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Rappers are right Biden's tax increases will destroy an already weak economy

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posted on Oct, 26 2020 @ 04:50 AM
There's been a few Rappers that have come out against Biden because of his tax plan and they're right.

We have a weak economy due to Covid and the last thing you want to do is raise taxes and take money out of the economy while big and small businesses are just getting back on their feet. Biden will also reinstitute massive regulations that Trump cut that will cripple buisiness.

Why do people want to give more money to a behemoth of a Government that's corrupt? It's full of corrupt Politicians who get elected as poor and leave office rich. Why do people think giving more money to the black hole of bureaucracy that promises to fix the same problems year after year but do nothing? Do you know how much this Government already spends per year?


Why do they need more money to waste and spend?

People don't understand how business works. If they did, they would take advantage of starting a business and filing for an LLC, C or S Corp.

Let me tell you why business don't pay a lot of taxes.


Let me tell you why it's important to the economy not to pay a lot in taxes especially in a fragile economy.

Look at a Company like Netflix or Amazon. Greedy Politicians like AOC and other Democrat and many Republicans like to cite these companies as not paying taxes. Why does them not paying taxes help the economy?

It's because Politicians made it so a Company can run it's profits through the company without paying taxes just as long as they invest profits into the Company.

So all of thos movies, TV shows and Documentaries that's constantly churned out on Netflix is a very good thing for the economy. That money employs actors, screenwriters, producers, assistant producers, grips, stuntmen and women and more. So instead of sending a bunch of money to corrupt Politicians, they spend a lot of money on projects that employ many people who in turn spend that money into the economy.

If you raise taxes, then there's less money for these projects and people have to be fired and there's less work for the camera operator or the stuntman or woman and you squeeze the economy.

It's the same thing with Amazon. All of these people crying about taxes stay on Netflix and Amazon. So the more you order, the more you need new facilities and delivery drivers who make money and spend it and help grow the economy.


It's not just Netflix or Amazon.

All of these Hollywood Liberals and Singers screaming about taxes don't pay taxes up front. All of them have a "Production Company" that doesn't produce anything but they have it for tax purposes. This is why so many Actors and Singers get in trouble for tax evasion. This is what happens.

They set up an LLC and get a good Accountant.

They get paid 5 million for a movie, they don't pay taxes on that 5 million upfront, the 5 million is paid to their Production Company and the Production Company pays them. If Hollywood Liberals really want to pay more taxes, they would say no more Production Companies for tax reasons. If they make 5 million on a movie then they pay taxes before they see the 5 million like you do when working at a Factory. Of course Hollywood Liberals wouldn't want this.

Why do you think these movies can make billions of dollars worldwide but not make a profit?

Here's some Hollywood movies ran by Hollywood Liberals that support more taxes for you but enjoy loopholes put in place by Politicians like Biden. I'm not bothered by this, because I think it smart to spend more on things that employs thousands of people who spend money in the economy vs. giving more money to a 4.45 trillion dollar a year spending behemoth.

Farenhet 9/11 - 5 million dollar budet, over $200 million worldwide and no profit.

Batman with Jack Nicholson as the Joker

The Caped Crusader's first foray into the film world was met with some hesitancy over whether audiences can suspend their belief for a story about a vigilante who dresses up in a bat suit. Thankfully, Tim Burton managed to knock it out of the park and Batman proved to be a massive success with over $400 million earned at the box office.

But with a massive expenses list that included $62 million for advertising and publicity, $9 million just for film printing costs, and a whopping $80 million for distribution, Batman wound up losing money for the studio.

Forrest Gump had a 55 million dollar budget, made over 650 million at the Box Office plus more in ancillary projects like DVD sales and posted a 62 million dollar loss!

Lord of the Rings Trilogy - over 300 million to make 3 movies which grossed over 3 billion worldwide yet showed massive losses.

Now, some of the Hollywood accounting is troubling because it's so bad that an investor could be shut out of profits. That's why is good to get a percentage of gross profits vs. net profits.

