First off, I'm sure this has a simple explanation! As the observer though, my mind is boggled. However, I have faith that the knowledge of others can
shed some light on this little mystery for me.
I live in a second story apartment. My computer desk is set up by a window, from which I have a view of a Walgreens across the street. The store
closes at 10PM, and all the store lights automatically go off at midnight. Almost every night, for months and months, a vehicle pulls into the lot and
parks. It's always between midnight and 1AM. It's a Jeep, I believe, based on the position and look of the headlights etc. They hang around for
various lengths of time, but always leave by 1AM.
A couple different times, a second vehicle pulls up next to them. Sometimes I can hear voices, but not loud enough to pick up what is being said.
Except for the most recent time I noticed the Jeep there. I heard a lot of “f you” and “f that”, in an aggravated tone. It sounded like
whoever it was, was on a cellphone, because I never heard any responses to the shouting.
None of that is the real mysterious part to me though. One's mind may assume some sort of drug dealer activity or the like. And it could very well be
something like that. But... what are the lights? I believe there are usually two people inside the vehicle. From the passenger side, I see strange
lights being waved around. I'll include a couple videos below, but be warned the quality is snip. The light itself is made up of six red LED looking
lights, in the shape of a triangle. It goes on, gets pointed around a bit, goes off, and then the vehicle drives away. Almost every single night.
As I mentioned, the video quality is crap here.
Filmed using a cell phone, from afar, and zoomed in.
Video #1 The Light:
Video #2 People Moving?:
Here's a pic I made showing the arrangement of the lights.
I have no idea what I'm seeing out there. If anyone has a clue, that'd be awesome. I'm sure it's something simple. Not knowing though, has been
bugging me for months on end. Thank you ATS.
edit on 11-21-2020 by WakeUpBeer because: (no reason given)