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is there a change in rotation?

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posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 10:09 PM
With all the abnormalities going on with the earth now, I have found myself searching for reasons why. Just as I am sure many of us have. I have probably come up with a hundred reasons. Each one I search like crazy to prove wrong. I have proved them all wrong except this last one.
The earth's rotation is changing. It is adjusting itself.

It seems to me that the earth is heating up from the inside out. With the abnormal amount of energy exploding out of the earths crust by earthquake or volcano, it seems more like friction and less like normal venting. It would (to me at least) explain the crazy weather in CA. Considering what I learned in HS science (too many years ago to count so feel free to correct me) the water heats up, evaporates, then, voila, thunderstorm. Normaly it happens over land because the ocean is cooler than the land thus reducing amount of evaporation? Not too sure on the whys on that one but would love to be enlightened.

Global warming is what everyone seems to be shouting, but why, in the midwest did we have one of the coolest, wettest summers on record. Why is there snow in the desert, and why is Death Valley turning into a lush landscape (that is comming off the New Mexico grapevine not a website). YET Greenland is warmer than it has ever been

Temperatures in southern Greenland soared to record levels that were even higher than those normally reached in midsummer. The official temperature of 61 degrees Fahrenheit, recorded in the southwest coastal town of Frederikshob, was the highest winter reading since record keeping began. That temperature was several degrees warmer than same-day high-temperature readings along the north coast of Africa, according to Danish meteorologists.

Anyway, while I was trying to prove this theory wrong, I stumbled upon some info that I had never heard before. Thought I would share. Apparently they are now thinking that the deep water currents have begun to slow down. If so, could that mean that the earth either has already or at least begun to find a new North? Is the earth trying to change, or adjust its rotation?

Scientists measuring the temperature and salinity of deep waters in the Southern Ocean warned that recent changes there could have a major impact on global climate. A multinational team of researchers says water at the ocean floor off Antarctica has cooled significantly and become less salty than it was 10 years ago. Expedition leader Steve Rintoul of Australia says the changes could mean the deep-water currents are slowing down. “Ocean circulation is a big influence on global climate, so it is critical that we understand why this is happening and why it is happening so quickly,” said Rintoul. The team released 19 free-floating buoys to measure future changes in currents, temperature and salinity.

So there is my problem. That just goes one step closer to proving my theory. Therefore I am all out of wack. My brain is melting because I cannot go on to another theory until this one is proved wrong. Please help me with this delima. If you have any info or opinions (probably slitting my throat for asking that) taking either side, please share.

by the way here is the link for the site I got the quotes from. If you have a min. it is some interesting reading in my book.

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 02:55 AM
mrsdudra you have heard of the major quakes and the earth quakes in cali. well scientists say that every year the earth is tilted about a few millimeters more than it is supposed to i hop that helps

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 03:33 AM
The overharvesting of sea life has virtually emptied the world's oceans. This removal of life is bound to have an effect, and I read long ago a theory that this would cause oceans to cool down somewhat.
In the 80's I saw a computer sim. of global warmings effects, and they were surprised to see that one of them was wild swings in temp. producing at times colder than normal temps worldwide. The area i live in was predicted to get warmer and to have an increase in precip.
It has done so very dramatically, and I have been watching to see if it would, so I am sure of it.
I don't know about the rotation changing, but somethings up.

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 09:33 PM
Very interesting thread topic mrsdudara.. I did find this however, perhaps a slowing rotation?

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 09:48 PM
Or another school of thought is that the Earth's rotation is actually affected by the overall shape of the Earth which is determined by changes in climate ... like I said in the last post, very interesting thread topic mrsdudara" target="_blank" class="postlink">

Most Changes in Earth's Shape Are Due to Changes in Climate

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 09:49 PM

this link should work better

posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by WaxPineapple
well scientists say that every year the earth is tilted about a few millimeters more than it is supposed to i hop that helps

I did not know that. Thank you. Do you perhaps know of any sites that would talk more about it?

posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by BlackGuardXIII
The overharvesting of sea life has virtually emptied the world's oceans. This removal of life is bound to have an effect, and I read long ago a theory that this would cause oceans to cool down somewhat.