What's curious though, you never hear Biden or AOC or other Liberals talk about Hollywood Liberals paying taxes. This is because these Liberals get $100,000 a plate fundraisers from these Hollywood Liberals and all of the perks. HYPOCRITES!!!

edit on 26-10-2020 by neoholographic because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2020 @ 04:51 AM
double post
edit on 26-10-2020 by neoholographic because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2020 @ 05:43 AM
I was just reading on Twitter about Ice Cube and 50 Cents.

The way you break it down is spot on. I can't believe the Government spends that much money and that's still not enough. Every year Politicians promise to fix the same problems and never do. Why do they need more money?

posted on Oct, 26 2020 @ 07:33 AM
a reply to: neoholographic

Excellent post.
Every word told a story.

posted on Oct, 26 2020 @ 08:46 AM
I'm still waiting to hear what Weird Al says before deciding who to vote for

posted on Oct, 26 2020 @ 09:33 AM
I am not into wealth redistribtion at all. Its anathema to the way I think.

That said, something has to be done about wealth disparity. Its a national security concern. Individuals who can fund wars, both sides of wars, have never been good for peace or for the world in general. The entire point of government is to provide for general welfare. Im not sure that can happen with situations like the Bezos fortune existing under 1 man.

posted on Oct, 26 2020 @ 10:41 AM

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan
I am not into wealth redistribtion at all. Its anathema to the way I think.

That said, something has to be done about wealth disparity. Its a national security concern. Individuals who can fund wars, both sides of wars, have never been good for peace or for the world in general. The entire point of government is to provide for general welfare. Im not sure that can happen with situations like the Bezos fortune existing under 1 man.

I agree, I think wealth inequality is a problem on the individual level but not on the company level. I'm fine with Netflix not paying any taxes. I get to enjoy really good content and they get to create even more content that employs thousands of people who in turn spends that money into the economy instead of the money going to corrupt Politicians.

I just don't understand how people can trust a Government that wastes and spends money like it's no tomorrow. I watch these people sometime on C-Span and they spend millions, billions and trillions like it's Monopoly money. I want to spend 1 billion on this and 500 million on that.

They also go to D.C. poor and leave rich.

Biden's taxes and more regulations will kill a fragile economy. If Netflix produces less content and Amazon hires fewere delivery drivers to pay more taxes this will also hurt the small business owner who depends on th Grip or Camera Operator on a Netflix movie to buy lunch or ice cream from their establishment.

So fewer Netflix movies and TV shows = fewer people working and spending in the economy = the small buisiness owner selling fewer lunches and dinners = Waiters, Waitresses and Bus Boys getting laid off just so AOC or Schumer can waste and spend more money when they just spent 4.45 trillion in 2019.

I don't know how anyone can support Biden. He's a Globalist Warmonger who supports regime change. He wanted to split Iraq into 3 states. You heard him at the debate. He's already getting on a war footing with North Korea who's a nuclear power right next to millions in South Korea. This is why Biden is supported by so many Bush era Never Trump Neocons.

Bill Kristol, the Warmonger clown, supported Hillary and now Biden. He knows Biden will give him the wars he wants!

Biden's a Globalist Warmonger who will destroy the economy with higher taxes and more regulations!
edit on 26-10-2020 by neoholographic because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2020 @ 02:16 PM
This has GOT to BE teh MOST stupid anttax post yet .
You guys start out By says Business Don't pay Taxes at all as they have loop holes for that then talk about 2019 when TRUMP spent Trillion .
Then go on acting like Biden is Raising taxes when all He will be doing is reinstating taxes that Trump side lined Temporally .
But reinstating taxes On Big business's miens Nothing s Most have OFF SHORE accounting really are you people this naïve ?

and What about the MILITARY anyway I thought You LOVED them who will pay them THE 1 TRILLION a year they get if There are No taxes ?

How they spend money is the problem and That is YOUR ONLY valid point and GUESS what TRUMP has Been in charge of that spending you ARE NOW complaining about .

