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Covid 19 2020, Did any Psychic or Prophet predict it?

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posted on Aug, 24 2020 @ 08:11 PM
I was pondering here lately if anyone recalled or have seen anything related to a psychic or prophet predicted the 2020 Covid 19 Pandemic? I know at the beginning of each year some famous and not so famous psychics make claim what the year will offer, as far as predictions are concerned. You know they all seem to have the same predictions -earthquakes, wars, politics, but i don't remember any about this pandemic. I would think something of such a world wide event their Spidey senses should have been going haywire! Please if anyone heard any predictions I would love to know.

posted on Aug, 24 2020 @ 08:15 PM
a reply to: Locutis1704

There were a couple of prominent people who predicted a huge pandemic, but they were not classified as psychics or prophets.

posted on Aug, 24 2020 @ 08:31 PM
a reply to: Locutis1704

Anthony Fauchi

posted on Aug, 24 2020 @ 09:32 PM
unless they were more specific it is a given that eventually we would have a pandcemic

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: Locutis1704

There were a couple of prominent people who predicted a huge pandemic, but they were not classified as psychics or prophets.

posted on Aug, 24 2020 @ 11:05 PM

originally posted by: Locutis1704
I was pondering here lately if anyone recalled or have seen anything related to a psychic or prophet predicted the 2020 Covid 19 Pandemic? I know at the beginning of each year some famous and not so famous psychics make claim what the year will offer, as far as predictions are concerned. You know they all seem to have the same predictions -earthquakes, wars, politics, but i don't remember any about this pandemic. I would think something of such a world wide event their Spidey senses should have been going haywire! Please if anyone heard any predictions I would love to know.

Yes, Sylvia Brown now departed.

posted on Aug, 24 2020 @ 11:50 PM
Hard to listen to but intresting.a reply to: Robbo2006

posted on Aug, 25 2020 @ 12:16 AM
a reply to: Locutis1704

Yes multiple wealthy elite, corporations, the WHO and the UN did in October.
edit on 25/8/2020 by dug88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2020 @ 12:27 AM

originally posted by: dashen
a reply to: Locutis1704

Anthony Fauchi


posted on Aug, 25 2020 @ 01:16 AM
a reply to: carewemust


I am going with Fauci is criminally responsible.

posted on Aug, 25 2020 @ 01:30 AM
a reply to: Robbo2006S

She said it would come back in 2030 just in time for a Democratic President.

posted on Aug, 25 2020 @ 01:34 AM
Talk about psychic. I was just exploring that for fun late at night. For no particular reason other than I can't sleep.

It seems Sylvia Brown did predict it in a book, referenced earlier in the thread. She also said it will disappear suddenly like it arrived. As another said she said it will reappear 10 years later 2030.

Now I was just having fun mind you and don't remember exactly who else.

Baba Vanga might have in a vague sort of way as is typical of many "psychic" predictions

A Lebanese psychic said she predicted it, and also said it will vanish as quickly as it arrived, Layla Abdel Latif

Mind you I was just doing this out of boredom and late night Coast to Coast fun mindset. Psychic predictions come true if enough people are making predictions, and these days they do by the thousands - so having 3 come true is pretty low odds. However, if you are asking for fun, like I was looking for fun, not belief, then here is your answer.

I just spent a good hour - before I saw your question looking up the answer for you. (start the spooky theme song)

edit on 8/25/20 by The2Billies because: addition

posted on Aug, 25 2020 @ 01:42 AM
Kim Clement
Silvia Brown
edit on 25-8-2020 by 5StarOracle because: Word

posted on Aug, 25 2020 @ 01:46 AM

originally posted by: JON666
a reply to: Robbo2006S

She said it would come back in 2030 just in time for a Democratic President.

The dEms don’t stand a chance that soon

After the last four years of their pathetic display, they won’t be in for a shot at the Whitehouse for at least a whole generation from now

I predict four more years of President Trump followed by 8 years of another Republican President

Nobody is dumb enough to vote for the destruction of their own nation

posted on Aug, 25 2020 @ 02:06 AM
a reply to: Breakthestreak

Never underestimate the power of Dems or Reps to send themselves to the brink of political oblivion, only to come roaring bsck while the other party screws up.

posted on Aug, 25 2020 @ 02:54 AM

originally posted by: dug88
a reply to: Locutis1704

Yes multiple wealthy elite, corporations, the WHO and the UN did in October.

the WHO and the UN did in October.

Why not ?
They planned then executed the plan.
It's working too

posted on Aug, 25 2020 @ 05:19 AM
In the article, Lebanese astrologer Layla Abdel Latif made her prediction on New Year Eve 2019. The virus was first discovered in October 2019 and reported in November then again in December 2019 when it became a bigger outbreak, so she ample opportunity to hear about it before her prediction. Also, around the first week of March 2020 "Abdel Latif claimed Arab doctors will be at the forefront of finding a cure for the deadly illness, which will disappear within the next two months" and "Everyone will have some sort of a treatment and they will be fine," she also said "Arab states and doctors will come together and create a cure" so it should have been long gone now, praise be to Allah.

She isn't psychic or a prophet.

If true, the one liner claimed to have been made by Baba Vanga at the end of her life was close. I might give her at least psychic and minor prophetess, not that she was very accurate or inspired directly by God with many of her predictions.

Sylvia Brown's was close and pretty well documented, but I thought she was a fraud when she was on Montel Williams. Maybe fraud is too harsh, over confident and misguided is better.
edit on 25-8-2020 by MichiganSwampBuck because: Added extra comments

posted on Aug, 25 2020 @ 08:39 AM
a reply to: Locutis1704

The virus was even patented during 2019, prior to release ...

posted on Aug, 25 2020 @ 09:09 AM
Since ATS has become Qanon headquarters, you would think that Q would have made a prediction about all of this before it started. You guys claim that Q has access to looking glass technology (ALICE).....

They may want to update the software on old ALICE because nothing has come true after 3 years of predictions.

posted on Aug, 25 2020 @ 09:30 AM
a reply to: carewemust


posted on Aug, 25 2020 @ 10:02 AM
COVID19 pandemic is not specifically pointed out... the the Great Deception is warned of repeatedly

back in late 2019 when the Comet was forecasted to become a daylight seen Comet and as large as a full moon...
i queried the ATS posters about the folklore about Comets being the Harbingers of Doom-Gloom and how about some Plagues or world-wide pestilences to accompany the Comet

~i did point out the locust plagues in N Africa & central Asia as likely linked to the Doom-Gloom Comet appearance~

but no Media comments ever materialized---- and the Plagues issues was trash canned by msm/media/alt news sources and never blossomed beyond my comments post

the doom-gloom Comet fizzled out, and never glowed in the night-&-day skies & so did the pestilences associated with the wandering-stars called bad Omens or Comets

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