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Asian privilege?

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posted on Sep, 11 2020 @ 01:55 PM
The chart is a nice metaphor of how we value money over each other.

I'm happy for them because being of asian descent wasn't a good card to be dealt in terms of American history between the railroads and internment camps, akin to the shake black people (African American is a stupid phrase) had in U.S. history, yet they can still be able to become president.

So good job America.
We can all achieve success through hard work.

Mixed cultures are great because according to this, white people sure be slackin' when trying to make this country some great again money.
edit on 11-9-2020 by Psilocyborg because: Mo' money mo' problems

edit on 11-9-2020 by Psilocyborg because: money money money money... MONEY!

posted on Sep, 11 2020 @ 02:07 PM

originally posted by: crayzeed
And therein lies ALL the the troubles that has plagued America since its inception. More so in todays climate that's turning some American cities into the cesspits they are.
Why oh why do you all play along with it and as long as you do America will never change.
What am I on about, what's all this about??? Indian Americans, Irish Americans, Scottish American etc. etc. In that list it's pure alienation, exclusivity, my group special.
If you can't class yourselves as AMERICAN AMERICAN you aught to get out of the country because YOU people are the ones causing the problems.
As far as I know there is no other country in the world that uses those epithets, except,except to use the titles as a derogatory meaning.
That may be so, but a list showing incomes by ethnic groups is useful information. Don’t you wonder why some ethnic groups do better than others? Clearly, white privilege ain’t why Indians, Filipinos, Pakistanis and Sri Lankans do so well. The white privilege theory is demonstrably wrong and a waste of time.

posted on Sep, 11 2020 @ 02:11 PM
a reply to: peter_kandra

Damn near killed my mom when I moved out at 21. She couldn't get whiter than she is, according to her DNA.

posted on Sep, 11 2020 @ 02:16 PM
a reply to: game over man

Yeah white privilege... Sounds cool

posted on Sep, 11 2020 @ 02:28 PM

originally posted by: Spider879
Arizona officer under investigation after accused of holding Black man at gunpoint while looking for White suspect e-suspect/

Sigh! It's not how much you make vs how much you don't or how educated you are, it's about how you are generally perceived as a group, often with negative even fatal consequences, Jeeze , on average A As are perceived negatively, an accented black may or may not get a pass, and this thing is not new to Black Ppl , but gwaad forbid we should look into the historical reasons why.

The above article + vid put it in an overly dramatic fashion, and you're not gonna tell me those passive aggressive vids of Black Ppl getting policed by random white Ppl going about their business escaped you.
Asians can get it too, but up till the era of Trump Covid they were generally seen as safe, a brown dude better not be caught speaking on the phone in some foreign language in some commnities, White Ppl no matter who , generally get the benefit of the doubt, how many wealthy Blk got checked walking into their homes.

The big difference here is that white people, while being shot by police more than blacks, more often than not comply with the law enforcement. And the guy held up in the article was compliant and wasn't shot or touched.

Amazing how easy that is, don't you think?

Distance From Resistance

posted on Sep, 11 2020 @ 02:33 PM

originally posted by: crayzeed
And therein lies ALL the the troubles that has plagued America since its inception. More so in todays climate that's turning some American cities into the cesspits they are.
Why oh why do you all play along with it and as long as you do America will never change.
What am I on about, what's all this about??? Indian Americans, Irish Americans, Scottish American etc. etc. In that list it's pure alienation, exclusivity, my group special.
If you can't class yourselves as AMERICAN AMERICAN you aught to get out of the country because YOU people are the ones causing the problems.
As far as I know there is no other country in the world that uses those epithets, except,except to use the titles as a derogatory meaning.

I'd stay minding your own business would be the best way to end it. So what if no black people were chosen for a movie award. So what if no white only station is on television. This isn't directed at you, BTW.

But when things start getting thrown at you, you can either walk away and have things thrown at you for the rest of your life or you can start throwing back.

posted on Sep, 11 2020 @ 02:36 PM
a reply to: Scapegrace

I thought you made it clear that you weren't butthurt over Asians. The way I took your OP was that the whole white privilege is a myth just like every sane person already knows. I also thought everyone knew Asians were always the most intelligent race.

posted on Sep, 11 2020 @ 02:36 PM
Damn Asians.... Got to watch him....

posted on Sep, 11 2020 @ 05:08 PM

originally posted by: Metallicus
Income isn’t a measurement of life success nor is it a measure of happiness. However, it does help.

