Legions of physicians from all around the world except Australia have come out in criticism of the path we have taken, how from the perspective of
public health, the way we did it was wrong.
The lockdown theory is bankrupt when it comes to empirical evidence.
When you look at it like this. It becomes easy to entertain the idea of warlocks etc. I am kinda in this boat. I feel reality is a lot more fluid than
we understand and what we are seeing now playing is playing out on an energtic level too.
Its a spiritual war and people are being played like pawns in a game of memetic magiks
Note what Freeman Dyson discovered and mentions about "the role of the observer in quantum mechanics" at 23:06 below:
The rest may be a bit too complicated for you. But perhaps you can follow the introductory commentary from 0:43 - 6:02 and the conclusions from 20:37
- 23:55.
I have still to answer a couple of posts back here, so will go over the links later, you may be right about me not being able to follow complicated
maths, however Freeman Dysons birthdate follows another of my ideas about numerology involving birth dates and people who could be said of as mould
breakers 15/12/1923