posted on Nov, 20 2020 @ 11:47 PM
If I recall correctly, there have been sightings of “human men” just flying by outside of jets at altitude (England is where I recall the last
one. About 2010??? Who knows).
But a jet pack is another method to deflect the experience of “a human shaped object flying outside a plane with nothing else but a suit or a jet
It screams payop.
What is being seen is a test of how many people ‘believe’ what they saw and will report it and those that don’t want to be ridiculed.
It is a measure of what their brain projecting tech can be used for and how effective it is.
We have members here who have watched a “UAP” change shape to fictional craft (and other exotic craft) before their eyes (I watched a triangle
shaped craft try and disguise itself as other craft by rearranging the lights on its surface. And, truth be told, projecting sound at me. They have
“fighter jet” down, but Cessna was weak).
You cannot trust anything you see in the sky as the object you think it is (that is a psychological method to hide the quantum craft and the other end
is just fly it over the city because nobody will believe anyway. Even with photos).
Know your position in this Universe (and She likes messing with the smart ones... and us slower ones that She loves...), and look up. They are here.
Just try to see for yourself.
Jet packs will be just another disguise for the craft!