posted on Oct, 9 2020 @ 02:59 PM
because in la la land, white men are evil.
go look at twittter, you see it everywhere.
a psycho femnist girl i know, told me honor is bad.
a 'psycho' thinks that.
they want to feminize everything, make men weak, so they are more easily controlled.
thats why they tell everyone eat vegan.
i download old stuff, watch that.
also i watch a lot of docs that people make themselves on utube.
i down the videos, and watch it on my big tv.
the money lenders have amped up their plans to destroy the world in 2020.
them feminizing everything, is part of their protocols.
its as simple as this.
im a power lifter.
one of my friends in the gym is a power lifter, he also studies martial arts.
he tells me, 'i can take out ronda rousey easy...' this was when she was champ.
im like, but the knows all those holds, and she is unbeaten.
he replies back, she weighs 140 pounds.
and then im like, oh yeah!
when the bad guys tell you do not work out, eat poorly, cry, etc...
i do the opposite.
i say get strong, be productive, and never cry lol