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Even A Military Enforced Lockdown Cannot Stop Coronavirus

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posted on Nov, 21 2020 @ 12:17 AM
Not sure if this was allready posted here?

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in cooperation with the Naval Medical Research Center did test with marines about how strict lockdown measures effect to covid-19 outcome. Well with 3,143 new recruits the test showed that even strict military lockdown dont help in any way. So why then goverments force lockdowns ???

They force lockdowns because of other reasons than infectious virus. They just use the virus as an excuse to bring up tyranny , bring down economy and prepare things to the great reset . It`s all about destroying lifes , not saving them.

NEW STUDY: Even A Military Enforced Lockdown Cannot Stop Coronavirus

The Virus Doesn’t Care about Your Policies

So can we just get back to normal life again pleaaaaase ?

posted on Nov, 21 2020 @ 12:27 AM
a reply to: Kenzo
I do agree with you.
I knew the tyranny was coming but I honestly thought in 150 years or so it would happen
I thought they were going to stage a fake alien invasion. At this rate I’d rather go for the aliens coming. They might be a bit nicer to us, or maybe not.

posted on Nov, 21 2020 @ 12:34 AM
a reply to: violet

I would pick alien invasion any day than this crap
I would even hitchhike to be transferred out from Earth .

posted on Nov, 21 2020 @ 01:12 AM
a reply to: violet

Yup. I mean if they were gonna pick a disease, it could have at least turned us into zombies or something cool.

I mean real zombies...not the mindless covid zombies out there clanging their covid sheep bells at 7pm every night for months all summer.

Like scary zombies that eat brains and #.

Though, aliens still woulda been better.
edit on 21/11/2020 by dug88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2020 @ 01:25 AM
The system is set up to kill people right now

4-Year-Old Almost Dies due to Lung Infection Caused by Prolonged Mask Wearing – Doctor Rants “How Many Children Must Die?”

4 Years old allmost many have to die ...some parents dont have any clue about the mask dangers and want their children wear them.
edit on 21-11-2020 by Kenzo because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2020 @ 01:37 AM
We can’t get back to normal because we are being conditioned to accept martial law and being locked in our homes. Soon a ‘solution’ will be provided by Sleepy Joe to cede out sovereignty to the NWO which never could have happened without the Plandemic crisis.

posted on Nov, 21 2020 @ 04:54 AM

originally posted by: violet
a reply to: Kenzo
I do agree with you.
I knew the tyranny was coming but I honestly thought in 150 years or so it would happen
I thought they were going to stage a fake alien invasion. At this rate I’d rather go for the aliens coming. They might be a bit nicer to us, or maybe not.

I thought the same. Never thought I would see this happening in my lifetime never mind rolled out in a matter of months.

posted on Nov, 21 2020 @ 04:58 AM
Well you are correct.

Problem is this....literally BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS of Humans Globally already have the Covid-Cold which is really a Viral sized and shaped Pleomorphic Bacteria inside their body......insitu and dormant and in their gut in Bacterial size and shape or in the worst case scenario Fungal size and shape ....

If you want to know if you have Covid-cold you need to check 3 areas for 3 things that all have a common genetic denominator.....a #1-Bacterial Invader and a #2-Viral Invader and a #3-Fungal Invader.....commonly known as #1-Bad Gut Bacteria and #2-Viral Infections called Covid-Cold and #3-Fungal Infections we call Cancer.

Covid-cold BEGINS its life as a Pleomorphic Gut Bacteria and it ends its life as a Pleomorphic Gut just Morphs its mass and shape twice like a Deadly Butterfly .

People with the bad gut bacteria form of this Pleomorphic Bacteria will in most cases have dormant bugs just existing happily in bacterial mass and shape....these bugs will not begin to reproduce and cause damages unless the body presents opportunity by being in a sympathetic state or vulnerable....acidity of the body is a keystone weakness....there are chemical precursors to this bugs morphing actions..... so for each person the impacts of this bug are very different and the level of infection can range from Bad Gut Bacteria to Superbug in the blood to Cancer throughout the entire add this little matter how many of these tricky bugs you have in your body as bad gut bacteria ---- once you catch Covid-cold they ALL GET SWITCHED ON TO CHANGE MASS ANDSHAPE AND FOOD INTO YOUR BLOODSTREAM ENMASSE.

