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posted on Sep, 11 2020 @ 11:48 AM
By now, I’d be very surprised if someone hadn’t heard the term “Epstein didn’t kill himself,” but I’d like to bring the spotlight back to his original crimes of sex trafficking.
The obvious fact is that Epstein didn’t traffic to himself.
Since the “establishment” (the arm of the law/government) seems so eager to sweep these horrific crimes under the rug, I have to assume either one of two things:
a)They’re ALL in on it. The quote from Rosemary’s Baby comes to mind “All of them witches”

or (and, of course, this is more towards where I'm leaning)
b) those who ARE in on it, are so powerful and so evil, so thoroughly corrupt, that they can effectively threaten anyone willing to thwart their plans.

Let me ask you--how far would YOU go to protect a predator?

And although I can understand being upset at people like Q-ists, what I DON'T understand is how ALL of us are becoming complicit in sweeping the crime of a century under a rug.
From the Cindy McCains who knew, to the morally decompsed Dershowitz, to Acosta's sweetheart deal, to his celebrity and political friends, our officials are all covered in Epstein's grime.

When a society no longer cares to protect or defend its most vulnerable, it has reached a breaking point. Have we reached ours?

posted on Sep, 11 2020 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: zosimov

From the various happenings surrounding Epstein it seems that highly placed individuals in the government knew about what he was doing. It is also assumed that he was filming people with underage girls. Those videos were then used to blackmail people by intelligence agencies. The government/governments are complicit in a sex trafficking ring using underage girls to blackmail people. There's probably hundreds involved. They will cover this up by killing as many people as necessary.

posted on Sep, 11 2020 @ 12:04 PM
a reply to: grey580

From what I've seen of the case, your explanation seems to be spot on (woah, just sounds so insane, doesn't it?).

Gotta wonder if Q is the controlled opposition to make it look like we're the lunatics.

posted on Sep, 11 2020 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: zosimov

Look at how all of Hollywood knew about Harvy Weinstein, yet no one spoke out until a few people brave enough did. Even then the majority of Hollyweird remained silent. Many of them a huge mouth piece for the #Metoo movement.

posted on Sep, 11 2020 @ 12:08 PM
a reply to: seeker1963

This roasting by Gervais is still one of my 2020 highlights.

posted on Sep, 11 2020 @ 03:24 PM
My thoughts are that this whole thing was a third leg for Israel's defense system. In this system no American or Euro with power would be able to reach any agreement with any nation that could hurt Israel. I am sure also that Israel isn't the only nation with secret operations such as this.

Notice that Israel is now coming to the table with Arab countries. Was it always the Arabs that would not deal? Have certain Arab leaders come under a similar spell?

I mean no one really knows what goes on in regard to this kind of thing, but if you want to compromise powerful people sex is probably one of the easiest ways to do it.

Is also probably the push behind elites getting what used to be considered sexual perversion normalized. That way it will be harder for them to be blackmailed in the future (or could be one of the driving factors).

This sort of goes with why they all HATE Trump so much. Since he apparently never drank or partake of anything intoxicating, he was less likely to be blacked out and filmed having sex with an 8 year old or whatever. And at the same time he ran with the "big boys" so was prone to hear all the gossip about the nasty garbage that happens with all of these people.

Anyway, just my theory. Not my fact.

posted on Sep, 11 2020 @ 05:04 PM
a reply to: zosimov

I don't know if you have watched the documentary "Filthy Rich" which covers the Epstein case from the perspective of the girls themselves. It's a good, informative watch, I recommend it. It is worth it just to watch Dershowitz bare face lie through his teeth and then twitch like the lying mother-#er that he clearly is. There is always a tell.

Anyway, I subsequently read this...

...from London 1885. It is sensationalist, but like Filthy Rich, listen (read) to what the girls have to say. It's timeless. Same tactics, same stories. And, just like Epstein, it couldn't happen without women making all the arrangements.

posted on Sep, 22 2020 @ 07:17 PM

originally posted by: zosimov
By now, I’d be very surprised if someone hadn’t heard the term “Epstein didn’t kill himself,” but I’d like to bring the spotlight back to his original crimes of sex trafficking.
The obvious fact is that Epstein didn’t traffic to himself.
Since the “establishment” (the arm of the law/government) seems so eager to sweep these horrific crimes under the rug, I have to assume either one of two things:
a)They’re ALL in on it. The quote from Rosemary’s Baby comes to mind “All of them witches”

or (and, of course, this is more towards where I'm leaning)
b) those who ARE in on it, are so powerful and so evil, so thoroughly corrupt, that they can effectively threaten anyone willing to thwart their plans.

Let me ask you--how far would YOU go to protect a predator?

And although I can understand being upset at people like Q-ists, what I DON'T understand is how ALL of us are becoming complicit in sweeping the crime of a century under a rug.
From the Cindy McCains who knew, to the morally decompsed Dershowitz, to Acosta's sweetheart deal, to his celebrity and political friends, our officials are all covered in Epstein's grime.

When a society no longer cares to protect or defend its most vulnerable, it has reached a breaking point. Have we reached ours?

I love that you compared this to Rosemary. She literally loses her identity because she is surrounded by those you do not want to have her express her true will. The horror of Rosemarry's baby isn't the Devil being born it is a woman who has lost her freewill...

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