a reply to:
Imagine this, you have two (OR MORE) sets of eye's, those in this body, those in spiritual form's and other world's as well as other dimensions (and
let's not throw in parallel universe or the fact that mind changing the quantum state of matter seems to have a physical impact in the reality the
observer is observing from).
What if you are PARTIALLY Awake in one of those other body's as well as your current physical body.
Parallel reality's, some may be ahead in time, some behind, information exchanged between these at the sub conscious level may make people aware of
event's before they happen in there reality.
Other dimensions - spirit world's or whatever you want to call them, some may be aware of other entity's there as these other faculty's native to
that level of existence are partially aware and see, hear or experience thing's that other's do not as a result.
Also life after death, what if you never actually die, what if your consciousness span's many parallel reality's and you only perceive it in each of
them as a single reality without ever really seeing that you are actually aware of multiple near identical reality's at the same time.
So you die in one reality but you live in the one's next to it, have you died or is it possible that this reality bridging consciousness is still
around, first the other reality's were you are still alive support you since you are one being even if like a kind of quantum concertina man with each
cut out in a different reality all are linked, even if all the body's were dead in all conceivable reality's your consciousness spirit or whatever you
want to call it would still be in existence and still spanning all those reality's.
Also think on this, there may be beings that have become predatory, evil, malign in there nature, that realm could have a whole ecosystem of it's own
and maybe only by being in a flock of good people can we perhaps make it through the ambush of evil being's that may want to prey upon or drag down
those passing over to the other side, there motives may be many, perhaps they seek to find a way back to this world and other's death's are seen as a
doorway or worse.
But if there is bad then there must also be GOOD, and if there were not in nature GOOD people over there would try to do something to make it so
through there own actions, kind of like spiritual police if you like good ones.
Some BAD entity's may want to create gestalt's, entrapping others and even possessing them so that when they die they will seek to snare those soul's
and all there potential to themselves to increase there strength, while a gestalt may be utterly evil that does not mean every soul within it is as
many may be victims of the lynch pin of that evil mob there mind's having been taken over long ago and suppressed either during there lives or by
preventing them from properly waking in the spirit keeping them in a dream or nightmare like state as the gestalt feed's on them for there energy.
edit on 24-10-2020 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)