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Jacob Blake Had Knife When Shot

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posted on Aug, 27 2020 @ 11:11 AM
a reply to: face23785

Somebody has to rebuild. It’s a wash.
edit on 27-8-2020 by Aallanon because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2020 @ 11:11 AM
If it turns out to be true that Blake was wanted for raping a kid...and he has two kids inside his car where he is also reaching inside for a knife...The police would definitely see him as a threat to the kids inside his car.

Two kids inside his car...within reach of crazed alleged child rapist brandishing a knife?
Police had to stop him all costs.

Absolutely empty a full clip in him.

posted on Aug, 27 2020 @ 11:13 AM
a reply to: face23785

Ok sure stay in your bubble.

And project whatever you want and name calling is usually the resort of those who have nothing to say.

If you’re coming in hot headed, people end up dead. Period.

All other pussyfooting around the issue is what is really pathetic.
Technicalities are your saviors

posted on Aug, 27 2020 @ 11:15 AM

originally posted by: BrahmanBob
a reply to: illusion987

(pedophile no less - Stat Rape of a 14yr old)

Great post about the weapon. It looks like the guy was armed. We know he had a violent record and resisted arrest, and if he wasn't armed he was reaching for a weapon on the floor of his vehicle when he was shot. Completely justified shooting, not questioning that.

I'm curious about the details on this though. How old was he at the time? Was this one of those 18yo #ing a 14yo statuatory "rapes" or was he older?

posted on Aug, 27 2020 @ 11:21 AM

originally posted by: odzeandennz
a reply to: face23785

Ok sure stay in your bubble.

And project whatever you want and name calling is usually the resort of those who have nothing to say.

If you’re coming in hot headed, people end up dead. Period.

All other pussyfooting around the issue is what is really pathetic.
Technicalities are your saviors

You're the one pussyfooting around the issue. The fact that you were lied to, he wasn't unarmed, he wasn't innocent, he resisted arrest, are not technicalities. Those are the facts of the case and you're ignoring them because they're inconvenient. Your only concern is pushing the narrative you want.

I know how arrogant people like you are. You can't admit you got fooled and had the wrong reaction to this. It turns out it was 100% justified, but your fragile little ego can't admit you were worng, so you're gonna keep clinging to this story like it's another example of bad cops.

It's not. The facts are out. You fell for a false narrative and everyone sees that. You got fooled. You were suckered. You were wrong. You're making a fool of yourself pushing an obviously false narrative because you have an agenda.

I've got news for you, it's not working. This is gonna go all over social media. Everyone is gonna know this was a justified shooting. You guys are sinking your own ship by constantly pushing lies. Keep it up
if Trump gets reelected, you will be partially responsible for it. You think you're so smart, and you're way behind the curve here. Your lies are backfiring. It's not 1990 anymore. Keep lying, please.

Peace. You can have the last word. I know people like you can't handle not getting it.
edit on 27 8 20 by face23785 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2020 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: face23785

I can't find out the age difference, but I do know it's a recent filing & he's it might have been "Consensual" but definitely not an 18 & the girl was 14 thing. This link is just what they saw about his active history...not his complete criminal past

Link to pic of his open warrant case file

posted on Aug, 27 2020 @ 11:26 AM

originally posted by: jjkenobi

originally posted by: lostbook
a reply to: illusion987

Your topic is misleading. What I heard on the news is that he had a knife in his car not on his person. The same is stated in the very article you sourced.

Really doesn't matter if anything was in his car. Perp had already fought with police, been tazed, and was non-compliant and reaching into his vehicle for *something*. If you wait to confirm he's holding a gun someone is already shot. Cops don't have to wait to get shot before reacting.

I agree that it was stupid on his part to reach into his car after resisting arrest. The title of this thread says that he already had a knife when he was shot which is misleading.

I understand that it can be difficult or even scary at times to be a cop but the way this thread is presented makes it sound like the guy deserved to be shot which isn't proven to be the case. It's just more fear being spread here on ATS.

posted on Aug, 27 2020 @ 11:33 AM
a reply to: lostbook

If you were a cop fighting with a crazed guy, whom is a suspected child rapist, is immune to tasers and who just beat you and your partner's ass...reaching for a knife inside his car, just inches away from two captive kids...Would you shoot him to protect the life of the kids?

posted on Aug, 27 2020 @ 11:45 AM
a reply to: odzeandennz

This country is going to shake, and no it’s not about being thrilled, the left just wants police to not kill within 3 minutes.

When it is your own life being threatened by a criminal and they come to save you you do feel very different about that.

posted on Aug, 27 2020 @ 11:48 AM
a reply to: illusion987

Jacob Blake had a knife in his car.

Plenty of people have such, that does not mean he was going to use it or deserved to be shot 7 times in the back for simply attempting to enter his vehicle whilst his children looked on.

