posted on Sep, 29 2020 @ 11:15 AM
a reply to:
Since I saw my 1st UFO back in May 2018 I began to see if I could clarify the pics. Usually the answer is not much unless one spends $1000 on image
stacking software. That's the same software that astronomers use along with the FBI or INTEL. Since 2018 I have enhanced over 300 UFO pics. I don't
publish them because there is no point in doing so. I know what I know and the others can simply go away.
So here's my enhancement using FastStone image viewing
I sharpened the image 4 separate times then I intentionally blurred it it twice. At that point I zoomed in 900%
1. The video is not fake as you can see that said objects have their own atmosphere. Once zoomed in you begin to see "bubbles" around the edges of the
2. Right click on pic and view it. Can you make out the geometric details. I have seen this before on other images of other UFOs. Not often possibly
once or twice
3. Object appears to be triangular with two parallel decks. The upper deck seems to have a "chess board" or "trowel" edge to it.
You wont find much help in the public arena nor here. The so called experts could clarify the image but they wont for whatever reason and the big web
sites wont publish your stuff if its legit. They will just go away.
It could be the US Space force. The one that doesn't exist
edit on 29-9-2020 by Waterglass because: typos