Thank you ketsuko does look like as years go by the number and strength is getting worse .
During a SOLAR Minim no yet .
Look no one thinks Man ALONE is responsible for the FACT the average tempture is Going up .
heck One volcano Like say Hellen's can cause a temp drop that last years for the planet so all our planning can be Mute to nature .
BUT that does NOT mien man has NO EFFECT just LOOK at any large city's HEAT SINK and tell your self humans cant cause temp changes .
Try this at Home go out on a hot sunny day put a temp gage On the GRASS and one on the black top then tell your self It has Nothing to do with
Humans .
Carbon does retain heat O2 does not . More CO2 More heat contained its not rocket science look at Venus .
Burning oil the OIL was Atmosphere--- Plants take CO 2 AND STORE it animals eat plants and the co 2 is now locked in the body's then when they die
that turns into oil and gasses .
Oil is a 150 MILLION years of stored co 2 burning it Put that co 2 BACK into earth atmosphere along with coal and methain and any other gas .
Give humans enough time to Burn it all and earths atmosphere will once again be what it was like 150 Millions years back .
The pressure at sea lv was 45 POUNDS per inch as to now 14 pounds The co 2 lvs were ten times as high as well as the o2 btw GIANT bugs anyone lol
Now earth lived fine and dandy like that for millions of years and it will again if it gets that bad .
BUT pollution of any KIND THE WORST Humans related pollution is NOT FROM burning any thing It is from Nitrogen.
We need to feed 7 billion people we use Nitrogen because plants USE IT TO grow the excess goes RIGHT INTO the oceans GROW ALGY which uses it up then
dies the Bactria eat the dead Algy and US all the 02 up and cause fish die offs .
ADD the fact it increases the PH lvs cause acid build up killing even more fish and the fact Humans are fishing out the oceans you have a ecological
disaster of epic proportions in the making .
The bad thing is we cant change that we need to eat so the clock is ticking and time is running out as one day SOON your grandkids time the oceans
will be Giant dead zones and the Human race will have a massive die off .
ONLY IN AMERICA do people have access to so Much meat that is plant based from farms beef chicken pork Most of teh world relies on fishing the oceans
Humans got ONE and Only one shot of NOT being a dinosaur ( AKA EXTINCT ) get OFF this rock .
and stop having SO many kids ( from me who had 3 boys and raised 6 lol .
we know what we are doing and do it anyway .
edit on 10-10-2020 by midnightstar because: (no reason given)