Who takes a knife to a gunfight with Police. ffs???
edit on 27-8-2020 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2020 @ 11:50 AM
The double standards of ATS are absolutely sickening. It wasn't long ago that many members on here were lamenting the death of a white man who was killed by Federal agents when he ignored their orders and repeatedly reached for something in his coat. Of course this was after he helped lead the armed occupation of government land, causing thousands of dollars in damages. And let's not forget that right before he was shot the car he was in plowed through a police blockade.

An armed criminal who gets shot for ignoring police orders is a martyr of he's white but a deserving thug if he's black.

posted on Aug, 27 2020 @ 11:56 AM

originally posted by: UpIsNowDown
a reply to: Guiltyguitarist

is there video of him wielding it or was it longer than 4inch?

if so is that why he was shot in the back 7 times

if the blade was 4 inches I am guessing the police could have backed away at least 8-10 feet and been safe while then trying to deescalate the situation.

No. Inside 21 feet a knife is more dangerous than a pistol. Sounds hard to believe, but I’ve heard too many experts say it to argue.
What I do feel more confident arguing is that Blake brought lethal force into the equation when he tried to use it on the cops.
Don’t want to get killed, don’t try to kill anyone. He’s still alive though from what I’ve heard

posted on Aug, 27 2020 @ 11:57 AM
a reply to: illusion987

Looking at the video I think the officer could have handled it differently. But in the end the guy was resisting arrest and reaching into his car to get something. Coulda been a gun, knife, phone. We don't know. The officer doesn't have the option to wait and guess if he/she feels like their life is in danger.

edit on 27-8-2020 by NightVision because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2020 @ 11:58 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

So you would wait until you’re looking down the barrel before drawing? Because that’s the only other option.

posted on Aug, 27 2020 @ 12:01 PM

originally posted by: Xcalibur254
The double standards of ATS are absolutely sickening. It wasn't long ago that many members on here were lamenting the death of a white man who was killed by Federal agents when he ignored their orders and repeatedly reached for something in his coat. Of course this was after he helped lead the armed occupation of government land, causing thousands of dollars in damages. And let's not forget that right before he was shot the car he was in plowed through a police blockade.

An armed criminal who gets shot for ignoring police orders is a martyr of he's white but a deserving thug if he's black.

Let’s talk about your martyrs then? They’re all child rapists and junkies putting guns up to pregnant women’s bellies.
If you want your BLM fantasy try Facebook or Twitter.

posted on Aug, 27 2020 @ 12:04 PM

This is NOT the Mud Pit!!!

All rules for POLITE and COURTEOUS political debate will be enforced.
Members must also Stay on Topic!!!
No Political Trolling.....either in words or images.

Community Announcement re: Decorum
Is There Civilization Without Civility

You are responsible for your own posts.....those who ignore that responsibility will face mod actions.

and, as always:

Do NOT reply to this post!!

posted on Aug, 27 2020 @ 12:07 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: lostbook

Your topic is misleading. What I heard on the news is that he had a knife in his car not on his person. The same is stated in the very article you sourced.

I don't think the knife is even the issue here. He was shot in the back because he was reaching into his car for something that the cops could not see. Do you think that is enough for them to shoot, or do they need to wait and see what he pulls out and then give it a few more commands and maybe a verbal 3 count before they pull the trigger?

Yes, without hesitation.

These perps. act like they are the victim when they are being arrested. Typical scenario:

They know they are busted.

Start whining “ I didn’t do nuthin”

They refuse to comply with simple requests from the arresting officers.

A struggle ensues. All the while they are still yelling “I didn’t do nuthin” or something similar.

Non lethal force is used none of which slows down the perp.

Perp. does something stupid and they or the officers end up dead or seriously injured.

Sorry I can only post a link to this example video. Icon at bottom of linked page. Warning, people get shot.

posted on Aug, 27 2020 @ 12:08 PM
a reply to: Guiltyguitarist

I would not shoot people without a weapon.

Police not so much as is clearly evidenced by there actions.

Spell it any way you wish, maybe he was going into his car to retrieve his spare RPG?

Still got shot in the back 7 times with nothing in his hands.

Funny how that seems to happen to black people so often eh?

edit on 27-8-2020 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2020 @ 12:13 PM

originally posted by: Aallanon
a reply to: face23785

Somebody has to rebuild. It’s a wash.

Except some people won't rebuild, some businesses will never recover, some of those areas won't get back to normal for decades. The people who do step in eventually will be people whose lives weren't destroyed.

I wouldn't call that a wash.

posted on Aug, 27 2020 @ 12:20 PM
So many blue jobs matter people on here making claims that I waste my time looking up and finding out they're false. Like child rape, Kenosha police use of force vs deadly force, what our rights are, what the police are supposed to do, etc.

I did learn they had him on the ground, but couldn't handcuff him? What a joke.

Then there's the underage 17 year old who's mother drove him to Kenosha from Illinois, killed one person and ran away from the scene while someone filmed him doing so, then was chased because he killed someone, he tripped, and while people tried to disarm him on the ground, he killed one more person and blew off another person's arm. People were screaming at police to arrest him, they drove by, and arrested him the next day. The Republicans are treating him as a hero.

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