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Covid-19 and Test Lab Contamination

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posted on Aug, 30 2020 @ 05:45 PM

Other countless labs have reported a 100% positivity rate. Every person tested came up as positive for coronavirus. What are the chances? Other labs had high positivity rates.

FOX 35 News found that testing sites like one local Centra Care reported that 83 people were tested and all tested positive. Then, NCF Diagnostics in Alachua reported 88 percent of tests were positive.

The report showed that Orlando Health had a 98 percent positivity rate. However, when FOX 35 News contacted the hospital, they confirmed errors in the report. Orlando Health’s positivity rate is only 9.4 percent, not 98 percent as in the report.
Fox 35 found countless Florida labs report 100% positive results

The lab used by the NFL for COVID-19 tests said Monday that an isolated contamination caused 77 “most likely false positive results.”

In a statement, BioReference Laboratories said the test results on Saturday were contaminated during preparation at its lab in New Jersey. Eleven clubs were affected, and the tests were reexamined and found to be false positives.
Lab blames 77 false NFL COVID-19 positives on contamination

How widespread is this?

How many positives have been counted that are really false?

Could other labs be contaminated with Covid? Like the labs where they test for the cause of death. I could see that throwing the numbers way off.

It is getting harder and harder to believe anything about this virus.

posted on Aug, 30 2020 @ 05:55 PM
a reply to: LookingAtMars


Just sayin.

posted on Aug, 30 2020 @ 07:03 PM
a reply to: LookingAtMars

Another article released today say only 9683 people have died of “ONLY” the Rona whilst 94% Of deaths could be attributed to comorbidities.

Table 3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death.

News Report

CDC Website


posted on Aug, 30 2020 @ 07:59 PM

originally posted by: LookingAtMars

Other countless labs have reported a 100% positivity rate. Every person tested came up as positive for coronavirus. What are the chances? Other labs had high positivity rates.

FOX 35 News found that testing sites like one local Centra Care reported that 83 people were tested and all tested positive. Then, NCF Diagnostics in Alachua reported 88 percent of tests were positive.

The report showed that Orlando Health had a 98 percent positivity rate. However, when FOX 35 News contacted the hospital, they confirmed errors in the report. Orlando Health’s positivity rate is only 9.4 percent, not 98 percent as in the report.
Fox 35 found countless Florida labs report 100% positive results

The lab used by the NFL for COVID-19 tests said Monday that an isolated contamination caused 77 “most likely false positive results.”

In a statement, BioReference Laboratories said the test results on Saturday were contaminated during preparation at its lab in New Jersey. Eleven clubs were affected, and the tests were reexamined and found to be false positives.
Lab blames 77 false NFL COVID-19 positives on contamination

How widespread is this?

How many positives have been counted that are really false?

Could other labs be contaminated with Covid? Like the labs where they test for the cause of death. I could see that throwing the numbers way off.

It is getting harder and harder to believe anything about this virus.

I brought up this question a little while back here with evidence from n out of nine false positives with the Packers. I guess you did some good research and found the cause.

The question still remains, how many false positives are happening in the general population, how many misdiagnosises are happening and how many people are quarantining when in fact, they are not sick? How many people are going without income because of the false positives? If they are going to give tests, they should be accurate or they should not charge anyone if they are wrong.

posted on Aug, 30 2020 @ 08:18 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

I guess you did some good research and found the cause.

Someone told me about the football tests. I looked it up and the FOX35 story was right there with it.

With some real research I bet there are more stories about contaminated labs and other shenanigans.

posted on Aug, 30 2020 @ 09:11 PM
Wasn't it the CDC themselves that stated the first batch of thirty thousand or so tests that were administered in the very beginning of this fiasco were contaminated as well. This has been going on, on purpose I might add, since the very beginning. I believe there is a set percentage of tests that are designed to come back positive just to keep Covid "going". There have been many reports of people who have registered for and then not taken the test only later to get a call stating they tested positive. It also explains how someone can test positive one day and then take a second test the next day, or in some cases, the same day, and test negative.

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