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Could Rising Gas Prices Spark American Civil War?

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posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 04:17 AM
The Oil cruch will not get better anytime soon. I see much more America Military extentions in the Middle East, and possiblily central and SouthAmerica. War without end

When Gas reaches $3 or $4 a gallon, then what? How could the average American Family survive this?....and its not only Just Gas going up..EVERYTHING will go up?

How long will we stay addicted to Foregn oil?

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 05:37 AM

Originally posted by LDragonFire
The Oil cruch will not get better anytime soon. I see much more America Military extentions in the Middle East, and possiblily central and SouthAmerica. War without end

When Gas reaches $3 or $4 a gallon, then what? How could the average American Family survive this?....and its not only Just Gas going up..EVERYTHING will go up?

How long will we stay addicted to Foregn oil?

Dont be so dramatic, we pay allmost £4 per gallon if not more which is about $7.50 per gallon the country will just have to switch to more efficient cars its not going to bankrupt any families. The US has one of the highest wages in the world for god sake.

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 08:18 AM
I am curious as to why everyone is so anticipating a civil war in the US of A?

These kinds of things happen from time to time ... Unpopular to the minority governments do not cause civil war here. HIgher gas prices are not a cause for civil war. They are cause for class actions, and quiet revolutions and on occasion, not so quiet strikes.

Was watching a sound byte the other day of an over the road truck driver saying that if it keeps up a strike is inevitible. Truck drivers now pay 500 to 700 dollars US to fill the gas tanks on an 18 wheeler. That's gotta hurt them pretty badly in the long run.

But a civil war? To what effect?

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 08:24 AM
Yeah, and if gas is so high, how are the tanks and planes even going to move?

Seriously, I doubt that this would be the case as the prices would be relativly uniform. WHile Texas has oil, so does Alaska. Not really fertile ground for a Civil War.

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 08:45 AM
Form my perspective it's not so much as when gas goes up in America, but when we stop artificially subsidizing and deflating it for the benefit of (here it comes) rural and suburbanites. (I could have just as easily said red states, but same thing.)

An early adoption of clean fuels will hopefully save all of rural and suburban America from becoming ghost towns, but there will be a transition period at some point where our most at risk infrastructures will equally be the sprawl where half the country lives (and will be fleeing), and the urban centers where the other half do (and the rest will try to invade).

Again, this can be diverted with some early clean energy adoptions, but it'll be a weird time. Especially in real estate. There'll be a huge drop in suburban value and exponential rise in urban (already well on the way). Eventually I could easily see Corporate towns, much like Mill towns of the past being built for the benefit of workers. But like those of the past, they were little better than enslavement camps where one lived and died endebted to your employer from both a monopoly of rent and store goods. Most of these are now southern ghost towns though limping along on a new Wal-Mart economy as the mills are gone. But they're in their last days as well, as pretty much the entire income of towns like that come from social security now (and to a lesser extent Wal-mart) but it all goes right back in to smilin' Sam.

Eh, it won't be that bad or widespread anytime soon, but it is the third world model we're exporting. And looking to incorporate with the elimination of normalization efforts from the past 75 years (aka American socialism).

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by RANT
Form my perspective...

The dyslexic in me has an agenda.

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by RANT
Form my perspective it's not so much as when gas goes up in America, but when we stop artificially subsidizing and deflating it for the benefit of (here it comes) rural and suburbanites. (I could have just as easily said red states, but same thing.)

I think you will discover that cities need heat too, and have no grass for the livestock to graze upon. The city has a lot going for it, but I doubt long term survivability if cutoff from rural areas.

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by ufo3

Dont be so dramatic, we pay allmost £4 per gallon if not more which is about $7.50 per gallon

Well sorry, but we don't...or haven't been anyway, here. Hell yes I'm concerned! I am lucky as I live close enough to walk to work if I have to....but it sure is going to mess up my business! Maybe we should all try those little scooters....