Why the Right insist On cutting the ground from there own feet i have No idea But you can hang that 2019 1.9 Trillion spending right on TRUMP as the virus had NO paly In 2019 . So you better Find anther orange man to love .

posted on Oct, 26 2020 @ 02:26 PM

originally posted by: midnightstar
This has GOT to BE teh MOST stupid anttax post yet .
You guys start out By says Business Don't pay Taxes at all as they have loop holes for that then talk about 2019 when TRUMP spent Trillion .
Then go on acting like Biden is Raising taxes when all He will be doing is reinstating taxes that Trump side lined Temporally .
But reinstating taxes On Big business's miens Nothing s Most have OFF SHORE accounting really are you people this naïve ?

and What about the MILITARY anyway I thought You LOVED them who will pay them THE 1 TRILLION a year they get if There are No taxes ?

How they spend money is the problem and That is YOUR ONLY valid point and GUESS what TRUMP has Been in charge of that spending you ARE NOW complaining about .

Why the Right insist On cutting the ground from there own feet i have No idea But you can hang that 2019 1.9 Trillion spending right on TRUMP as the virus had NO paly In 2019 . So you better Find anther orange man to love .

How can you call anything stupid? Have you read your post?

Who said no taxes? We don't need to raise taxes in a fragile economy.

The Government spent 4.45 trillion in 2019. It amazes me that people think Government is a panacea to fix any and everything. These corrupt Politicians promise to fix the same things year after year if you just give them more money to waste.

Why do you want to pull money out of the economy and raise taxes while the economy is recovering from Covid?

posted on Oct, 26 2020 @ 03:17 PM

originally posted by: neoholographic

originally posted by: midnightstar
This has GOT to BE teh MOST stupid anttax post yet .
You guys start out By says Business Don't pay Taxes at all as they have loop holes for that then talk about 2019 when TRUMP spent Trillion .
Then go on acting like Biden is Raising taxes when all He will be doing is reinstating taxes that Trump side lined Temporally .
But reinstating taxes On Big business's miens Nothing s Most have OFF SHORE accounting really are you people this naïve ?

and What about the MILITARY anyway I thought You LOVED them who will pay them THE 1 TRILLION a year they get if There are No taxes ?

How they spend money is the problem and That is YOUR ONLY valid point and GUESS what TRUMP has Been in charge of that spending you ARE NOW complaining about .

Why the Right insist On cutting the ground from there own feet i have No idea But you can hang that 2019 1.9 Trillion spending right on TRUMP as the virus had NO paly In 2019 . So you better Find anther orange man to love .

How can you call anything stupid? Have you read your post?

Who said no taxes? We don't need to raise taxes in a fragile economy.

The Government spent 4.45 trillion in 2019. It amazes me that people think Government is a panacea to fix any and everything. These corrupt Politicians promise to fix the same things year after year if you just give them more money to waste.

Why do you want to pull money out of the economy and raise taxes while the economy is recovering from Covid?

Higher taxes on people who don't and cannot possibly spend all they make is not going to be a big problem for the economy. It mat hurt some stock prices but that is about it. Since greed drives it all, higher taxes just mean the greedy will work harder to make more, so they can cover the higher taxes. Debt and interest rates are what have really driven the economy the last 10 years or so, not tax relief.

posted on Oct, 26 2020 @ 05:25 PM
You don't have to be a rapper to know this.

posted on Oct, 26 2020 @ 05:30 PM
a reply to: neoholographic

Rappers Need to Pay More Taxes . Who's gonna Support their Fans ?

posted on Oct, 26 2020 @ 08:32 PM
a reply to: neoholographic

Yep it's called Hollywood accounting. And if people knew how it really worked hollywood executives would be hanging from lamp posts. here is an article showing that Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix, $938.2 million in box office gross, made Zero Profit.

