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Absolute Proof the Earth is Round NOT Flat!

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posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 03:37 PM
Still waiting for absolute proof to be proven by an altered image.
Flat lens or curved?

a reply to: neutronflux

edit on 2/20/2022 by CrazyFox because:

edit on 2/20/2022 by CrazyFox because: Prior video proveS firmament exists sorry to kill our thread bro
if you repost your propaganda (debunked hundreds of pages ago) over and over again it still will be debunked long ago

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 05:23 PM
a reply to: OneBigMonkeyToo
Funny at least my memes are different from each other for the most part unlike certain debunked graphs/Stats altered photos over and over again as if that will change the fact we have altered/compressed photos taken with a curved lens being told is absolute proof
check out the vid I just linked wherever the firmament was discovered?
The fact that so many other "reasons" have to be used instead of the altered/compressed pictures debunks the premise that the altered photos are absolute proof.

edit on 2/20/2022 by CrazyFox because:

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 05:26 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

Yeah still waiting for any proven fake photos, as you seem mostly to be posting other people's garbage. Oh, the video you think shows the firmament - it really doesn't.
edit on 20/2/2022 by OneBigMonkeyToo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 06:01 PM
a reply to: OneBigMonkeyToo

Umm its in the op states it right there for all to see COMPRESSED = ALTERED
Electronically to be precise.

Now demonstrate without how that is absolute proof
Again the fact that there have been hundreds of pages in this thread not referencing the COMPRESSED/ALTERED photo's shows the photos are not absolute proof of anything other than someone needing a new hobby or to at least take a class in photography.

edit on 2/20/2022 by CrazyFox because: []

edit on 2/20/2022 by CrazyFox because: (no reason given)
extra DIV

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 08:13 PM
So long before NASA they could fly past the stratosphere, the atmosphere, check even the troposphere to see the giant ball of spinning water hurling thru space?
Didn't think so.
When that happens (still hasn't) and we have some unaltered photos we can talk "absolute proof"
Your contrived diagrams are irrelevant so for the love of god quit reposting them, and the digitally altered pictures
Thanks barest some to grow on
a reply to: neutronflux

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 09:02 PM

originally posted by: neutronflux

“Looks” like is not mathematical reality.

Again. Sun is a single light source. Makes its own light. Seen by the viewer because it makes its own light. The sun is seen as long as it’s light makes it to the observe unblocked.

No. It’s what actual physically blocks an object from view. This case the sun. Makes it own light. The only way an observer will not see the object like the sun is if it’s light is physically blocked from the viewer.

We know the sun is physically blocked from view by the earth’s curvature from the observer by:

One, the light doesn’t make it to the observe.

Two, the use of a light “amplifying” device like a telescope or binoculars doesn’t bring it back into view. This, disproving “prospective” while affirming blocked physically by earth’s curvature.

Three, night fall is literally the shadow of the earth’s curvature blocking the sun from view. Blocking the sun’s light.


That would show us the TRUE angle of the ocean, where WE 'actually' would see it, right? Math doesn't lie, but it isn't showing us the reality, of what we actually DO see, or actually do NOT see......that's for sure!

Have no idea what your babbling about.

The shortest distance between the sun and person observation the sun is a straight line. The only way the light is not seen / the sun not seen is if the sun’s light is physically blocked from the viewer.

For the flat earth delusion with the sun always above the earth, the observer will always have to angle their gaze above the horizon to view a sun always above the earth. In the flat earth delusion there is nothing to physically block the light from the observer, and the sun’s light will always reach the observer. In the flat earth delusion, there is no going “below” the horizon where the sun’s light is physically blocked from view to create the shadow of the earths curvature that is the phenomena called night.

The Sun itself slowly goes out of sight past the perfectly flat, straight horizon, which is only three miles away, due to perspective and vanishing point. But the LIGHT from the Sun still hits Earth, and the sky above you, even when it cannot be seen anymore.

However, if the Sun was PHYSICALLY BLOCKED OUT by Earth's 'curvature', it's LIGHT would ALSO be 'physically blocked out', right?

But it's light hits the sky and ground, despite not being seen.

The Sun itself, is an object, like any other object, but, like the moon, it is much larger than any other object in the sky, like stars, and planes. But both the Sun and moon are dwarfed in size by Earth, same as all objects are, even though they're much larger than other objects are, they are very, very small in size, compared to Earth.

And both Sun and moon are very near the Earth, as well. Same as stars are, which are very small compared to Sun and moon.