Completely agree with that statement.
Many of the richest people that I have known have been downright miserable. They could afford absolutely anything,
multiple houses, an easy life with plenty of help. It was never enough. Many of them had very bad family relations too.

I think money = a lot of comfort.

posted on Sep, 12 2020 @ 01:11 AM

originally posted by: LSU2018
a reply to: Scapegrace

I thought you made it clear that you weren't butthurt over Asians. The way I took your OP was that the whole white privilege is a myth just like every sane person already knows. I also thought everyone knew Asians were always the most intelligent race.

posted on Sep, 12 2020 @ 01:27 AM
They are more likely to hire within without being called out on it.

posted on Sep, 12 2020 @ 04:33 AM

originally posted by: LSU2018

originally posted by: Spider879
Arizona officer under investigation after accused of holding Black man at gunpoint while looking for White suspect e-suspect/

Sigh! It's not how much you make vs how much you don't or how educated you are, it's about how you are generally perceived as a group, often with negative even fatal consequences, Jeeze , on average A As are perceived negatively, an accented black may or may not get a pass, and this thing is not new to Black Ppl , but gwaad forbid we should look into the historical reasons why.

The above article + vid put it in an overly dramatic fashion, and you're not gonna tell me those passive aggressive vids of Black Ppl getting policed by random white Ppl going about their business escaped you.
Asians can get it too, but up till the era of Trump Covid they were generally seen as safe, a brown dude better not be caught speaking on the phone in some foreign language in some commnities, White Ppl no matter who , generally get the benefit of the doubt, how many wealthy Blk got checked walking into their homes.

The big difference here is that white people, while being shot by police more than blacks, more often than not comply with the law enforcement. And the guy held up in the article was compliant and wasn't shot or touched.

Amazing how easy that is, don't you think?

Distance From Resistance

You are willfully missing the point, he was supposed to be looking for a "White guy" but the Black guy was the auto suspect...why is that, what if he didn't feel like being humiliated that day, because he didn't do a damn thing..what next, two in the chest??

Also random White people policing black Ppl going about their business, making them justify their existence, or making assumptions about what they can or cannot afford , including where they can live, a whole host of daily micro aggressions , of the kind most White Ppl don't even experience and will not even register, it takes a toll on your mental health,
One shouldn't have to leave one's nation to feel fully human elsewhere.
Klik here for testimonials ^^ not saying they will not have challenges.

When Black folks travel outside the states, it felt like the weight of the world is lifted from our shoulders, any Black who traveled, can attest to this..there is a reason for that.

edit on 12-9-2020 by Spider879 because: Fix stuff.

posted on Sep, 12 2020 @ 11:22 AM

originally posted by: Spider879

originally posted by: LSU2018

originally posted by: Spider879
Arizona officer under investigation after accused of holding Black man at gunpoint while looking for White suspect e-suspect/

Sigh! It's not how much you make vs how much you don't or how educated you are, it's about how you are generally perceived as a group, often with negative even fatal consequences, Jeeze , on average A As are perceived negatively, an accented black may or may not get a pass, and this thing is not new to Black Ppl , but gwaad forbid we should look into the historical reasons why.

The above article + vid put it in an overly dramatic fashion, and you're not gonna tell me those passive aggressive vids of Black Ppl getting policed by random white Ppl going about their business escaped you.
Asians can get it too, but up till the era of Trump Covid they were generally seen as safe, a brown dude better not be caught speaking on the phone in some foreign language in some commnities, White Ppl no matter who , generally get the benefit of the doubt, how many wealthy Blk got checked walking into their homes.

The big difference here is that white people, while being shot by police more than blacks, more often than not comply with the law enforcement. And the guy held up in the article was compliant and wasn't shot or touched.

Amazing how easy that is, don't you think?

Distance From Resistance

You are willfully missing the point, he was supposed to be looking for a "White guy" but the Black guy was the auto suspect...why is that, what if he didn't feel like being humiliated that day, because he didn't do a damn thing..what next, two in the chest??

Also random White people policing black Ppl going about their business, making them justify their existence, or making assumptions about what they can or cannot afford , including where they can live, a whole host of daily micro aggressions , of the kind most White Ppl don't even experience and will not even register, it takes a toll on your mental health,
One shouldn't have to leave one's nation to feel fully human elsewhere.
Klik here for testimonials ^^ not saying they will not have challenges.

