posted on Sep, 17 2020 @ 11:58 PM
a reply to:
Alien Abduct
If we get rid of police officer's qualified immunity and allow them to face prosecution for constitutional rights violations then that alone
would make an enormous impact on improvement of officer's behavior.
It will also mean that the police will not work for the wages they do now.
People select a career and take jobs based on a personal profit motive. Money is one aspect of that, certainly, but there is also personal
satisfaction, power perks, and the like. Civil rights lawsuits can run into the millions of dollars, more than most policemen will make in a
It's the same ideal that leads to corporations as liability protection. Why would I start a business, invest everything I have, to make 6 figures a
year when one lawsuit can cost me millions more than I could ever make in the business? At least with a corporation, that corporation can be sued and
forced to pay up to everything it has, but I will still have a home to go to.
Many cities and some entire states rely far too heavily on revenue generated by the police whether directly or indirectly.
I will agree with this; many small towns have little other source of revenue and rely far too much on traffic tickets to make up their budget. I
simply don't see a better way to handle fines. No matter what one does, that money will find its way into the city coffers one way or another.
Perhaps if we nationalized the police departments... sending all of the revenue generated to the Federal government, then having the Federal
government fund all the local police departments. But that would bring up the spectre of big government and corruption beyond what exists now.
If you have any ideas (outside getting rid of police completely), I'm all ears.