posted on Sep, 20 2020 @ 04:12 AM
I’m super pissed at many Asian countries. Travel would have been possible if they just allowed tourists that test before flight and quarantine for a
while after arrival. But no! Almost all Asian countries are still shut off completely for people outside of Asia. I love Asia but I hate it. Now they
only want wealthy tourists. While I could now travel to Thailand or Cambodia, their approach to only allow wealthy tourists is a no-go for me. Not
that I could not afford it. But in my opinion what made Asia so great is that whole backpacker vibe they had going on there. Now I imagine Asia with
just a couple of 5-star hotel tourists - I was twice in such a setting because of family visiting when I was traveling Asia: it’s so dull and
boring. No way I want to travel Asia without the hippie backpackers and expats present.
On another note. Some said at least nature could recover during this time. But then it was always the Asian tourists that had no sense to be careful
when in nature. Stepping on corals because they cannot swim, stressing out wild life because they have no sense for the well-being of creatures,
polluting everything because they just throw their trash away wherever they stand.
I hope there won’t be any tourism from the Europe, US, Australia or NZ for a while, so they learn to appreciate western tourists and the backpackers
Sorry for not making distinctions among Asian countries, they are certainly there. Some are more ungrateful and more racist than others. However, I
hope yall go bankrupt and learn your lesson.
I’ll be traveling Subsaharan Africa for now. My heart is longing for adventure. Something I cannot have in Asia right now - let alone Europe. Europe
is #ing boring, I cannot stand it.
On another note, also # Australia, NZ and the US. The US has way more cases than my home country (Switzerland) yet I cannot travel there. #it, I hate
2020 and all countries that lock themselves up. Africa here I come again - not North-Africa, you suck too because you had me locked up and were so
damn proud about it.
Just my 2 cents.