish to guess what is behind the scenes atm, game is over and all about assisting those we left behind, injured n all.

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
a reply to: Creep Thumper

From my own perspective, we are locked into a perpetual state of entropy. A downward spiral in which everything devolves into chaos and decay. Every subsystem within the larger system--from governmental systems to our own physical systems--are programmed to follow this pattern. It's what keeps us trapped in a continuous cycle of death/rebirth. Our energy recycles into the same patterns over and over again. Every government system, no matter how free it starts out, eventually falls to corruption and it's either destroyed or transformed. The U.S. gov follows this pattern. It was set to collapse at some point. If we are at that juncture, it looks like there is a battle over two different paths...either merge into a one world order or an awakening to a higher order--an expanded state of mind leading to a more enlightened way of life. We will break free from the pattern of entropy, bring balance back to the planet so that we will regain the upward spiral back to the natural cycle of evolution where we belong

The reason why we are locked into a state of entropy is because, collectively, we are vibrating at the frequency of fear.

Fear suppresses our systems which stagnates our growth. We reach a certain peak and then our systems begin losing energy, causing a downward decline. In order to break this pattern, we have to detach from fear

edit on 11-12-2020 by 1320Q17yes because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2020 @ 07:36 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Caled
Wow! Boom?

"Part of the reason for the formation of New
California State and New Nevada Sate is to stop the
lawless actions of Governors Newsome (California)
and Sisolak (Nevada)."

I was getting to post about this, like...


Is this some kind of lame attempt at sabotaging the effort?

I don't think so, it seems to be an end around including CA and NV in the with the big four. They are making the same shenanigans point, I assume, to give the Supremes the ability to sh$%can the entire election and put it on the legislators.

What I don't get is the "New" California State and "New" Nevada State? I've never seen that - have you?

I just scanned it quickly but he appears to provide precedent for creating the “new states” for the purposes of stopping the illegal behavior of the “old states” sitting governors. I didn’t check the citations though so I don’t know yet how valid this position is.

He’s basically saying that CA and NV also had fraud and Newsome was already told by their superior court that he had no authority to mail unsolicited ballots to everyone but he has and continues to violate that court order. He’s basically just doing whatever the F he wants to and to h*** with what the constitution says (I’m familiar with this tactic as a Michigander).
It sounds like there is a pending appeal on that decision that newsome is using just to stall so he can ram through the election certification and this attorney is pointing out that one of the questions presented by Texas will also resolve the CA case when answered?

Either way, he calls out both states as being a hot bed of fraud and says he agrees with Texas and supports them. He’s not trying to derail anything.

posted on Dec, 11 2020 @ 07:37 PM
I just went to General Flynn's twitter where he says "Would everyone listen to a voice of reason in TracyBeanz. I could not say it any stronger. Take a deep breath. More to come.'s worth a listen

posted on Dec, 11 2020 @ 07:41 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: pheonix358

For some reason I don't feel defeated. Maybe it's the resilience and faith Q has instilled. The ball is now in President Trump's court. If he concedes, I'll then admit defeat and hand over Senate/House to Kamala.

MY MAN, cwm!!! Patience is a virtue not an affectation.

For a man who is "leaving" office for a demented pedophile, he sure has been busy. For the holder of the office of president elect, he sure is nowhere.

Seeing this 2016 opinion from Justice Thomas, and Justice Alito, really got my hopes up.

"Federal law is unambiguous: If there is a controversy between two States, this Court—and only this Court—has jurisdiction over it. Nothing in §1251(a) suggests the Court can opt to decline jurisdiction over such a controversy."

Perhaps that statement means something that was not applicable to the Texas vs GA-PA-MI-WI case?

I'd rather believe that I mis-understood the opinion, than to think the Justices have also been blackmailed or bribed by China, like top politicians have. Or have been mentally taken over by Aliens.

posted on Dec, 11 2020 @ 07:42 PM
a reply to: 0311Warrior

We haven't forgotten our oaths, just not sure this country is salvageable anymore

posted on Dec, 11 2020 @ 07:45 PM
a reply to: i8miceb4
She's got spirit ..Plan B find more evidence until you don't have breath left to find them..

posted on Dec, 11 2020 @ 07:46 PM

originally posted by: SonOfThor
a reply to: 0311Warrior

We haven't forgotten our oaths, just not sure this country is salvageable anymore

That falls on a person to person basis . support the constitution, or renounce it.
I told a buddy if mine I can't wait to be charged with sedition because i believe in the constitution as written.
Better dead then red

posted on Dec, 11 2020 @ 07:47 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: carewemust
The Supreme Court was supposed to go on vacation at the end of today and stay on vacation until January 11th.

I wonder how that might change?

Oh frack... I didn't know that...


They won’t go on vacation until this is resolved. Scheduled vacations mean nothing once you move to the “management” or “executive” level of your profession.

posted on Dec, 11 2020 @ 07:48 PM
On yet another wikipedia page they get it right. We are a federal presidential contitutional republic.

originally posted by: scraedtosleep
a reply to: Justoneman

We are a REPUBLIC.

We are a democratic republic.

Why do people always forget the word democratic?

In the US, the notion that a republic was a form of democracy was common from the time of its founding, and the concepts associated with representative democracy (and hence with a democratic republic) are suggested by John Adams (writing in 1784):

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