When Black folks travel outside the states, it felt like the weight of the world is lifted from our shoulders, any Black who traveled, can attest to this..there is a reason for that.
Why is it that Chinese and Indians aren’t perceived as threats? You know why. It’s because they’re law abiding and inoffensive in general. Good citizens.

If you could be honest with yourself, you’d admit that African Americans are almost entirely responsible for their bad reputation. You mentioned microaggressions. Well how about the huge number of macroaggressions inflicted by black criminals on every other ethnic group in this country? It’s well documented by the DOJ. I’ll provide a link if you’re interested.

I’m not saying all or even most African Americans are bad people. The vast majority are like everyone else and want what everyone else wants.

But the sad truth is a hugely disproportionate number of murders and robberies are committed by blacks — more than 50 percent of all arrestees in both categories, despite being 13 percent of the population. And the rates are even higher for black juveniles in both categories. These aren’t new phenomena; it’s been like this for decades.

Making excuses for them won’t solve anything. I used to make excuses, too. I felt sorry for African Americans when I was a child in the 1960s because of the horrible ways they were treated. I’ve always hated unfairness. I was a liberal, registered Democrat most of my life. Voted for both Clinton and Obama twice. But I’m done with that; I’ve had enough of the hypocrisy and rationalization.

African Americans have had the same opportunities highly successful ethnic groups have taken advantage of, chiefly free public schools. For their own sake they should emulate Asian Americans. White people should do the same.
edit on 12-9-2020 by Scapegrace because: Typo

posted on Sep, 12 2020 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: peter_kandra

Nor should they.

People who are too worried about some sort of privilege for others really need to get on with their lives.

posted on Sep, 12 2020 @ 11:39 AM
learn 2 code

posted on Sep, 12 2020 @ 12:54 PM

originally posted by: Scapegrace

originally posted by: Spider879

originally posted by: LSU2018

originally posted by: Spider879
Arizona officer under investigation after accused of holding Black man at gunpoint while looking for White suspect e-suspect/

Sigh! It's not how much you make vs how much you don't or how educated you are, it's about how you are generally perceived as a group, often with negative even fatal consequences, Jeeze , on average A As are perceived negatively, an accented black may or may not get a pass, and this thing is not new to Black Ppl , but gwaad forbid we should look into the historical reasons why.

The above article + vid put it in an overly dramatic fashion, and you're not gonna tell me those passive aggressive vids of Black Ppl getting policed by random white Ppl going about their business escaped you.
Asians can get it too, but up till the era of Trump Covid they were generally seen as safe, a brown dude better not be caught speaking on the phone in some foreign language in some commnities, White Ppl no matter who , generally get the benefit of the doubt, how many wealthy Blk got checked walking into their homes.

The big difference here is that white people, while being shot by police more than blacks, more often than not comply with the law enforcement. And the guy held up in the article was compliant and wasn't shot or touched.

Amazing how easy that is, don't you think?

Distance From Resistance

You are willfully missing the point, he was supposed to be looking for a "White guy" but the Black guy was the auto suspect...why is that, what if he didn't feel like being humiliated that day, because he didn't do a damn thing..what next, two in the chest??

Also random White people policing black Ppl going about their business, making them justify their existence, or making assumptions about what they can or cannot afford , including where they can live, a whole host of daily micro aggressions , of the kind most White Ppl don't even experience and will not even register, it takes a toll on your mental health,
One shouldn't have to leave one's nation to feel fully human elsewhere.
Klik here for testimonials ^^ not saying they will not have challenges.

When Black folks travel outside the states, it felt like the weight of the world is lifted from our shoulders, any Black who traveled, can attest to this..there is a reason for that.
Why is it that Chinese and Indians aren’t perceived as threats? You know why. It’s because they’re law abiding and inoffensive in general. Good citizens.

If you could be honest with yourself, you’d admit that African Americans are almost entirely responsible for their bad reputation. You mentioned microaggressions. Well how about the huge number of macroaggressions inflicted by black criminals on every other ethnic group in this country? It’s well documented by the DOJ. I’ll provide a link if you’re interested.

I’m not saying all or even most African Americans are bad people. The vast majority are like everyone else and want what everyone else wants.

But the sad truth is a hugely disproportionate number of murders and robberies are committed by blacks — more than 50 percent of all arrestees in both categories, despite being 13 percent of the population. And the rates are even higher for black juveniles in both categories. These aren’t new phenomena; it’s been like this for decades.