I've worked on productions were the producers owned all the equipment and rented it back to themselves. They would go in and change one line of a script and charge a writers fee. Nobody makes money when a movie is released. They make it while it's in production and they can scam it out of the budget.
Same with Government. They don't make money from your tax dollars, They make it by scamming money out of pork barrel projects and kickbacks and peddling their influence.

posted on Oct, 27 2020 @ 05:27 AM

originally posted by: sligtlyskeptical

originally posted by: neoholographic

originally posted by: midnightstar
This has GOT to BE teh MOST stupid anttax post yet .
You guys start out By says Business Don't pay Taxes at all as they have loop holes for that then talk about 2019 when TRUMP spent Trillion .
Then go on acting like Biden is Raising taxes when all He will be doing is reinstating taxes that Trump side lined Temporally .
But reinstating taxes On Big business's miens Nothing s Most have OFF SHORE accounting really are you people this naïve ?

and What about the MILITARY anyway I thought You LOVED them who will pay them THE 1 TRILLION a year they get if There are No taxes ?

How they spend money is the problem and That is YOUR ONLY valid point and GUESS what TRUMP has Been in charge of that spending you ARE NOW complaining about .

Why the Right insist On cutting the ground from there own feet i have No idea But you can hang that 2019 1.9 Trillion spending right on TRUMP as the virus had NO paly In 2019 . So you better Find anther orange man to love .

How can you call anything stupid? Have you read your post?

Who said no taxes? We don't need to raise taxes in a fragile economy.

The Government spent 4.45 trillion in 2019. It amazes me that people think Government is a panacea to fix any and everything. These corrupt Politicians promise to fix the same things year after year if you just give them more money to waste.

Why do you want to pull money out of the economy and raise taxes while the economy is recovering from Covid?

Higher taxes on people who don't and cannot possibly spend all they make is not going to be a big problem for the economy. It mat hurt some stock prices but that is about it. Since greed drives it all, higher taxes just mean the greedy will work harder to make more, so they can cover the higher taxes. Debt and interest rates are what have really driven the economy the last 10 years or so, not tax relief.

This post illustrates the problem.

First, you think hurting stock prices is fine when that's just asinine. Have you ever heard of 401k's or Retirement plans? So if you hurt the stock market, you're not just hurting "greedy" people but people who work all of their lives and contribute to their 401k so they can retire in peace but you think it's ok to hurt them in favor of corrupt Politicians who just spent 4.45 trillion in 2019.

You call these people "greedy" but I bet you're ordering Amazon, watching Prime, watching Netflix, on Roku or Apple TV, have a smartphone, shop at Walmart, eat Pizza Hut or Papa John's and buy and use all the things these greedy people make. At least they make a product or service, what do Politicians do to get rich?

These people go into Government poor and come out rich. They make $174,000 a year and get everything free. Free gas, free food, free everything. If taxpayers are paying them $174,000 why can't they pay their own way? They can afford it.

You don't call them "greedy" when they're the greediest people on the planet who spend taxpayers money like it's Monopoly money.
edit on 27-10-2020 by neoholographic because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2020 @ 11:14 AM
a reply to: sligtlyskeptical

When I was a kid I heard this same line... Sounds great.

What happened... Rich people found loop holes and didn't pay the promised taxes. Next year taxes went up on properties and middle class earners.

Along the way inheritance tax became a thing, and it's made to sound like nobody except rich people can leave stuff for their kids.

posted on Oct, 27 2020 @ 11:46 AM
Instead of raising taxes, Shut down every loophole used. If companies were forced to pay their fair share instead of using expensive tax experts and blackmail to pay near 0%. There would be no need to keep raising it.

posted on Oct, 27 2020 @ 11:50 AM
a reply to: neoholographic

In a radio interview, Biden said he will eliminate the Trump tax cut in his first 100 days. The man is totally out of touch!

You raise taxes on ANYONE, and the working class will not only pay their increase, but ultimately the increased corporate tax as well.

Biden is counting on most Americans being brain dead, I suppose.

posted on Oct, 29 2020 @ 10:45 AM
Thursday October 29, 2020

From what I'm hearing today, the economy is ROARING BACK as it looks more like President Trump will be re-elected!

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