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Vaccine consideration

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posted on Sep, 29 2020 @ 10:10 AM
This is purely my opinion based on my personal experience, just throwing it out there for your personal consideration.

When my children were in public schools they were the only unvaccinated kids. Every spring the elementary school nurse would call me and announce the chicken pox was going around and I should consider keeping the kids home for a period of time, which I never did.

I actually made play dates with the children who had the chicken pox so my kids could catch it And get it over with to build immunity naturally. Guess what? Not one of those play dates resulted in my children catching the chicken pox, not once. My kids sat next to these infected children on the bus, in class, in the cafeteria and played with them on the play ground and at home. Nothing. Yet, the vaccinated kids seem to have no problem spreading it amongst themselves, year after year.

Think about that scenario in regards to the big C. Those who get vaccinated will spread it amongst each other and scream it's the unvaccinated population that's the cause. A symptomatic carriers must be the issue. Yet, the unvaccinated are untouched by the virus and yet they are the problem. Get it? Do you see the rabbit hole this will create?

A side note...all the MSM had to do is supply fear. Fear of death is the tatic used. Now add in division. Divide and conquer. Sit back and watch society go after each other. Once division is established Sit back and watch the show unfold. People begging for longer lockdown. Mask mandatory and people begging for mandates. Civilian vs cop. Black vs white. Those who will take the vaccines vs those who won't. Meanwhile, those who take the "vaccine cure" may very well and up being the ones to transmit it amongst each other.

Again, this is just my opinion based on my experience that I wanted to share for your consideration.

posted on Sep, 29 2020 @ 10:31 AM
a reply to: summer5

It is known fact that for example polio vaccines spread a mutated strain of something, it`s documented and Countrys like India asked Bill Gates to leave India after Gates adventure there caused destruction in large scale. so yes, we can never know what is in the vaccines, and i believe unvaccinated are healthyer .

Gates’ Globalist Vaccine Agenda: A Win-Win for Pharma and Mandatory Vaccination

Vaccine-derived polio spreads in Africa after defeat of wild virus

I would not touch the corona vaccine even with long stick .

posted on Sep, 30 2020 @ 03:47 PM
Darn, I have a cold. I really was hoping to get the covid over this summer so I have antigens to it, but I guess my chances are pretty slim now according to this article.

I hate the runny nose, the allergies are subsiding to the junk in the air, as soon as the trees turn color they usually subside, but doing some work outside in the rain....I caught a little cold. Sucks. I gave it to our blind cat too, now he is sneezing more than usual.

I am not going to get this vaccine for a while, I never usually get the flu very bad, so I am hoping the same will be the case with this covid. I cannot take the flu vaccine, really bad reaction both times I took it, no more. I do however seem to get a common cold of some type almost every late fall. No fever or anything, just a plain old cold. I never seem to build immunity to a cold, it does not get super bad, but I get one almost every year...runny nose, congestion and mucus and sometimes cough. I don't consider the cold to be a disease, it is just a part of my life. If I do not get immunity to a cold, does that mean I will not get long term immunity to Covid if I get it?

posted on Sep, 30 2020 @ 09:54 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

I just had a cold, now it`s gone...Taked all kinds of supplemennts and it did not even get so bad.

I think there is a fundamental error about what the cold actually is. I dont think it`s a germ...a virus, but a disturbance in body chemistry because of foreign toxicants and body is trying to back homestasis by doing detox...we get the flu.

But i know it`s hard to believe .

posted on Sep, 30 2020 @ 11:00 PM
a reply to: Kenzo

We usually just take the zinc lozengers, they shorten the cold quite a bit. I ate one this morning, it seems to be working, plus, the roast and potatoes tonight tasted great, a sign that the zinc is working. Sometimes I will get a cold that hangs on for a long time, real mild though. Other times it only lasts a few days. It never is really bad though. Zinc seems to work sometimes but not others. I usually get a cold once a year, this year with working in the wet cold weather I got it a little early, usually there is two weeks between the fall seasonal allergy and the cold minimum. Must be the global warming, it is supposed to snow tomorrow and Friday a tad.

posted on Oct, 1 2020 @ 10:27 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

Yeeh zinc seems to work manytimes, with this cold i had zinc acetate lozengers . Zinc deficiency can cause reduced sense of taste and smell .

Sometimes taked too much, and copper was going there is a limit also .

posted on Oct, 1 2020 @ 01:02 PM

originally posted by: Kenzo
a reply to: rickymouse

Yeeh zinc seems to work manytimes, with this cold i had zinc acetate lozengers . Zinc deficiency can cause reduced sense of taste and smell .

Sometimes taked too much, and copper was going there is a limit also .
I take a multimineral tablet that contains some zinc, copper, selenium, and molybdenum, which I personally feel are pretty important for me. The dose is only about fifty percent of the RDA, the food we eat is homemade with pretty good ingredients, I will take an extra one on the days we eat junk food , or I start feeling tired. I have other combos I take when I want more energy or like I said, we have the zinc lozengers for when we start getting a virus. I think the zinc has enchalea in the candy. Yes, zinc being low or being used by the body can lead to a lack of ability to taste, those recptors need zinc and if it is being redirected to other places, the symptom is lack of ability to taste.

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