posted on Oct, 10 2020 @ 08:45 AM
Is not the goal of life to know Oneself?
I have looked within the Light, and I have Seen!
I have let God look at me with his Eye,
And I have been blinded by the light,
And yet I See! I See as never before!
Consider the following, if you will.
Suppose One managed to be in a state of deep prayer for a days, weeks even.
Suppose this person, in a trance-like state, brought down a pyramid from above the Crown, unto One's Head.
Suppose within this state, One Opens His Third Eye, the Pineal Gland, as if it were a Seed Blossoming into a Flower!
Imagine then, How having looked and Seen within the light, All Color and All Sound are made visible; the veil is lifted!
And thus One Sees, how All Life speaks of this. The Word. The Sound. Mmm...
Merry in my silly story with me, or hear me as you wish, We're all One Big Family.
I'll meet you on the other side; someday.