The Covid-cold is actually triggering its relatives ALREADY living in Billions of Peoples guts to morph and flood the bloodstream in a cascade effect.

Its a Global Depopulation method with a proxy based Fail-Safe.....not everyone has the gut bacteria Insitu in dangerous volumes...heres a hot tip.....someone got the true data on this bug from Religous Doctrines long long ago....and one of the Prime catalysts of Parasitic Infections which are how the Pleomorphic Bacteria gets inside of us is if you dont eat certain foods one of which is PORK ON YOUR FORK you have a almost guaranteed survival dynamic in just have to sit and wait it out.

edit on 21-11-2020 by one4all because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-11-2020 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2020 @ 06:49 AM
a reply to: Kenzo

One thing Americans should feel fortunate about is that our culture/mindset is not so far down the tubes where they attempt military enforcement.

I think this emphasizes the difference between the US and countries like France and Spain who had a strong military presence/enforcement and stricter measures such as not even being able to go out for exercise (in some cases) or being limited to a 1.5 mile radius around your home. This is a violation of civil rights on another level.

As it is with what they tried/did in the US, the attorney general called it - "the greatest intrusion on civil liberties in American history" other than slavery.

@ 1m 48s:

edit on 21-11-2020 by nOraKat because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2020 @ 06:55 AM
a reply to: one4all

originally posted by: one4all
Well you are correct.

Problem is this....literally BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS of Humans Globally already have the Covid-Cold which is really a Viral sized and shaped Pleomorphic Bacteria

...someone got the true data on this bug from Religous Doctrines long long ago....and one of the Prime catalysts of Parasitic Infections which are how the Pleomorphic Bacteria gets inside of us is if you dont eat certain foods one of which is PORK ON YOUR FORK you have a almost guaranteed survival dynamic

What in the world are you talking about?

Its either a virus or bacteria.. it can't be both.. and its a virus.

So how do you get anything from Pork chops if you cook it?

posted on Nov, 21 2020 @ 07:05 AM

originally posted by: violet
a reply to: Kenzo
I do agree with you.
I knew the tyranny was coming but I honestly thought in 150 years or so it would happen
I thought they were going to stage a fake alien invasion. At this rate I’d rather go for the aliens coming. They might be a bit nicer to us, or maybe not.

According to me, you're not far from what's coming.

posted on Nov, 21 2020 @ 07:41 AM
a reply to: Kenzo

Except they weren't in isolation, they were merely segregated and socially distanced.

posted on Nov, 21 2020 @ 07:50 AM
Herd immunity. I don’t need a politician telling me how to conduct myself. When has the government ever made good decisions for all? They don’t and they can’t.
Most of it is unenforceable and just wishful thinking.
The virus will run its course no matter what we do to stop it.
Make good choices. Strengthen your immune system.
If you are immune compromised, take steps to protect yourself by reading and educating yourself on the best ways to do this.
Obey by gunpoint doesn’t stop the virus.

posted on Nov, 21 2020 @ 02:15 PM

originally posted by: dug88
a reply to: violet

Yup. I mean if they were gonna pick a disease, it could have at least turned us into zombies or something cool.

I mean real zombies...not the mindless covid zombies out there clanging their covid sheep bells at 7pm every night for months all summer.

Like scary zombies that eat brains and #.

Though, aliens still woulda been better.

Amen to this! Thank God nobody does this around us. Since the start of the pandemic, its just been more visiting in the yards and driveways than ever before. I've had more beers with neighbors in the past 8 months than I'd had in years.

If there was mass bell ringing or in-unison singing or whatever every night at a certain time, I'd be screaming obscenities off my balcony every night at the same.

ETA: To address the OP, IMO, yes, this is absolutely us being marched inexorably toward The Terrible Reset.

We should be actively rounding up those plotting against us, either for acts of treason, or terrorism (depending where they're based.)