You, and your ball Earth supporters, are once again ignoring what destroys your fairy tale. First, you deliberately ignore perpendicular viewpoints of objects, which show the surface is flat, and that objects are still visible, ON the flat surface. You just show objects from ONE viewpoint, OUTWARD, and claim they go over Earth's 'curve', which is complete BS. A perpendicular viewpoint easily proves the objects are still there, proves the surface is ALWAYS flat.

And now, you completely ignore the fact that sunlight still hits the sky and ground, after it goes out of sight, beyond the flat, straight horizon. That doesn't fit your fairy tale either, so you just ignore it, like it doesn't exist!

You and your side are complete frauds, because you are AWARE of their being perpendicular viewpoints, and sunlight hitting the sky and ground after the Sun itself cannot physically be seen beyond the horizon.

This charade will no longer work. More and more people are becoming aware of your side's lies, ignorance, and parlor tricks. Perhaps you're doing this out of fear and insecurity, or some other reason(s), I don't know, or care. Fear of being scorned and insulted by others, because they are in the majority, has held many, many people back, from speaking their mind, telling the truth, and I can understand that. It's not nice to be a target of others, it takes guts, and courage, to stand up, and tell the truth, or just go against what everyone else 'believes'. That's why these liars twisted it around, claimed Earth was a ball, based on the 'scientific facts', used ONE point of view of ships, which 'vanished over Earth's curve', and never mentioned that perpendicular viewpoints show that there IS no 'curve', the ships are still in view, because this would have immediately killed their whole fairy tale.

These people were clever, no doubt, and knew that it was very easy to prove there's no curve, by looking ACROSS objects, moving ALONG the horizon. That's why they had schools say people ONCE THOUGHT that Earth was flat, because we were very ignorant at the time, believed in mythical Gods, and sea monsters, and that ships would fall off the 'edge of the Earth', if they sailed too far out! I remember seeing drawings of sea monsters attacking ships, and ships going over the 'edge' of Earth, while my teacher said 'This may look very funny to you, but THIS is what people USED TO BELIEVE WAS TRUE'

I was in grade 5 or 6, I think, at the time. I still remember this so clearly. But I can't recall almost ANYTHING else, and what I do recall, not as clear, or vividly. It obviously stuck out, among everything else in school.

It's obvious that everyone else must have had similar experiences, to this.

No child in grade 5 or 6 needs to know anything about the shape of Earth, it's completely irrelevant to a 10 year old child, who's learning how to spell, read, add and subtract, and so on. These are things we need to learn as children, not anything about Earth's physical shape, or how far away stars, Sun and moon are from Earth, it is completely ridiculous.

But the clear giveaway, is that after they showed us drawings of sea monsters and ships sailing off Earth's edge, lying that THIS was what everyone believed, it was NOT, but we believed it was true, since the teacher told us it was in grade 6....
The teacher stopped talking about Earth's shape, and moved along to math and spelling.

Soon afterward, they showed us where Earth is, in 'space', the Sun 93 million miles away, the moon 250,000 miles away, and stars, so incredibly far away, trillions of miles from Earth, they look like tiny, tiny 'points of light from Earth!

But the FIRST thing we were told, was that Earth was a ball in space, people once thought Earth was 'actually flat', if you can believe that! And of course, every classroom had a BALL Earth placed on our teacher's desks, where all children could see it constantly, each and every day, right in front of them!

Why would a GLOBE of Earth, be put on every teacher's desk, or almost every desk? Why did our teachers make up phony stories about everyone believing in sea monsters, at the 'edge' of Earth, with ships sailing over Earth's edge? It was to associate mythical monsters and Earth as pancake, in 'space', with nothing but an 'edge' all around it!

What ELSE would a child think about it? Why would every 12 year old child, suddenly laugh, if anyone suggests that Earth might actually BE flat, and NOT a ball? It's a group response, a universal reaction. We're well trained, like seals

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 12:07 AM

originally posted by: neutronflux
a reply to: turbonium1


while ignoring another viewpoint, perpendicular to it,

Do you understand how photos work?

This picture as an example. Yes, the depth of the picture goes all the way to space.

Now. Count the tress that goes left to right at the bottom that would be a “perpendicular” view to anything long enough to show the curvature. I estimate about ten trees with an average width of 30 feet. That means the photo at the ground is only showing about 300 feet of the ground. (Note the tree to the right. Its not 150 feet tall. In reality the picture probably only shows about 150 feet of ground width despite the photo having the depth of going to space.) How is 300 feet going to show any curvature if there is an 8 drop for ever mile.

Based on the size of the boat, the distance showed side to side is less than 1000 feet. You can tell the difference in height of about 3 inches over a1000 feet

What is actually in our view, is NOT shown in those images, nor could any ONE image show it, because it's 3 miles in length, side to side, so it cannot be captured by a single image, it requires a PANORAMA, multiple images in a sequence, to capture the entire horizon, which IS visible to us, but cannot be captured in a single image....

