posted on Nov, 7 2020 @ 10:07 AM
Dear Mr. President,
I have patiently watched from the sidelines, I have bitten my tongue, and looked for the system to dole out justice and restore faith in my long held
American values. I believed I was watching a movement, one filled with the more vocal among us, in which my fellow Americans could sit quiet no more.
A movement that called for justice, and for honor and integrity to be restored to our once great nation.
I have been laid low, the corruption has become overwhelming, and so blatantly in my face that I can stay quiet no longer. Please Mr. President,
please stand and fight against this corruption. Please restore the honor and integrity to our system. Please insure that my vote counted. Please, do
not dare leave office before the American people have seen the true vote count- not the count that has been manipulated by the voting dead, the
illegal votes, the manipulation and propaganda by our own media, and the darker elements of the left.
I simply ask that you restore my faith in the values I have dedicated my life to. I understand that sacrifices must be made, and that it will quite
possibly extract a heavy toll on you Mr. President, and for that I am very sorry. I have little to offer, but call on me and I will stand with you in
these desperate time. Psalms 143.
All I ask for is fairness and equality.
[name removed]
edit on Sat Nov 7 2020 by DontTreadOnMe because: no personal info please