It's time to use the unconstitutional PATRIOT Acts for good. Snatch these enemies of the USA / Constitution up in the dead of night and execute them. Their plotting and what seems to be active biological / economic / propaganda and cyber warfare should qualift ALL of the @Davos participants as enemy combatants.

Not just against the US, but against every nation. Others should do the same. Our civilization needs to be saved from the Fourth Reich.
edit on 11/21/2020 by dogstar23 because: because I said so!

edit on 11/21/2020 by dogstar23 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2020 @ 02:30 PM

originally posted by: dogstar23

originally posted by: dug88
a reply to: violet

Yup. I mean if they were gonna pick a disease, it could have at least turned us into zombies or something cool.

I mean real zombies...not the mindless covid zombies out there clanging their covid sheep bells at 7pm every night for months all summer.

Like scary zombies that eat brains and #.

Though, aliens still woulda been better.

Amen to this! Thank God nobody does this around us. Since the start of the pandemic, its just been more visiting in the yards and driveways than ever before. I've had more beers with neighbors in the past 8 months than I'd had in years.

If there was mass bell ringing or in-unison singing or whatever every night at a certain time, I'd be screaming obscenities off my balcony every night at the same.

ETA: To address the OP, IMO, yes, this is absolutely us being marched inexorably toward The Terrible Reset.

We should be actively rounding up those plotting against us, either for acts of treason, or terrorism (depending where they're based.)

It's time to use the unconstitutional PATRIOT Acts for good. Snatch these enemies of the USA / Constitution up in the dead of night and execute them. Their plotting and what seems to be active biological / economic / propaganda and cyber warfare should qualift ALL of the @Davos participants as enemy combatants.

Not just against the US, but against every nation. Others should do the same. Our civilization needs to be saved from the Fourth Reich.

Not really....just kill your bad gut bacteria and clean out your internal parasites...then replentish your good bacteria to re-enable your immune system.

posted on Nov, 21 2020 @ 05:27 PM
a reply to: one4all

Are we supposed to trust you? For all we know you made that up.

My.immune system strong, I have been ill maybe 3 times in my entire 43 year puff but it isn't me I'm worried about. The mother on my 2 young kids and one of my best friends who is also about to be my business partner are very high risk.

posted on Nov, 21 2020 @ 05:32 PM
a reply to: djz3ro

Trust is not needed where I am concerned,I am just repeating things I myself learned online.

The data either fits the Template or it does not,no trust involved.

Just do some research on your own its easy with Google.

Current research is showing that our Immune systems need good bacteria to work for us.

If your immune system is solid then you must be doing correct things.Share your lifestyle choices with those you love.

posted on Nov, 21 2020 @ 06:47 PM

originally posted by: dug88
a reply to: violet

Yup. I mean if they were gonna pick a disease, it could have at least turned us into zombies or something cool.

I mean real zombies...not the mindless covid zombies out there clanging their covid sheep bells at 7pm every night for months all summer.

Like scary zombies that eat brains and #.

Though, aliens still woulda been better.

You're jumping the gun.. Everyone knows that the Zombie apocalypse will come with the Vaccine.

I'm sure I heard something out of the Oxford trials about a volunteer had the horrific effect of God being dead to him. It sounded like he was saying that it nulled his sense of and experience of spirituality....

Now that would make for a scary zombie apocalypse.

edit on 21-11-2020 by maya27 because: Emoji

posted on Nov, 21 2020 @ 10:04 PM
a reply to: Kenzo
They’re not supposed to be for children under 5

posted on Nov, 21 2020 @ 10:31 PM

originally posted by: CthulhuMythos

originally posted by: violet
a reply to: Kenzo
I do agree with you.
I knew the tyranny was coming but I honestly thought in 150 years or so it would happen
I thought they were going to stage a fake alien invasion. At this rate I’d rather go for the aliens coming. They might be a bit nicer to us, or maybe not.

I thought the same. Never thought I would see this happening in my lifetime never mind rolled out in a matter of months.

I am stunned how well people fell into place and complied - even begged for more - “ lock us up”. The whole world has Stockholm syndrome now.

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