Making excuses for them won’t solve anything. I used to make excuses, too. I felt sorry for African Americans when I was a child in the 1960s because of the horrible ways they were treated. I’ve always hated unfairness. I was a liberal, registered Democrat most of my life. Voted for both Clinton and Obama twice. But I’m done with that; I’ve had enough of the hypocrisy and rationalization.

African Americans have had the same opportunities highly successful ethnic groups have taken advantage of, chiefly free public schools. For their own sake they should emulate Asian Americans. White people should do the same.

Yeah??.. when were we not policed by every random white Ppl when it fitted their fancy,was it in 1820, 1940, 1960, 1980, 2020... ??? No! You need to admit that your original buggy man is the Black man.
You invoke Black criminality , yet Black criminals are not on a whole killing, U..
And folks in Black communities on a whole are not criminals, even in poor neighborhoods.

And as for Indians & Chinese not being the focus of your attention??.. That can turn on a dime..with the next tweet.
Muslims before 911 Muslims post 911.. go ask a Muslim.

posted on Sep, 12 2020 @ 01:11 PM

originally posted by: Spider879

Also random White people policing black Ppl going about their business, making them justify their existence, or making assumptions about what they can or cannot afford , including where they can live, a whole host of daily micro aggressions , of the kind most White Ppl don't even experience and will not even register, it takes a toll on your mental health,
One shouldn't have to leave one's nation to feel fully human elsewhere.

I agree that micro aggression happens and one needs to ask why? It seems your point is this is done ONLY because the color of one's skin, and I disagree as a good number of Black leaders have disagreed too.

How does one treat a random Black man walking by when the night before 66 people were shot by Blacks not too far away? Apprehension comes to mind...In the vast majority of places away from Black violence and dysfunctional Black societies Blacks live and are treated like everyone else. In the area I live is upper middle class and there are a good number of Black families here, mix race families, people of include my wife and kids and color is not a point ever with anyone including the cops here.

BUT when you are down in these areas that just breath disfunctionality of course everyone is looking at everyone else as if they were a bad person, and in many cases they are.

It is human nature to mistrust what you have already seen as a threat. Jackson, Sharpton, hell even Don Lemon with many other Blacks have suggested the same thing. So when you see your micro aggression just maybe you are blaming the wrong people that is making that happen.

edit on 12-9-2020 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2020 @ 01:32 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Spider879

Also random White people policing black Ppl going about their business, making them justify their existence, or making assumptions about what they can or cannot afford , including where they can live, a whole host of daily micro aggressions , of the kind most White Ppl don't even experience and will not even register, it takes a toll on your mental health,
One shouldn't have to leave one's nation to feel fully human elsewhere.

I agree that micro aggression happens and one needs to ask why? It seems your point is this is done ONLY because the color of one's skin, and I disagree as a good number of Black leaders have disagreed too.

How does one treat a random Black man walking by when the night before 66 people were shot by Blacks not too far away? Apprehension comes to mind...In the vast majority of places away from Black violence and dysfunctional Black societies Blacks live and are treated like everyone else. In the area I live is upper middle class and there are a good number of Black families here, mix race families, people of include my wife and kids and color is not a point ever with anyone including the cops here.

BUT when you are down in these areas that just breath disfunctionality of course everyone is looking at everyone else as if they were a bad person, and in many cases they are.

It is human nature to mistrust what you have already seen as a threat. Jackson, Sharpton, hell even Don Lemon with many other Blacks have suggested the same thing. So when you see your micro aggression just maybe you are blaming the wrong people that is making that happen.

As I said above this is quite old and predates modern politics, there are no breaks, folks justify this sort of stuff back then, they justify it now.

In any case that's what White privilege is, the ability to be given the benefit of doubt, not your bank account or education although it can help shield you somewhat, and it doesn't mean getting called the N-word everyday , black folks have never been accorded that benefit outright.

posted on Sep, 12 2020 @ 01:37 PM
Being filthy rich seems to be the privilege with the most priority, that and being celeb, the same rules we live by don't apply to either.

I wont deny that they've given blacks much harsher sentences, ironic it was HRC and dem crew who is running now and pretending they never did such a thing nor referred to them as super predators. You know thats all here and there when there is power to grab, at least thats why they all want us to think.

Also wherever you be, the majority population will always have some sort of privilege over you, why?

Because not once has life been fair.

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