It's also possible to see the entire visible horizon by spanning along it side to side with a video camera, of course.

You already KNOW this, so stop the BS, there are 3 miles of VISIBLE horizon, to show the entire length, on an image, requires several images, over the entire length of it, combined together, which is called a PANORAMA!

This shows the entire VISIBLE horizon, what IS seen, from one position, side to side.

I'm sure you've seen videos of beautiful ocean horizons, from the coast, which span the whole horizon, or much of it, one side to the other, yes?

Of course you have - who hasn't?

But I'm sure you didn't look at them, to see if the whole horizon is perfectly flat, and straight across, all the way, but if you HAVE, you know it IS flat and straight across it's entire length.

And you've also seen horizons from planes, which span FAR more than 3 miles across, and have seen THEY are ALSO flat, and straight across, too.

We really don't need to debate that horizons are all flat and straight, over a distance of 3 miles, do we?

And we both know a horizon of 3 miles, is what is VISIBLE, from the surface, side to side, right?

And THAT is the PERPENDICULAR viewpoint, that they had to NEVER, EVER SHOW, or mention, and they never mention or show, to this very day.

Their one most crucial advantage, for this trick, is that horizons are very long, at least 3 miles long, and cannot be captured by one photo, so it cannot be seen as flat and straight, over 3 miles, from an image.

All they had to do, and STILL do, is show objects going OUTWARD, TO a horizon, and claim they couldn't be seen at a distance, past the horizon, because they had 'curved down' over Earth's 'curvature', and they would also add....

'How else could objects disappear like that, unless Earth was 'curved'?

Most people, such as yourself, do not ever realize, it's been used by magicians, and illusionists, even BEFORE they used it as a trick, that fooled the world, that Earth was a ball!

Magic has always used perspective, and distraction, for their best illusions, that's what THEY have done, and still do, and it's very, very sad, that people still are fooled by it.

The trick is to show an object, out in the distance, moving further and further away, TOWARDS the horizon. It will eventually reach to this horizon, and go beyond it, where we cannot see it anymore.

'Wow, where did it possibly go?' 'It suddenly vanished from sight!'

Then, they tell us it did NOT vanish, it is still there, and the reason we cannot see it anymore, is that Earth is a ball, with a curved surface, so the object was slowly curving downward, as it went further out, until it eventually curved out of sight!

Nobody realizes that this shows us ONE, single viewpoint of an object, which moves outward to the horizon.

They also use distractions, so people don't think about anything else, BUT that trick, as being NOT a trick at all, that what is shown, is always shown, that there is nothing else that CAN BE SEEN, but what they are showing us.

But the whole thing, your entire fairy tale story, is held together, by this one, simple little trick, and if you think that's crazy, it most certainly IS crazy. It is crazy that one little trick, one illusion, has fooled everyone, or most people, for centuries now, and still does.

After I've now explained it's all a trick, that a perpendicular viewpoint shows it's all a trick, you refuse to accept it, you just keep showing images from the same viewpoint, and ignore the perpendicular viewpoint, which would give it away as a trick.

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 12:52 AM
a reply to: CrazyFox

And you have yet to demonstrate that anything in the compression process actually alters what is being presented.

The many actual physical paper copies I have are not compressed in any way. You were shown one and mysteriously ignored it.

Now, how about showing me a photo that has been faked by NASA.

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 12:56 AM
a reply to: turbonium1

Did you miss my video turbo?

You seem to have missed my video.

Or would you prefer to pretend it doesn't exist?

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 01:05 AM

originally posted by: CrazyFox
So long before NASA they could fly past the stratosphere, the atmosphere, check even the troposphere to see the giant ball of spinning water hurling thru space?
Didn't think so.

The first rockets to fly high enough to see the curve happened a good 10 years before NASA. Sputnik happened before NASA.

When that happens (still hasn't) and we have some unaltered photos we can talk "absolute proof"

It has, and we have them. I even showed you one.

Your contrived diagrams are irrelevant so for the love of god quit reposting them, and the digitally altered pictures

Wow - the memespammer general moaning about contrived diagrams. Hilariously hypocritical.

This, by the way...

shows just how ignorant and ill-informed your memes are. You're either very gullible or you know full well how wrong your sources are but troll them anyway.

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 01:41 AM
It all becomes clear by simply imagining a ship appearing from one end of the horizon, just below it, sailing parallel to it, across to the other side. Or a ship on top of a horizon, staying on top from one side, to the other.