I can imagine that there would be quite a few effects from that. More than just the oceans cooling. It would probably cause the currents to slow a bit also. You know, kind of like when you and your friends were in a pool and everyone walked in the same direction to make it kind of like a whirl pool. I suppose there is a good chance that the currents exist because the animals created them with their migrations. (maybe) If there were not as many creatures in the oceans to keep the currents going, then there would be a lot of "beachings" and confused animals, as well as screwed up weather patterns. The currents should affect the rotation of the earth as well.

Great post. THanks for the thinking material.

posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 09:26 AM
wizdumb. Thanks for the links. I cant help but think they are way off when they said the climate is causing the earth's shape to change. Seems to me that it would be the other way around. Starting to worry about some of those scientists out there.

The link to the article about the rotation was very interesting. If you find any other links I would love to read them.

posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 07:11 PM
The poles are changing. The north will become the south, This has happened in the earths history before. THe magnetic current will slow down, as it is now, stop, then turn around. during this time the field around the earth will die and we will loose its protection and die. n_n . hope that clears something up maybe

posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by Qraz A.K.A. MIlfort
The poles are changing. The north will become the south, This has happened in the earths history before. THe magnetic current will slow down, as it is now, stop, then turn around. during this time the field around the earth will die and we will loose its protection and die. n_n . hope that clears something up maybe

hehe, we prob. blow up the planet before that happens lol

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 01:03 AM
mrsdudara this link below, I myself almost deem as mythology, yet it may still be another piece to the puzzle..


Amateur researcher that I am, I utilize google, typing in "earth's rotation", or something like that, and go from there. Again you asked a "fascinating question in this thread topic" and I am still looking. Although seems to me pieces of the puzzle is the perfect metaphor for your question. However, similar to trying to complete a puzzle, what piece fits where? or worse, does this piece even belong in this puzzle?

I like puzzles.

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by wizdumb2003
mrsdudara this link below, I myself almost deem as mythology, yet it may still be another piece to the puzzle..


Good link, but that is not what I have been thinking. THat kind of rotation is normal. I am looking more on the lines of abnormal. The reason is because it seems like the earth is experiencing an abnormal amount of friction. So, I am trying to either figure out what is causing it, or prove it wrong entirily.

You are right it is like a big puzzle. Maybe that is part of what has me so frustrated yet amazed. It is kind of like what came first the chicked or the egg. When the answer is neither. God came first and said let there be a chicken and an egg.
So, in this case, which came first, the wobble, earthquake, ocean currents, friction, fireballs, or climate. Or like with the chicken and the egg is it something totaly different that we cant see? Is there something out there that has a pull on our planet that is causing it all? Just because we cant see it doesnt mean it is not there. But on the other hand, just because we cant see somthing doesnt mean it IS there. I figure if we look at the over all picture for a while and study it we are sure to find the root of all evil.

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 09:46 AM
I really didn't like that website about precesion, so if you want a clearer, more scientific one, try this: Precession

Also, the poles are not going to flip physically. Just the magnetic poles. Earth's rotation is slowing down, but that's mainly due to tidal forces of the moon, not because of the core.

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 10:50 AM
OK, let’s start with the premise that the rotational speed of the Earth is changing.

Yes it is always changing it is never fixed. What we call a day is just an average speed. The rational speed even changes seasonally when warmer air masses move northward in the Northern hemisphere. Tidal forces are another issue, already discussed.

What does this mean? Actually very little. Changes in the earths’ rotation or shape have very few short term effects. Scientist study them because they can indicate long term changes that we know can occur. This includes things like ice ages and plate tectonics.

Keep in mind the old comparison of the depth of the ocean to the size of the earth is like the skin on an apple. This can help you visualize these things in their proper proportions.

Originally posted by mrsdudara

The reason is because it seems like the earth is experiencing an abnormal amount of friction. So, I am trying to either figure out what is causing it, or prove it wrong entirily.
. . . .
Is there something out there that has a pull on our planet that is causing it all? Just because we cant see it doesnt mean it is not there. But on the other hand, just because we cant see somthing doesnt mean it IS there.

Well I am not really sure what you mean by “friction.” Keep in mind a couple of things.

The only friction on the earth’s rotation is tidal friction caused by the sun and the moon. The orbits of all of the other planets have been set for billions of years. Thus any influence of these planets on the Earth are the same as have been present for the past 4 billion years or so.

If, say there was a “unknown object” out there with a strong enough gravitational pull to affect the Earth, then it would be affecting every other object in the solar system as well. We would have noted evidence of this by now.

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