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 09:51 AM
I have a scooter, they're greeeat! Too bad for me, they just made them illegal to ride on the streets or sidewalks of Phoenix. Timed just right.

I think the whole point to this is so we wont venture far from home.

Restricting our space, if you will.

Have you people thought that this oil crisis effects those who heat will oil or gas? My kids just got a gas bill for one month for almost $400.00 in Massachusetts. Who the hell can live?

Its no drama, its a huge problem.

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 10:04 AM
I cannot see where this will spark a civil war, but you will see price wars at the pump again, and maybe even long lines, but rioting in the streets and revolution, no.

side note--OPEC was created at the Baghdad Conference on September 10–14, 1960, by Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela.

After regime change in Iran, the US Would having 4 of the 5 OPEC nations in their pocket.

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 11:44 AM
Well yeah, oil and gas are going to continue to skyrocket! Why wouldn't they? They have a very captive customer base. What amazes me is that even with all of this, the petroleum companies are posting RECORD PROFITS!

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 11:53 AM
Record profits.
Just as promised by the administration.

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 04:15 AM
Sorry you terrorise the World, support unsupportable regimes, worm your way out of international agreements and deny global warming and yet the issue that galvanises you to predict 'civil war' is petrol prices!?!

I really hope, for your sake and ours, that you're not representative of the American public in general.

There's a very simple answer - produce cars with smaller / efficient engines. It's only you that considers a 5 litre engine 'normal'.

Oil will run out (no matter who you invade) so prices will go up. The answer to the issue's in Detroit / Washington, not in blaming OPEC.

Why should they sell you their one resource on the cheap?

Then again if you did have another civil war it'd keep you all busy & stop you interfering in everyone else's business

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 04:51 PM
Ok some of you get my point....and the sheeple as allways just don't seem to have a clue.....With job losses + Rising Gas/oil prices...Everything is gonna get more expensive...And make things harder for people and families world wide...the christain/oil/repubicans are in firm control of America.

For now

What will it take for things to spiral out of control

1 high unemployment
2 Extreme cost of living increases "which high crude prices will being about"
3 Distrust in Government..long been the America thing to do, But now if you disagree you might have to speak to a FBI agent becaused your neighbor turned you in for complaining about the situations in the USA
4 A small group of people willing to take a chance against the monster called the Fed. Government

I feel we are well on our way....

Im waitin for the GW08 signs...even though its against the law for him to run again....

Listen to the non-americas jump and bash us...see how the rest of the world views us....

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 07:47 PM
Wow - poor understanding of global economics. Couple of points here:

1. Rest of the world is catching up to our level of oil consumption. Per capita, we use the most. China, India and many South American economies are beginning to increase their consumption. Remember supply and demand - if demand rises and supply can not meet it, prices rise.

2. Yes there is more oil out there but people are NIMBY and the tree huggers won't let us drill....

3. Now, if you hate the big oil firms making money why don't you join them - publicly traded stock and nice investments - you become an owner along with your NWO peers!! Actually a nice way to join the NWO club - it's how I got in and boy do they have all sorts of nifty stuff. I just got my new Ferrari AG900 (AG = anti-grav) Sports Ship (bet you never heard about that one and yes mine's red), excellent for quick trips to the Moon and Mars and that puppy is fast. You guys should have been at the last Bilderberger meeting on the Moon (yes there is a swanky base, Hilton has the hotel franchise up there, where I met Paris for the first time actually). We took up like 200 strippers for the weekend - what a party!!! One little grey dude, pounded a whole bottle of Jaeger and chased it with a bottle of Crystal and blew junks all over Gates - way funny. Sucks that I have to park the Ferrari over at Area 51 though as all the hangar spots at Edwards were taken already - damn Hollywood types already got those. Means a 3 hour trip just to lift off - an hour to fly over to McCarran, another hour to board Janet and get up to base and another hour to pre-flight the Ferrari - totally blows....

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