The horizon is a flat, straight line across Earth.

This is what Earth's surface really looks like, and what it really IS - it is flat.

If it was NOT flat, horizons would not be flat and straight across Earth, it would, it MUST, look the very same, as it's actual surface, and our horizons are flat, because the surface is flat.

Horizons CANNOT 'appear' to look flat, and straight, unless they ARE flat and straight.

They span over 240 miles across Earth, and are flat and straight throughout. Therefore, this must be the first, and only, spheroid, which has NO CURVES AT ALL!! Truly amazing!

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 02:31 AM
a reply to: turbonium1

Still waiting for you to check the video I posted. You know, the one showing a flat horizon on a curved surface where things disappear bottom first and reappear top first over it. Just like in the real world.

Oh, and I'm glad you aren't in charge of educational curricula. Globes are in classrooms because we live on one.
edit on 21/2/2022 by OneBigMonkeyToo because: Typo

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 03:27 AM
a reply to: turbonium1

It all becomes clear by simply imagining a ship appearing from one end of the horizon, just below it, sailing parallel to it, across to the other side. Or a ship on top of a horizon, staying on top from one side, to the other.

The horizon is a flat, straight line across Earth.

From a perspective of the ground...

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 03:41 AM
Are you referring to the video you posted here?...

originally posted by: OneBigMonkeyToo
It's impossible to make this simpler for your turbo, it really is.

This is a guitar.

See the curvy bits.

Hey look - when you change the viewing angle it looks flat across! Flat all the way from one side to the other, even though it's actually curved.

Hmm - wonder what would happen if something would appear from behind that 'flat' horizon?

Oh wow - it's exactly like what happens when ships appear and disappear over the horizon!

Now, if you'd like to just show me how you think that works on a flat, unending surface and how it's what we see in the real world we can all just pack this up and go home.

Oh, and I'll just remind you of this one, just in case you think you might have some wiggle room (you don't):

You're analogy uses a side of a guitar as the 'surface', and that while it appears to be 'flat', it is actually a 'curved' surface....yes?

What if you had a single view of an object on your 'surface', moving outward, in the distance, until it goes out of sight?

Why would you assume that the surface was entirely 'curving downward', after you've claimed it would appear flat and straight? Why would you assume it is NOT flat and straight, would be when it goes out of sight, at a certain distance away?

So how would you know it's not due to perspective and vanishing point, and not due to a curve?

"See the curvy bits."

Yes, I CAN 'see the curvy bits', from this PERPENDICULAR viewpoint of it!

Without you showing it from that perpendicular viewpoint, and only from the one viewpoint outward, we wouldn't be able to 'see the curvy bits', or know if it WAS 'curved' or not, right?

And if this perpendicular viewpoint did NOT show any 'curvy bits', that would mean there was NO curve, right? It would mean that something ELSE caused it to go out of sight, other than a 'curved' surface!

The reason we knew that it was due to a curved surface, is by our perpendicular view of it.

You've just proven my point, by showing it from a perpendicular viewpoint, we know that THIS surface, really IS curved!

Do you now understand why a perpendicular viewpoint of a surface is so important now? Because it will determine whether a surface is curved, or if it is flat, because it cannot be determined from only ONE viewpoint, looking outward!

And we have a perpendicular viewpoint of the Earth's surface, too! It is equally important to have, as it is for your 'guitar surface'! And it might even be a little MORE important, than for your 'guitar surface', would you agree?

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 04:34 AM

originally posted by: Akragon
a reply to: turbonium1

It all becomes clear by simply imagining a ship appearing from one end of the horizon, just below it, sailing parallel to it, across to the other side. Or a ship on top of a horizon, staying on top from one side, to the other.

The horizon is a flat, straight line across Earth.

From a perspective of the ground...

It's a bumpy looking surface, not a FLAT surface, this idiot used a basketball, which doesn't have a smooth surface, like a glass ball has, or a plastic ball, or metal ball, which are SMOOTH surfaces, but he picked a frickin' BASKETBALL?

That's why it's so bumpy and craggy, which makes it impossible to determine what the hell we're even looking at here, but we know it's bumpy and rough, and a completely worthless demonstration.

The only demonstration we need to do, is show a boat sailing out to the horizon, and show the same boat going ACROSS the horizon from a perpendicular viewpoint. Your claim is that the boat would go out of sight due to a curved surface, using the same, one viewpoint every time, while ignoring a perpendicular view of it every time....

But using a basketball is surely a fine way to determine if Earth's surface is flat or not, right? Good one!

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 05:03 AM
a reply to: turbonium1

The "perpenidcular'' view shows the surface is curved, yes or no?

