a reply to:
I get were you are coming from, I am not an anarchist but want to change the system from within, however on occasion throughout history a revolt has
been the only way to disenfranchise elite's that have monopolised power for themselves.
That said I am also on some matter pretty right wing, not hardcore but over that side and on other's I am very left but not absolutely left.
I am at heart a Christian, for me Communism was just a thing that stole Christian ideas and then FORCED itself onto them while hypocritically filling
the pockets of it's leaders.
As an example in the early Church - which was not an organization but a gathering of people not priests, nun's, monk's, bishop's etc the early
Christians they were called servants and shepherds and were NOT the Church just part of it and the flock was the church - wealth was shared in common,
members whom worked put there earnings into a central kitty and as was needed people were given so that all were clothed, all were fed and all
contributed to the common good.
The Church was never meant to be FORCED onto people however it was an optional and a choice to live for the coming world instead of this one,
Capitalism is about THIS one, Communism ended up being a state of Limbo, Slavery and forced stripping of wealth to uphold a new elite called the party
whom were atheist, inhumane and cruel,. Gulags mass murders and war were a part of that hideous invention.
As for Capitalism it is about selfishness first and foremost, winning the rat race and no matter how much a person may want off the treadmill there
is no way off of it other than rejecting this world in it's entirety as the early Church did.
Ananias and Sapphira are two people whom lied about there wealth, they could have said we will keep one back openly but they lied and that is why
they literally dropped dead, the early church while in this world straddled the place between this world and a higher realm were the rules are very
different and much stricter, they lied to the holy spirit and fell dead for keeping money aside for themselves.
But the Church we know today, the vast palaces of bishop's, the well off middle class priests, the comfortable never having to worry about the bill's
monk's etc is not the real Church, indeed it has fallen a very far way's from the commands of the Lord and his apostles.
In south America after the Spaniards got there it was financially beneficial for them to steal, rape and enslave but one priest a missionary whom had
gone into the jungle had managed to convert an entire tribe to the word of Jesus, they were living exactly as the early church did and sharing all
wealth, all burdens and helping those around them but when a Spanish soldier whom had become one of the founders of one of the new ruling houses over
there found out he wanted those people as Slaves for his plantations so he went to the bishop whom had control of the missionary and the Bishop in a
characteristically anti Christian fashion gave him permission to enslave the entire Christian tribe, they died worked to death on his plantation's and
there utopia was lost.
This world Rejects Christ, it Rejects caring about other's and rewards the greedy, the selfish, the cruel and the power mongers, the Capitalists and
the Communists.
So I guess that in that respect I am not happy with ANY political party or current ideology and there is no one in my world to represent what I
believe is correct, not Communism but a free system at the cultural level were people actually cared about those around them.
The last time that was the case in the UK was after the second world war, bombed out city's with people often formerly middle class or even wealthy
now on the breadlines made them see thing's differently and so we got the best government this nation has ever had in peace time, it gave us the NHS,
Public housing (most of it was good but there was the mistake of destroying the surviving community's in land grabs that ruined our society and these
public housing were later used by the Tory's (it was Mountbatten that invited the Asians to the UK during Partition so the Tory's) to house migrants
into the country, this played into there hands as well since Divide and Conquer suited them to a T, by causing this influx into the Labour heartlands
they created cultural and social divisions that never healed and then to add the top hat they blamed Labour for it or at least convinced the public at
grass root's level that it was all Labour's doing, think of the shock of an established multiple generation community when foreigners whom have
nothing on common are put among them, the anger when a stranger is given a house that should in your mind as a long standing member of such a
community have been for your son or daughter and his in turn was reflected in growing racism and intolerance towards these new arrival's, a master
stroke of Machiavellian work.
So I have no party, I vote Labour only because there core traditional values are closest to mine but they are not the same, close is not the same as,
and I never vote Tory because on too many issues they are diametrically opposed to my ethical and moral beliefs.
The members of the Church who could work, Worked, Go sell all you own and give to the poor then come follow me, Work, Sell capitalism but not out and
out greed rather fair trade a fair day's work for a fair days pay, a fair day's price for goods and services not cheap labour as that concept is
actually anti Christian, not exploitation as that is anti Christian.
Caring about the poor, the sick and the needy, helping them, a caring about the entire body of Christ a welfare state aimed at healing, helping and
fixing society's ill's so socialism, Christianity is neither but with the early church as a model it is far closer to the Kibbutz model of socialism
than it will ever be to the greedy tyrant's of the city of London.
edit on 31-10-2020 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)