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The New York Protocol

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posted on Sep, 27 2020 @ 03:48 AM
Since the people all are still in power who were making the decisions in New York, what happened should be all investigated and talked , because
people were murdered . Video where a nurse talk what she see happen there . 37 years old come and complain some respiratory distress, but not being a covid....get`s sedated and never wakes up again and end up in body bag.


posted on Sep, 27 2020 @ 03:58 AM

originally posted by: Kenzo

Since the people all are still in power who were making the decisions in New York, what happened should be all investigated and talked , because
people were murdered . Video where a nurse talk what she see happen there . 37 years old come and complain some respiratory distress, but not being a covid....get`s sedated and never wakes up again and end up in body bag.


I'm always wondering whether this crime will be followed through.
My mother is in a care center and she was tested twice first time positive second time negative came back the first time it was negative also.

posted on Sep, 27 2020 @ 04:13 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

There are good and bad hospitals, doctors, you mother can have good care if she is in good place. What happened in New York was in such a bic scale that make it mass murder .

posted on Sep, 27 2020 @ 04:18 PM
a reply to: Kenzo

Yes, and if it is the nurse video I saw, she stated that her hospital was lower income area/homeless folk as well as being a teaching hospital and that interns were following strange orders.

posted on Sep, 28 2020 @ 03:17 PM
I saw the whole hour long video with her on the perspectives on the pandemic channel on yt, but they keep censoring them. You might be able to find it on bitchute.

But yes she is a very skilled field nurse from the military who saw lots of combat ER so she has been busy working different hospitals during covid. She was at a smaller hospital in FL initially where they used Hydroxy/zinc with success, then they ship her to a large urban NYC hospital and they are clueless and just intubating everyone without need and literally killing them. She gets heavily emotional explaining her last patient there where she KNEW he was getting better without the machine, then she gets reassigned to another ward and BAM, 2 minutes later that guy is intubated and dies hours later.

It was hard to watch, since you know for certain she is heartbroken over all the patients shes seen die needlessly

posted on Sep, 28 2020 @ 09:23 PM
a reply to: Aliquandro

Yes she seemed very skilled and also sane, not all people even could go through what she did, watching what they do to people in NYC.

True life horror story

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