Does it show a curved surface as a flat line, yes or no?

Do objects appear top first and disappear bottom first as they round that curve, yes or no?

Have you managed to replicate this on a flat surface, yes or no?

We have many views of Earth's curved surface from altitude. Where is your flat equivalent?

My simple video destroys your argument, and you have no answers to my questions.

edit on 21/2/2022 by OneBigMonkeyToo because: Layout and typos

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 05:24 AM

Just the fact you'd even USE this video is troubling, because it's a complete joke.

Not only that it is a complete fake, but it's also a very, very LOUSY, CRAPPY fake.... in every way possible.

A 'curve' forms out of nowhere, at altitudes lower than planes fly at, though no altitudes are even INDICATED, in a 'video' showing where 'curvature' appears! It just curves somewhere above Earth, and keeps curving, okay?

It's laughable, in being such a complete work of garbage.

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 06:05 AM
a reply to: turbonium1

It's not fake. I did it myself to illustrate to idiots everywhere that the horizon might look flat at sea level but with altitude becomes curved. Just like that guitar body looks flat, but is curved.

What's troubling for you is that you have no answer to it, just like the other video I did.

Produce your own flat Earth equivalent and prove it wrong. We'll wait.

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 06:09 AM

originally posted by: OneBigMonkeyToo
a reply to: turbonium1

The "perpenidcular'' view shows the surface is curved, yes or no?

Does it show a curved surface as a flat line, yes or no?

Do objects appear top first and disappear bottom first as they round that curve, yes or no?

Have you managed to replicate this on a flat surface, yes or no?

We have many views of Earth's curved surface from altitude. Where is your flat equivalent?

My simple video destroys your argument, and you have no answers to my questions.

On your 'guitar surface' it IS curved, shown by a perpendicular view of it, but not on Earth's surface, where all perpendicular viewpoints show it is a FLAT surface.

Every perpendicular viewpoint on Earth, looks at the HORIZON, not outward TO the horizon, get it?

All you ever show is the viewpoint outward TO the horizon, not ALONG the horizon, which is the perpendicular viewpoint of it.

When a ship sails OUTWARD, TO the horizon, about 3 miles away, we will see THE SAME horizon, spanning 3 miles across, side to side, and it is perfectly flat, and straight across, for those 3 miles we see it.

If there was any sort of CURVING along the surface, which you claim there is, we would see it ALONG the horizon, because it is not seen OUT to the horizon at all, so if there really IS a curved surface, a perpendicular view would SHOW it. But it is a flat straight horizon, we see across the horizon, as it is the perpendicular view of the OUTWARD view, TO the horizon.

The cross-section of the first view, because any surface is two-dimensional, not one dimensional.

If you look at a ship going out to the horizon, that is one viewpoint of it, showing it from one dimension. Without showing the ship from a second viewpoint, perpendicular to the first, it does not show it in two dimensions.

As I told you, if you only saw parallel lines or objects going OUTWARD, they appear to converge in the distance. That's why it requires a perpendicular viewpoint of the objects, which shows they remain parallel throughout the distance.

Same as the ocean appears to rise from this one viewpoint, outward to the ocean. A perpendicular viewpoint of it, shows the ocean does NOT rise, it remains flat and straight the whole time.

And it is ALSO the same, when viewing an object going OUTWARD to the horizon, where it goes out of sight. A perpendicular view of that object, shows it is still in view, and that there is NO curve at all, which you claim there is, causing it to go out of sight, by 'curving downward'.

Ignoring this perpendicular view is YOUR problem, and to keep denying it exists, is based on your internal fears and insecurities. I cannot help you with that, only you can overcome it, though I highly doubt you ever will. But I still hope that you do realize the truth, someday.

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 06:50 AM
a reply to: turbonium1


On your 'guitar surface' it IS curved, shown by a perpendicular view of it,

Yuu have to be the most dishonest poster, and you entirely rely on dishonest arguments.

What your doing is relying, and purposely ignoring a photograph is 2D, and has no sense of depth.

Start with this example.

Which pencil is the shortest, should it be seen in the perpendicular view?

No. The is no sense of depth. The needed information is hidden. Your purposefully cherry picking an angle that hides the visual clues and needed dimension of depth to hide what is really going on.

Here’s another view. Which pencil is the shortest?

But, now look below. A photo that does show which pencil Is the shortest. Because it has the proper angle to show the needed information.

Now. The view your saying shows there is no “curvature” of this piece of cardboard as an example.

Because the photo removed the dimension of depth, the view you want to use purposefully hides the curvature that is there all among.

If you think there is no curvature to this box top, I have a video of a pencil rolls down the curved piece of cardboard.

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