posted on Nov, 6 2020 @ 05:24 AM
I want to make a few disclaimers before I write what I want to write.
* I do not currently trust the integrity of the election results.
* I'm not an American, nor do I live in America.
* I consider myself more right leaning than left.
* I acknowledge that some people (possibly powerful people) do not support the premise of this thread, though the vast majority of people do.
The premise I propose everyone should agree on
I want the highest possible number of people in the world to have a happy life, and I want to minimise suffering wherever humanly possible.
The Rant
I think I really need to start off by saying that 2020 thus far can be considered a write off for happiness for a large percentage of the world, far
higher than normal. Covid-19 believing or not, people have suffered. This alone, in my opinion, should have been enough for everyone to just take a
breath, find out what we want, and come together to achieve it.
Instead of this, I feel like society by and large has turned more against itself, and forgotten the premise and the human nature to want this that
sits behind it.
Other 2020 happenings
The Resurgence of BLM
I believe that the overwhelming majority of people think that preferential or negative treatment of anyone based entirely on the colour of their skin
is wrong. But what I've noticed is that this premise has been ignored and substituted for an 'Us vs Them' belief, meaning anyone that doesn't
necessarily support the BLM movement no longer believes that people of a different ethnicity should be treated equally, or are too stupid to
understand the nuance. This substitute is incorrect, but has become the mainstream now.
Black lives DO matter
So do WHITE lives, so do ASIAN lives, so do HISPANIC lives. But I fully understand that when it is believed that one of those groups is under attack
disproportionally and unfairly, then it's important to emphasise or reiterate that a particular race's lives matter.
So I get it. I really do. I fully understand that if a belief of such importance is held, it's important to explore that belief, and if/when
supporting evidence is found, and its validated through rigorous discussion, I would be there fighting right beside you for change where needed. The
problem with this movement is that rigorous discussion hasn't resulted in validation for everyone, so we're back to square one. Some people believe
something, and some people don't. And instead of starting up the discussion again and working through the problem, we've forgotten the notion that
the overwhelming majority support equal treatment. As I said, it's been substituted for 'If you don't believe, you're racist or too stupid to
understand'. This is a dangerous way of thinking, frankly I've lost the majority of my friends because of it, lockdown in the UK has been miserable
for me because of it. That basic level of respect and understanding that most people think racism is bad, has disappeared. But discussion can't even
start without that understanding.
Speaking as someone who disagrees with the BLM movement, it's harder for me to point out what must be flaws in my arguments, but I will say this - I
think racism is bad, I think not acknowledging and respecting someone's deeply held believes is bad, I take racism very seriously, and where it
exists, I support any movement that seeks to extinguish it. You can call that a sort of 'pseudo-support' for BLM if you want.
The Election/Left vs Right
This is the place where the core premise of this thread has been completely forgotten.
Both the left and the right across the western world now accuses the other side of not wanting the best for everyone. Both sides think the other side
is nefarious, corrupt, brainwashed, morally superior, and ultimately evil.
This is the starting point for discussion. Cheap point scoring, cheap insults about character, assumptions about the hearts of people you've never
met or even talked to. But by far the worst and most alarming part of it that I've witnessed this year is the dehumanisation of groups of millions
of people. We ALL know where dehumanisation gets us. I myself have been called a rat, a disease, part of the problem, but I also believe that there
are people on the left that may be reading this that have been called similar or the same. Already in extreme cases in the US this has resulted in
death, the killing of people we've never talked to, the burning down of businesses owned by people we don't know. This can only stem from the
belief that the people we're hurting are evil, don't want us to be happy, want us to suffer, and are subhuman. This is going to continue and likely
escalate until we realise the core premise of the vast majority of human kind.
I myself do not think this election was fair, but I do not work on the assumption that people that disagree with me are ignoring the inconsistencies
because it favours them. I would hope there are a few people here that disagree with me that could possibly find a way to understand that I do not
believe what I believe just because it doesn't favour what I want.
On the first night of the election, I had multiple steams on YouTube going, and on TYT all I saw in the chat was Trump supporters chanting about
leftist tears. On the second night of the election, all I saw was leftists chanting about Trumpist tears. It made me sad, ashamed, and made me think
about the premise of this thread. How can it be that most people want everyone to be happy and to not suffer, and yet we see people actively enjoying
the suffering of others? It's because neither side believes that the other side just wants the best for everyone, so it's okay to do that.
This is the breakdown of society, 50% believes the other 50% wants them to suffer. No meaningful discussion can be had in this climate, no
resolutions can be found, and a way forward is not possible. Worse still, the degradation of the basic human consciousness's desire to be able to
empathise with other humans will continue.
Conclusion and moving forward after the election (if we get that far)
I want the hatred to stop. I want acknowledgement that we're all wrong on so many things. I want people to remember that the vast majority of
people want everyone to be happy, and to not suffer.
We're going to disagree forever, change and progression towards common goals cannot happen without it. But we cannot move forwards without the
understanding that the person you disagree with is not automatically evil, or stupid, or brainwashed. I live on the assumption that the person that
disagrees with me, ultimately, wants the best for me. It's a principle tenant of western culture that people are innocent until proven guilty.
We simply cannot have gotten this far in society without a shared desire for happiness and the least amount of suffering possible. There have been,
and will always be bumps along the way, some more destructive than others, but I personally want everyone to lead a happy life, and to suffer as
little as possible.
Can you agree with the premise?