posted on Aug, 29 2020 @ 02:29 AM
originally posted by: Michigan72
Why don't we do electronic voting? At least it'll be instant and won't be backlogged in the post office for a few months.
I think that's a terrific idea.
For future elections.
But there's no way we could pull off something as fundamentally transformative as changing how we vote, between now and this November's elections.
Wiser and very smart heads should be working on getting electronic voting ready to test & vet as soon as possible so that it can be rolled out and
used during all future elections.
In the meantime for this November's election, we're essentially screwed and stuck with the current somewhat broken and definitely untrusted voting
systems currently in use.
I can definitely foresee a number of potentially very bad scenarios and resulting outcomes. Here's one for instance:
The election has a larger than anticipated turnout among voters. Because of that, many little but ultimately delaying trouble spots spring up.
The worst of which is that Trump again wins the EC vote as he did against Hillary in 2016, but Biden "wins" the popular vote again ala HRC in 2016.
The results are that the election is then heavily and violently protested against - by *both* sides!
Anarchy ensues, with violence and bloodshed in many pockets of large "contested" cities.
In short, a very bad clusterf#ck of a problem and a really ugly hairball to try and sort out for the American people and our "leaders".
I have NO idea how that will turn out, but I do believe it will NOT be resolved quickly.
That's my $0.02.
Any thoughts about the above are welcome. I'm really interested to hear what my fellow ATS members think of that possible scenario.
So, what do YOU think fellow ATS Members?
edit on 8/29/2020 by Riffrafter because: (no reason given)